OK. Vent time. I think I've made it clear in previous posts that my MIL (mother-in-law) frustrates me at times... and this past weekend was kinda the icing on the cake. There are certain things that she does that I really have no tolerance for. One them being, poor communication. As somebody who (I think) communicates well, and likes to have plans organized, this puts a big stress on anything we try to plan with her. Throw any sort of variable in there and it's sure to be a big ole train wreck. And so this past weekend was just that.
As you know, Zoe was in town and after Lucy's party she went home with Mike and Ingrid. She had pulled us aside several times saying that she wanted to come back to church with us next weekend, and that she didn't want Ingrid to know about it. So, Gaetan and I told her that we would make that happen. I thought that I had the perfect plan on how to make this work. So, I called the MIL and told her what the plan was to see if she thought that would work out. This was at the beginning of the week, in which she said she would let me know in a day or two. Well, the middle of the week rolled around and I hadn't heard boo from her so I got in touch with Zoe, because I thought that would maybe be a better idea. It wasn't. After about half a day of headache I just told her to forget the whole thing. That it wasn't worth the stress and we'd just have to see her the next time she was in town. And that was that. I thought that everything was figured out and that we were just going to have a lovely time on the east side of the state with some of our faves. I was disappointed that we couldn't make the weekend work because I really wanted Zoe to come to church with us again, because she seemed so positive about it, but I figured that if it wasn't in the cards then God already knew.
Well, Friday rolls around and I hear from Zoe. She still wants to try and get together and is still trying to work it out, but apparently at this point more variables have been thrown into the mix. NO GOOD. And then I get this text from MIL about how she's sorry things didn't work out, but next time maybe they could. I just had had enough at that point. I'm usually pretty good at not trying to make things worse, but I couldn't handle it. I sent her a pretty snarky text back. Meanwhile, I'm still talking with Zoe so I let her know that I did that, so that she would be ready for the drama that would ensue. Because, we all know that MIL wouldn't tell me to my face that I was being snarky and try to work things out. No, instead of acting like a rational adult, she would rather talk about me behind my back, and ask everybody else what they thought the problem was. Like, seriously?!
Here is a simple list of things that irritated me about the whole situation.
-We're adults. It shouldn't have taken this much headache to plan a simple rendezvous. Right?
-Nobody could make up their stupid frickin' minds! I had told them what we were going to be doing that weekend, and even gave them places that would work for us to see them and they couldn't even get it done that way.
-MIL is so worried that she's going to hurt somebody's feelings by doing something that they don't like that she won't pick something, or tell us what she wants to do. And then if we don't end up doing what she wants she gets pouty... how the heck are we supposed to know what you want to do unless you tell us?!
-They wanted us to rearrange our schedule last minute to try and see them... really?
-The fact that they already had specific plans on Saturday but didn't tell me. It would've been so easy just to say, "hey something came up and this is what we're going to be doing on Saturday from this time to this time." Right?
-Everybody is all talk. They say they want to meet up and do all this stuff, yet apparently it's not worth the effort (which shouldn't have been an effort at all) to try and make it work.
-Nobody told Mike that we were trying to get together on Saturday so he buys Tiger's tickets without asking them if they had plans, so they went and did that instead.
eventually I got fed up and told them never mind. Honestly, our weekend would be easier if we didn't meet up with them. And the horrible thing is, even if we had tried to meet up with them, they would've been late (because that woman can't be on time to save herself).
Everybody had an agenda, yet we were the only ones that were clear on what we were actually doing. The key to this whole thing is COMMUNICATION. She could've just said that they were working things out on their end and they had a couple of things they were trying to figure out, and that would've been great instead of being kept in the dark. And since everything is about her, she was incredulous that i was frustrated with her about it. She won't talk to me now because she thinks that I'm still mad about it (which, I guess I kinda am). It was just the last straw of so many botched plans and non-communicated things. And its not like I can really talk to her about it because we've tried. But part of communicating is listening, and I just don't think she has the attention span for that.
Right now we are just trying to work on not being bitter and resentful (which is another story). We can only try so hard to try and make things better and work, but when the other person is satisfied with how they are and act, it makes being around them difficult at best. She would just rather be shallow and ignorant, then maybe have to work and have real conversation. And that I just can't understand.
Life happens so quickly! I am learning to take things in as they come and enjoy it one day at a time.
Family photo Oct 2010

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Unique Marriage
I've been told that Gaetan and I have a unique marriage. In a good way. :) While talking with a friend she said, "things are just different for you and Gaetan." And I got to thinking about why that might be. First and foremost I know our marriage is built on a relationship with Jesus. After that, then we can start to get to know eachother more and learn what it really means to love somebody else. But after this past time of dealing with his family, I realized that a huge part of why our marriage works so well is because we communicate with each other. I mean, don't have to tell each other each tiny little thing (i think that we would drive each other nuts)... but when I say communicate I don't mean just by talking. Yes, talking is a big part of it. I know I've said before, about parenting, that we need to make sure that we are always on the same page, and that is done by talking and being with each other. And LISTENING when the other person is talking. Sometimes our communicating isn't even talking at all but just being. This way we always know what the other person is feeling, thinking, you name it, and that makes things so much easier.
I grew up with a Mom that didn't beat around the bush. Some would say that she was abrasive... I think that she's just telling it like it is. I'm sure that there were times I wished she would've sugar coated it a little more, but I can't tell you how appreciative I am of her honesty. I can't stand people who play games. Really, I don't have time for it. If you say you are OK then I'm going to assume you're OK. If you want to have something specific to eat, or don't really want to do that activity you better frickin' tell me, because as ninja like as I am, I can't read your mind. And I love that I know when Gaetan says he doesn't care, he really doesn't care. I know it sounds simple (and really it is) but for some reason some people just can't do it. Maybe it's a maturity thing? I don't know... but all I know is I like when people are straight with me, so I will be straight with them.
I feel like things like this is what makes things smoother. Yes, we will have our crabby days. Yes, I get hungry and a little sleep deprived (a bad combo indeed), but because there is that communication, there is understanding. And as situations arise, or things change then we talk about them and it's wonderful. We don't have to talk for hours (although sometimes we can!) but just talking, without distraction, is key and wonderful.
So thank you dear husband for not wanting to play games. For being real with me. For listening. For respecting. For everything you do for this family. And most of all, thank you for guiding this family in a God-like manor, so I don't have to worry about your motivations. You are a continuous blessing to this family, and I hope that you know that. We are proud of you and we love you very much.
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Us in the beginning... |
I grew up with a Mom that didn't beat around the bush. Some would say that she was abrasive... I think that she's just telling it like it is. I'm sure that there were times I wished she would've sugar coated it a little more, but I can't tell you how appreciative I am of her honesty. I can't stand people who play games. Really, I don't have time for it. If you say you are OK then I'm going to assume you're OK. If you want to have something specific to eat, or don't really want to do that activity you better frickin' tell me, because as ninja like as I am, I can't read your mind. And I love that I know when Gaetan says he doesn't care, he really doesn't care. I know it sounds simple (and really it is) but for some reason some people just can't do it. Maybe it's a maturity thing? I don't know... but all I know is I like when people are straight with me, so I will be straight with them.
I feel like things like this is what makes things smoother. Yes, we will have our crabby days. Yes, I get hungry and a little sleep deprived (a bad combo indeed), but because there is that communication, there is understanding. And as situations arise, or things change then we talk about them and it's wonderful. We don't have to talk for hours (although sometimes we can!) but just talking, without distraction, is key and wonderful.
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We love you Papa! |
The way a two year old perceives...
As parents one of the things we have to be consistent with is discipline. Its so easy to let one incident go, or to try and have the kids pull one over, but that's why communication is so key. Discipling Dude has been an ever changing process. As we try different things, whether they work or not, we (as parents) have to make sure that we are on the same page doing the same things. I got some insight into our Boy's head about what really makes him tick. We have pretty much realized that spanks don't do squat, so why continue to use a method that doesn't work? On Sunday I was letting him have a sip of my drink and he got to much to fast and ended up spitting it out, all over me. Gaetan was getting something else so I had to sit there covered while Dude looked horrified. I told him I was pretty upset about being covered in drink, but I didn't specify that I wasn't upset with him. While Gaetan sat with Dude and I went to the bathroom to clean up he told him that he was scared I was upset with him. When I got back he looked so sad so I asked him what was going on and he said he was scared I was mad at him. :( Poor guy. I gently explained that I was upset about my drink being all over me but not upset with him. After that, he perked up a little bit. I know that all the spanks in the world wouldn't have affected him as much as the thought of me being upset with him. What a sweet little Dude. Things that he cares about make more of an impact than anything, and I think that's pretty mature for a 2.5 year old.
He does the same thing when Lucy is upset too. He gets upset on her behalf. He just wants her to be happy too. I think that's why he likes his pals so much. I think that he thinks of himself as Hippo and Lucy is Dog because Hippo and Dog are best friends. That's why he likes to take them both everywhere with him. He also likes to have them help with things. He shows Hippo how to do things, and then Hippo shows Dog how to do things. He's so smart.
I love his heart. He is so perceptive. What a kind hearted boy we have. How much he wants to please us is endearing. Thank you God for our little boy.
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Sweet Duder after snugging with Momma |
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Was really excited about his new George shirt |
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He loves reading with Momma :) |
He does the same thing when Lucy is upset too. He gets upset on her behalf. He just wants her to be happy too. I think that's why he likes his pals so much. I think that he thinks of himself as Hippo and Lucy is Dog because Hippo and Dog are best friends. That's why he likes to take them both everywhere with him. He also likes to have them help with things. He shows Hippo how to do things, and then Hippo shows Dog how to do things. He's so smart.
I love his heart. He is so perceptive. What a kind hearted boy we have. How much he wants to please us is endearing. Thank you God for our little boy.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Aunt Zoe's visit
Gaetan's sister Zoe came for a visit and stayed with us for a few days. Ingrid and Mike were in Spain so she needed a ride from the airport and a place to stay for a few days until they got back. And we were more than happy to have her here. She stayed for 4 days and 3 nights... which was fine for us, but we don't live very exciting lives, so I didn't know if she was going to be bored. I was excited to try a lot of vegetarian meals and they were all a big success! :)
I know that Tristan was really excited to have Aunt Zoe around. And, honestly, she does a really good job with the kids. It was nice having another set of eyes around, especially with Lucy being on the move. We had really good conversations about their lives, and their past. What types of understandings they have of the relationships they have with each other and other family members.
I was really happy to have her around to see how we live our lives. I know our life styles are so completely different, but I think that she enjoyed the change of pace. I know that it was good for her to be around healthy relationships and see what a functioning family looks like. I know that she craves something similar but I'm not sure if she's quite ready to make those changes yet.
However, she did come to church with us on Sunday, which is huge. She hasn't stepped foot, or even wanted too, in a religious facility in years. She was a bit nervous about doing it, but after the service she pulled us aside numerous times to tell us how awesome it was, and how she wanted to come back next week. How, it seemed like the message was written just for her and the people there weren't judging her. I was so glad that she got to experience what we do, and now she could have a better understanding of it when we talk to her about it. I know that God was there opening her heart. Small steps, but progress all the same. :)
It was good to have her here. I look forward to building more of a relationship with her, and to be there to help her out as well.
I know that Tristan was really excited to have Aunt Zoe around. And, honestly, she does a really good job with the kids. It was nice having another set of eyes around, especially with Lucy being on the move. We had really good conversations about their lives, and their past. What types of understandings they have of the relationships they have with each other and other family members.
I was really happy to have her around to see how we live our lives. I know our life styles are so completely different, but I think that she enjoyed the change of pace. I know that it was good for her to be around healthy relationships and see what a functioning family looks like. I know that she craves something similar but I'm not sure if she's quite ready to make those changes yet.
However, she did come to church with us on Sunday, which is huge. She hasn't stepped foot, or even wanted too, in a religious facility in years. She was a bit nervous about doing it, but after the service she pulled us aside numerous times to tell us how awesome it was, and how she wanted to come back next week. How, it seemed like the message was written just for her and the people there weren't judging her. I was so glad that she got to experience what we do, and now she could have a better understanding of it when we talk to her about it. I know that God was there opening her heart. Small steps, but progress all the same. :)
It was good to have her here. I look forward to building more of a relationship with her, and to be there to help her out as well.
Well behaved kids
Today when I was out running Gaetan took the kids to the library. While there a woman approached him and said that she saw me with the kids at the children's museum and wanted to tell us how well behaved our kids are. She said that most of the time she doesn't really notice other kids but our kids were behaving so well that she couldn't help but notice. :) I wish I could've been there to hear a stranger compliment our kids, but it's still nice to hear all the same.
Our kids are great and I hope that I let them know enough. Thanks for making this Momma and Papa so proud of you.
Our kids are great and I hope that I let them know enough. Thanks for making this Momma and Papa so proud of you.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Lock and unlock
I remember when Tristan learned how unlock and lock cabinets... I thought, "this is way to early" but it didn't surprise me. Well, Lucy is at that point now. Its the same cabinet that Dude liked to get in and hide and now she likes doing it too. But now, they both like to get in there at the same time. It's a little funny. So here's to our smart baby girl who is figuring out life.
May you continue to explore and have great curiosity. Love you Sweet thing.
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Baby Girl in the cabinet |
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Duder letting her in too |
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Both doors open now, and playing together. Duder was smiling. |
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She loves to climb into this box too and play with toys. |
First urgent care visit
Today was the first, and I'm willing to bet not the last time, we will end up in urgent care. My children are little dare devils. They like to push the limits and see what they are capable of... and that's great. Lucy is now figuring out that she can climb and is trying to go down the stairs. Hrm. But that's not what took us to urgent care today.
Poor little Duder. I was chasing Lucy down in the other room and Dude was just laying on our bed. Next thing I know I hear this bang, and then a thud followed quickly by crying. Which is unusual for him. Usually when he rolls off the bed or hurts himself he doesn't cry right away, or at all. I was about three steps away from him and by the time I got there he already had blood streaming down his cute little face. I know that head wounds bleed like crazy and I think that it surprised him. My first thing to do was to try to stop the bleeding and get him cleaned up as best as possible. The added benefit is now I have Lucy running around and trying to get into everything. So I get Duder into the bathroom, and applied pressure to his head with one hand, and I start baby proofing with the other hand. Putting toilet paper our or reach, putting his potty out of playing and trying to make sure that she doesn't get into the cabinets. It's interested to say the least. Duder did really well. He stayed still and let me hold it on his head even though he told me that his poor little head hurt. Add to the fact that Lucy is naked because I was in the middle of changing her diaper before all the chaos broke loose.
After I get the bleeding under control I call Gaetan. Poor Papa was in the middle of taking his E and M final, but he had the car... So I called him twice, because sometimes Dude gets a hold of my phone and call but he normally doesn't call twice. So he calls back and I tell him what happened and if he could get home as soon as possible that would be great!
After I get Duder cleaned up we go downstairs for treats/snacks. I know that would distract him. I knew that if I could distract him until Gaetan got home then we would be OK. After the initial shock and clean up he didn't cry at all. He was really well behaved! Typical Dude. We had some lemon-blueberry cupcakes, corn muffins, kind hot tea (what he calls green tea with honey) and frozen peas. Even with all the craziness going on he wanted to make sure that Lucy had some snacks too. he's such a lover. After snack was done we watched some Baby Einstein until Gaetan got home. His Prof was more than understanding and let him go ASAP.
We went to the Urgent Care closest to our house. Registration went smoothly. Dude didn't want to wear his ID bracelet initially but then after we told him that Lucy could wear one too then he was more about it. We didn't have to wait very long either. I was impressed. After the nurse came in and took the basic information the Dr came in. Our Dr was great. He wanted to get a little more information and while he did that he blew bubbles to distract Dude. It was great. He was really good with him and wanted to avoid giving him staples. He said he could definitely use it, but wanted to try the glue first. It would be less painful and easier for him to forget about later. So glue it was! And it worked. After the procedure was done (which he wasn't that thrilled about) he got a sticker, and a popsicle.
All in all I'd say it was a good first experience. An experience all parents will have to undergo I'm sure... and I'm surprised that it's been this long! But our sweet boy will have to just recover. When we got home he was back to his running around self, and I was glad about that. We were worried that after he got hurt he would be overly cautious and not play, but that doesn't seem to be the case. His head is sore/sensitive but that will heal in time. :)
I'm glad that our Boy is so resilient. Love you our active boy.
Poor little Duder. I was chasing Lucy down in the other room and Dude was just laying on our bed. Next thing I know I hear this bang, and then a thud followed quickly by crying. Which is unusual for him. Usually when he rolls off the bed or hurts himself he doesn't cry right away, or at all. I was about three steps away from him and by the time I got there he already had blood streaming down his cute little face. I know that head wounds bleed like crazy and I think that it surprised him. My first thing to do was to try to stop the bleeding and get him cleaned up as best as possible. The added benefit is now I have Lucy running around and trying to get into everything. So I get Duder into the bathroom, and applied pressure to his head with one hand, and I start baby proofing with the other hand. Putting toilet paper our or reach, putting his potty out of playing and trying to make sure that she doesn't get into the cabinets. It's interested to say the least. Duder did really well. He stayed still and let me hold it on his head even though he told me that his poor little head hurt. Add to the fact that Lucy is naked because I was in the middle of changing her diaper before all the chaos broke loose.
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The wound all cleaned up |
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It kept bleeding a bit though, so we tried to keep it clean |
After I get the bleeding under control I call Gaetan. Poor Papa was in the middle of taking his E and M final, but he had the car... So I called him twice, because sometimes Dude gets a hold of my phone and call but he normally doesn't call twice. So he calls back and I tell him what happened and if he could get home as soon as possible that would be great!
After I get Duder cleaned up we go downstairs for treats/snacks. I know that would distract him. I knew that if I could distract him until Gaetan got home then we would be OK. After the initial shock and clean up he didn't cry at all. He was really well behaved! Typical Dude. We had some lemon-blueberry cupcakes, corn muffins, kind hot tea (what he calls green tea with honey) and frozen peas. Even with all the craziness going on he wanted to make sure that Lucy had some snacks too. he's such a lover. After snack was done we watched some Baby Einstein until Gaetan got home. His Prof was more than understanding and let him go ASAP.
We went to the Urgent Care closest to our house. Registration went smoothly. Dude didn't want to wear his ID bracelet initially but then after we told him that Lucy could wear one too then he was more about it. We didn't have to wait very long either. I was impressed. After the nurse came in and took the basic information the Dr came in. Our Dr was great. He wanted to get a little more information and while he did that he blew bubbles to distract Dude. It was great. He was really good with him and wanted to avoid giving him staples. He said he could definitely use it, but wanted to try the glue first. It would be less painful and easier for him to forget about later. So glue it was! And it worked. After the procedure was done (which he wasn't that thrilled about) he got a sticker, and a popsicle.
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Procedure done. A bit upset, but a big trooper. |
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Got his popsicle! |
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Goose Girl occupying herself in the room. |
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Our big Duder. Two thumbs up. |
Family nap time
The past couple days have been a little short on sleep... Lucy is cutting more teeth so she's up later and up earlier and more often than normal. Last week Wednesday she was up til 3 in the AM and then got up at 6... oof. But when she wakes up so early then she wants to have an early nap too. We have been using these opportunities to take family naps together. It's great.
After I get Lucy down for her nap, then we all snugged in our bed (Gaetan, me and Tristan) and took fabulously long naps. A few hours! Tristan is definitely our cuddle bug... and I love that he still likes to snug with Momma and Papa. Gaetan hardly ever takes naps, but he took a few with us last week and they were great. It seems that everybody was down a few hours of sleep... so I'm glad that we could snug together as a family.
The last nap we took together Gaetan got up and got Lucy when she woke up and brought her in the bed with us... she immediately crawled over and gave Duder a lot of kisses. It was adorable. :) It's these small moments that make lasting impressions on this Mommas heart.
I thank God for these blessings and for the blessing of my family.
After I get Lucy down for her nap, then we all snugged in our bed (Gaetan, me and Tristan) and took fabulously long naps. A few hours! Tristan is definitely our cuddle bug... and I love that he still likes to snug with Momma and Papa. Gaetan hardly ever takes naps, but he took a few with us last week and they were great. It seems that everybody was down a few hours of sleep... so I'm glad that we could snug together as a family.
The last nap we took together Gaetan got up and got Lucy when she woke up and brought her in the bed with us... she immediately crawled over and gave Duder a lot of kisses. It was adorable. :) It's these small moments that make lasting impressions on this Mommas heart.
I thank God for these blessings and for the blessing of my family.
The Zoo Children's Museum
Kalamazoo has a great public museum... and the best part is it's free! The only thing is finding parking in the city (most of the time it's just ramps). I finally got the courage to venture around downtown Kalamazoo... now, I know that it's not a big city or anything, but they have a lot of one way streets and little turn offs here and there, which can make getting lost very easy. I luckily found a parking ramp nearby with no problem and we were ready for our adventure.
My hairstyles, James, used to live in Kalamazoo and he was telling me all about the different things that one could do downtown. He mentioned that they had a great museum and that inside the museum they have a kids area. I thought that it would be a good time to check it out. The little area inside is great! It's 3 rooms and they have a lot of fun things for the kids to do. And because it's in a museum a lot of the things there are educational... which is always a bonus :) I didn't know that the children's museum part closed earlier than the rest, so they only got to play for about an hour, but they looked like they had a lot of fun! It was nice that it's smaller than the GR one because that meant I could keep my eye on both of them, even if they weren't playing in the same area. We've gone back one other time, and I think that when Gaetan is done with classes (which is this week!) then we'll go back again for a longer time.
The kids seemed to have a good time at the rest of the museum too... which is nice. :)
My hairstyles, James, used to live in Kalamazoo and he was telling me all about the different things that one could do downtown. He mentioned that they had a great museum and that inside the museum they have a kids area. I thought that it would be a good time to check it out. The little area inside is great! It's 3 rooms and they have a lot of fun things for the kids to do. And because it's in a museum a lot of the things there are educational... which is always a bonus :) I didn't know that the children's museum part closed earlier than the rest, so they only got to play for about an hour, but they looked like they had a lot of fun! It was nice that it's smaller than the GR one because that meant I could keep my eye on both of them, even if they weren't playing in the same area. We've gone back one other time, and I think that when Gaetan is done with classes (which is this week!) then we'll go back again for a longer time.
The kids seemed to have a good time at the rest of the museum too... which is nice. :)
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Lucy kinda just watched in amazement for the first little while. |
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Playing together |
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Coming after the Momma! She was playing in the little kitchen area and saw me with the camera and came right over... she's so fast! |
Dog walker
We just got some new neighbors a few weeks ago. We have run into them in passing a few times but the other day while we were playing outside the neighbor came out to walk his dog Layla. (I think our neighbors name is Jeff? But I'm not sure... I will have to find out for sure...) Tristan was SO excited about this little dog. He loves dogs, and Gaetan thinks that sometime in the future we're going to have to get a dog for him... but we'll see. This dog was pretty friendly and let Tristan come pet her and was good natured about it. The thing that Dude loved the most was the fact that Jeff (we'll call him that until I Find out otherwise) let him walk her. They ran all around the outside of the complex (there is a huge open field which is great for a small hyper dog and a small energetic little toddler to run around in.) He had a BLAST. We weren't sure who was walking whom, but it was great all the same. The weather was beautiful, Tristan was having the time of his life, and Layla was getting a great workout in. It was a win-win.
I'm glad that he's so about animals. I'm glad that he's not afraid of them. And maybe we will have to get him in a dog in the future, but for right now, I think he will be happy walking the neighbors dog. :)
I'm glad that he's so about animals. I'm glad that he's not afraid of them. And maybe we will have to get him in a dog in the future, but for right now, I think he will be happy walking the neighbors dog. :)
More letters, a year later...
I found this post in the archives of drafts that apparently never got posted! This was from June of last year... amazing what kids can do/learn in a years time!
"Bugga is doing a GREAT job of learning his letters. He can recognize all 26 and say 24 of them. :) Of course some of them are a little muddled but I think thats pretty good for a little dude. When we are driving in the car he will point out letters he sees on signs, cars or billboards. It's really exciting to see how fast he is learning and what he soaks up! He's a very smart dude."
I guess on that note, I wanted to write some of his favorite baby books down too. He really enjoyed 'Caterpillars Spring Time Day', 'Baby animals: touch and feel', 'Waddle', and this spanish book about the solar system by Einstein Pals.
He is turning into such a little man. He's so great at helping clean up. There was a particular surface that was extra drool filled (courtesy of Lu) and he's seen me do it a million times, but go get a towel, clean it up and then put it in the dirty clothes. So when he wanted to be on that particular surface, he saw that it was dirty, got a towel and cleaned it up too. He has also learned the difference between which dirty laundry hamper is the darks and the lights. Now, let me remind you that the hampers look exactly the same... he just knows what side the darks are on and which side the lights are on. He loves putting his laundry away and he loves putting Lucy's sippy cup back in the fridge when she's done with it.
He is such a helper. I can't believe all the things he's accomplished in a year. We love you sweet sweet boy.
"Bugga is doing a GREAT job of learning his letters. He can recognize all 26 and say 24 of them. :) Of course some of them are a little muddled but I think thats pretty good for a little dude. When we are driving in the car he will point out letters he sees on signs, cars or billboards. It's really exciting to see how fast he is learning and what he soaks up! He's a very smart dude."
I guess on that note, I wanted to write some of his favorite baby books down too. He really enjoyed 'Caterpillars Spring Time Day', 'Baby animals: touch and feel', 'Waddle', and this spanish book about the solar system by Einstein Pals.
He is turning into such a little man. He's so great at helping clean up. There was a particular surface that was extra drool filled (courtesy of Lu) and he's seen me do it a million times, but go get a towel, clean it up and then put it in the dirty clothes. So when he wanted to be on that particular surface, he saw that it was dirty, got a towel and cleaned it up too. He has also learned the difference between which dirty laundry hamper is the darks and the lights. Now, let me remind you that the hampers look exactly the same... he just knows what side the darks are on and which side the lights are on. He loves putting his laundry away and he loves putting Lucy's sippy cup back in the fridge when she's done with it.
He is such a helper. I can't believe all the things he's accomplished in a year. We love you sweet sweet boy.
Pay it forward
Yesterday after church we decided to stop and get some lunch. Normally we don't do this, but I had a particular craving for Taco Bell... yes, I know, but sometimes you just have them. So we stopped and when we got to the window to pay/pick up our food the cashier told us that the guy ahead of us paid for our meal. I have heard of people 'paying it forward' but I have never been on the receiving end of it! It was a shocking feeling actually. I am grateful for the guys generosity and I am looking forward to the next opportunity that I can do the same. But I just thought that it was cool and it is also humbling. To receive something that we don't deserve or ask for... kinda like God's grace and love :) Thank you for gentle reminders and free food!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Yesterday was a great way to end the week. It was the last week of classes for Gaetan, and I know that he is definitely ready for the semester to over. Poor guy seems so fried... and really none of us can blame him. The things that he does (and makes it look easy) would kill me if I had to do it for just a class period. So yesterday we drove out to the east side of the state to visit some favorites (Ashley and Sunil) and he went to a capoeira roda with Sunil while I stayed at their place with the kids and Ashley.
I got to have my fun first. :) Well, I don't know how much people call running fun, but I really like running with someone. The entire time I've been training for the marathon I haven't run with anybody for 'long' runs except for my Dad on Easter (and that was only 7 miles). Ratty and I ran 9 miles together, which was great! The time FLEW by. I talked for a lot of it, and I didn't know where I was going so that helped make it go faster too. I think part of what makes it hard for me to run around here is that I know the trails. I know how long I've been running, and in my head I think, "I have X amount of miles left... ugh." It was really nice because it felt like she was keeping up great and I honestly felt like she could've gone faster. I guess she told Gaetan later that I was machine and that she was impressed that I could talk so much! haha. Guess I had a lot to say.
After we got back from our run the boys went to the event. I knew that he could take some time to for himself and just relax and clear his head. And it's so nice knowing that we can stay with Ashley and Sunil (makes watching the kids easier). And I just love the hang out time with her. We are so similar about so many things it makes hanging out really easy and relaxing. I thought that we would have more time to hang out, but before I knew it it was time to go pick up the boys.
We got to eat at one of my favorite burger places afterwards (yes, it's a bit fast foodie but meh), called 5 guys and fries. The kids did really well with their food! We had a nice drive home... we always do. I love riding in the car with Gaetan... we have a lot to always talk about. :) And the kids slept all the way home, so it was kinda like a date. haha.
I like our visits to the east side of the state. I definitely miss having them right around the corner, but it seems that we get to see them pretty often, all things considered. Ashley is running her trail half marathon this Saturday, so we wish her luck! Then, in two weeks I have my marathon.... oh my goodness!! :)
It was great seeing all the capo folk and I hope to start training again this summer after all this running business is wrapped up. It was a much needed way to end our week.
I got to have my fun first. :) Well, I don't know how much people call running fun, but I really like running with someone. The entire time I've been training for the marathon I haven't run with anybody for 'long' runs except for my Dad on Easter (and that was only 7 miles). Ratty and I ran 9 miles together, which was great! The time FLEW by. I talked for a lot of it, and I didn't know where I was going so that helped make it go faster too. I think part of what makes it hard for me to run around here is that I know the trails. I know how long I've been running, and in my head I think, "I have X amount of miles left... ugh." It was really nice because it felt like she was keeping up great and I honestly felt like she could've gone faster. I guess she told Gaetan later that I was machine and that she was impressed that I could talk so much! haha. Guess I had a lot to say.
After we got back from our run the boys went to the event. I knew that he could take some time to for himself and just relax and clear his head. And it's so nice knowing that we can stay with Ashley and Sunil (makes watching the kids easier). And I just love the hang out time with her. We are so similar about so many things it makes hanging out really easy and relaxing. I thought that we would have more time to hang out, but before I knew it it was time to go pick up the boys.
We got to eat at one of my favorite burger places afterwards (yes, it's a bit fast foodie but meh), called 5 guys and fries. The kids did really well with their food! We had a nice drive home... we always do. I love riding in the car with Gaetan... we have a lot to always talk about. :) And the kids slept all the way home, so it was kinda like a date. haha.
I like our visits to the east side of the state. I definitely miss having them right around the corner, but it seems that we get to see them pretty often, all things considered. Ashley is running her trail half marathon this Saturday, so we wish her luck! Then, in two weeks I have my marathon.... oh my goodness!! :)
It was great seeing all the capo folk and I hope to start training again this summer after all this running business is wrapped up. It was a much needed way to end our week.
Our Award Winning Papa
This was the last week of classes! I can't believe that his first year of grad school is already over. Last week they had a mini awards ceremony for the physics department. And they gave Gaetan the Haym Kruglak Graduate Student Teaching Excellent Award. So what that means is that the department, and his students gave him the best evaluations out of ALL the grad students. :) I think that's a pretty big honor, seeing how this is his first year there! It's really nice that other people recognize his hard work and all of his talent. Not to mention that it is very obvious that he has a passion for teaching and helping students reach their potential. I've seen how he runs class. I've seen how he grades. I've seen how he holds his students to a higher standard... and because of it, they love him. It's amazing what a little hard work and holding kids accountable will do.
So here is to the best TA there ever was. We are so proud of you Papa and we are excited that we get to be along on this adventure with you. I started framing all the awards and letters of recognition that WMU has given him so far... I'm gonna need a lot more frames and wall space!
So here is to the best TA there ever was. We are so proud of you Papa and we are excited that we get to be along on this adventure with you. I started framing all the awards and letters of recognition that WMU has given him so far... I'm gonna need a lot more frames and wall space!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
On the home stretch
I can't believe the marathon is less than a month away. In fact, it's about 2.5 weeks away! Yikes! It's been a wonderful training adventure though. And right now, I'm on the down swing for miles... which is really nice. No more dauntingly big long runs... except for the actual race ;) Today I was able to run outside and I only had to do 3 miles... so Gaetan took the kids to the library and I got to run on the trails. I ended up doing 3.5 miles at a sub 8 minute mile pace! Holy cow! I haven't run that fast since high school cross country... I was pretty impressed with myself. I felt really good at the end too (despite the big hill) so I'm telling myself that I could've gone longer :).
It feels good to see the progress and all the hardwork paying off. Here is to a few more miles before the big day!
It feels good to see the progress and all the hardwork paying off. Here is to a few more miles before the big day!
Papa Running!
Gaetan has started training for his half marathon already! :) It was nice because we got him some good shoes and I know that running can be such a relaxing thing. I'm excited for him and this goal in July. He's so amazing. We are so proud of everything you do Papa. He did get some minimalist shoes which he has been happy with so far! Here's to many more miles!
New Momma Look
Last Saturday Zoe and I went and got our hair done together. It was a nice little sister outting... and I was very happy with the outcome of my hair! I have been telling Gaetan to remind me that I don't actually want short hair... I see my sister with short hair and it's so cute... and I guess I don't look bad with it, but I think I look better with long hair. So it's at the length that I like it, but it was kinda boring. And honestly, I never have time to do my hair (and let's be real, I don't know what I would be doing really anyways) so most of the time I rock the pony tail. But, I did get some style to it and I'm very happy with it! :) So, here's my new Momma look.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Lucy's first birthday
I can't believe that our baby girl is already one year old! We celebrated her first birthday in a traditional Korean style birthday. This year seemed to be a bit more chaotic and less organized than when we did Tristan's first birthday... but it may be because there were more children there. Anyways, it seemed to happen regardless and we were happy to celebrate our baby girl.
We had bulgolgi, cucumber salad (kimchee), rice, seaweed, fruits, veggies, dip, hummus, chips and the same punch we had at our wedding. It was all very delicious! My Mom made this cute birthday cake with a goose on it (because we call her Lucy Goosey) and then we had a rice cake for her as well.
She did pretty well also considering she got about a 15 minute nap in the car from church to my parents. We had her pick stuff out for her 'destiny' also and she picked the rice first. It is supposed to symbolize good fortune, because rice is a staple and life line of Korea. She then went for the paint brush (meaning artist) and the thread (long life). Tristan went for the money and a book. Funny how different they are!
I have to say that I was a bit disappointed in that portion of the party. We invited people over to hang out and there weren't any activities planned but this one. I just thought it was rude that they couldn't tear themselves away from whatever they were doing for 5 minutes while she did this. Actually, our friends Quebra, Dizzy, Zoe, Gina, Gaetan's Mom and my Mom were the only ones that watched. And Tristan too... he really wanted to help her out. :) But I just was surprised at the lack of people just wanting to see it. I just thought that my own family and close friends would be interested... oh well.
But here are some pictures from the party. We are very happy to be able to celebrate her and her wonderful life.
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Birthday girl! |
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Going to her rice bag |
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She had it, but just put it down |
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Going back over to it again |
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Showing Momma |
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Holding up the paint brush |
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Next the thread |
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Not messing around with the rice cake |
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Master pro with eating. Her first time with cake. She loved it. |
Friday, April 13, 2012
Kiddo update
This week has been pretty non stop! So, I haven't been on here that much... but a few quick updates. Lucy is now regularly signing 'more' and 'please.' She is such a big girl helper too. I remember that Dude really liked to help put things away and she is at the stage now too. She is so proud of herself when she does it too! :) I'm glad that we can encourage good behavior and the kids really seem to understand it.
Duder is learning his numbers. He has learned all numbers up to 100 and any multiple of 10 really. (that would be Gaetan's doing). He is really starting to get into them, almost as much as he is with his letters! It is amazing how quickly he picks up on things. We also finally got a power cord for Gaetan's old lappy so now he plays his educational games online. I can't believe how smart he is with that too. He can turn it on, access the internet, get to the webpage he wants and starts up a game. He can even wield the touch pad mouse and knows how the games work. It's unbelievable.
We are preparing for Lucy's first birthday party tomorrow. Going the traditional route... I know that they normally only do it for the first born but this will be something small and nice for her. Her hon bok is adorable on her. Will definitely have to post pictures at the party.
Duder is learning his numbers. He has learned all numbers up to 100 and any multiple of 10 really. (that would be Gaetan's doing). He is really starting to get into them, almost as much as he is with his letters! It is amazing how quickly he picks up on things. We also finally got a power cord for Gaetan's old lappy so now he plays his educational games online. I can't believe how smart he is with that too. He can turn it on, access the internet, get to the webpage he wants and starts up a game. He can even wield the touch pad mouse and knows how the games work. It's unbelievable.
We are preparing for Lucy's first birthday party tomorrow. Going the traditional route... I know that they normally only do it for the first born but this will be something small and nice for her. Her hon bok is adorable on her. Will definitely have to post pictures at the party.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Just a good day
You know those days where everything goes wrong? Well, we had just the opposite. For me, it was one of the nicest days I've had in awhile... and really, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but everything just seemed to be going right.
The day started out differently. Lucy had gotten up a handful of times during the night (which she hadn't been doing) but she ended up sleeping in really late... which was amazing! When Duder got up Gaetan got up with him, so they let me sleep in. They went downstairs to snug on the couch but it turns out that Duder got up a little before Gaetan and decided to help himself to a drink. This is what Gaetan found him doing in the kitchen....
Lucy got up just in time to get ourselves to the library for their ABC time. We had never been to it but it's basically and hour and a half set up in a big room with all sorts of educational games for the kids. It was nice because they had some for Lucy and for Dude so they were both occupied. They loved it. I didn't think that we were going to stay for the whole time but we did. In fact, they probably would've played the entire time!
We got home and they were clearly tired. We had a little snack and then Gaetan had to go in for a meeting before class. The kids played for a little while and where being really good considering it was past their nap time, but I thought that it would be a good idea to get one in. I didn't think that they would sleep that long but they did... 3 hours later I hear Gaetan getting home and we were all still napping... oops!
We got a later start on our afternoon but that allowed us to do some more activities instead of having to get dinner started right away. We rode our bikes on the trail that I normally run to one of the playgrounds on the way. We played there for a little while but then the kids wanted to ride more so we finished up our ride... 10 miles in all! And let me tell you, my bunda is not used to being on a bike that much! I think it's bruised...
We got home, the kids jumped in the bath (because they were filthy from playing outside) while I cooked dinner. Everything was just going well. They ate well, and went down too because it was later than their bedtime and I think all the fresh air did them well. :)
For some reason everything was just good. And I'm happy that I have those days more often than not, and I think that I should recognize them. It's so easy to just complain about the bad things, but that's not fair. Not fair to all the good that is in my life. So thank you for a normal, yet easy wonderful day. :)
The day started out differently. Lucy had gotten up a handful of times during the night (which she hadn't been doing) but she ended up sleeping in really late... which was amazing! When Duder got up Gaetan got up with him, so they let me sleep in. They went downstairs to snug on the couch but it turns out that Duder got up a little before Gaetan and decided to help himself to a drink. This is what Gaetan found him doing in the kitchen....
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Yup, that's a chocolate milk container. Don't worry there wasn't a lot left but I thought this was funny... |
Lucy got up just in time to get ourselves to the library for their ABC time. We had never been to it but it's basically and hour and a half set up in a big room with all sorts of educational games for the kids. It was nice because they had some for Lucy and for Dude so they were both occupied. They loved it. I didn't think that we were going to stay for the whole time but we did. In fact, they probably would've played the entire time!
We got home and they were clearly tired. We had a little snack and then Gaetan had to go in for a meeting before class. The kids played for a little while and where being really good considering it was past their nap time, but I thought that it would be a good idea to get one in. I didn't think that they would sleep that long but they did... 3 hours later I hear Gaetan getting home and we were all still napping... oops!
We got a later start on our afternoon but that allowed us to do some more activities instead of having to get dinner started right away. We rode our bikes on the trail that I normally run to one of the playgrounds on the way. We played there for a little while but then the kids wanted to ride more so we finished up our ride... 10 miles in all! And let me tell you, my bunda is not used to being on a bike that much! I think it's bruised...
We got home, the kids jumped in the bath (because they were filthy from playing outside) while I cooked dinner. Everything was just going well. They ate well, and went down too because it was later than their bedtime and I think all the fresh air did them well. :)
For some reason everything was just good. And I'm happy that I have those days more often than not, and I think that I should recognize them. It's so easy to just complain about the bad things, but that's not fair. Not fair to all the good that is in my life. So thank you for a normal, yet easy wonderful day. :)
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Baby Girl deciding if she likes grass... |
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Biggest dog ever |
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The beginning of our bike ride |
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Dude and Lucy racing on the slides |
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She loves being outdoors! |
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haha, getting the race started |
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Dude wanted Momma to race too |
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At the end of the bike ride... still happy! |
He is Risen! He is risen, indeed! What a pivotal day in the Christian faith. The day where Christ conquers death. The day where He proves that love conquers all. The day where we can see how much The Father loves His flock. I know that in American culture that means that there is a magic bunny that somehow leaves chocolate eggs and sweets around, but doctrinally its so much more.
We are still in the stages on how we want to portray these holidays to our kids. The fact is we live in America and that means we live in their culture too... and one could argue that you can live in the culture but not OF the culture. I also want them to make the choice of what's important too. So, as of right now we will most likely have them know and understand that's what people do, but the emphasis is definitely going to be on Christ (like everything should be). But, we did get dressed up, go to my parents for Easter dinner and hang out. :) I like the family time. I don't think that has anything to do with the Easter craze, but that is definitely something I want the kids to love and look forward too.... and Duder definitely does.
As we celebrate this joyous day, let it be a reminder of what He does for us daily.
We are still in the stages on how we want to portray these holidays to our kids. The fact is we live in America and that means we live in their culture too... and one could argue that you can live in the culture but not OF the culture. I also want them to make the choice of what's important too. So, as of right now we will most likely have them know and understand that's what people do, but the emphasis is definitely going to be on Christ (like everything should be). But, we did get dressed up, go to my parents for Easter dinner and hang out. :) I like the family time. I don't think that has anything to do with the Easter craze, but that is definitely something I want the kids to love and look forward too.... and Duder definitely does.
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The best family picture we could get |
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Baby Girl in her pretty girl dress |
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Duder being a boy in his shirt and tie |
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The kiddos together. |
As we celebrate this joyous day, let it be a reminder of what He does for us daily.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Yesterday the kids and I headed up to Grand Rapids for a playdate. It was with a former high school teacher who has two children a few years older than Tristan, but they love playing together. We spend most of our time together in the summer (because she's a teacher she has them off) and the kids love it. And this was their spring break and apparently they had been asking to hang out with Tristan, so we made plans to hang out!
We drove up to their place and then hit up the children's museum. I have never seen that place so busy in my life. It was intense. But because it was spring break everybody and their brother (literally) was there. The kids had a great time together. We spent hours there... I couldn't believe how long they played! This was the first time that Lucy has been back there since her new found sense of mobility... so we definitely had our hands full.
After that we went out for lunch at Tokyo Grill. This was my first time there and it was delicious. I can't wait to go back there for a date night with Gaetan. :) The kids loved it too. And it was such a blessing but Gina (whom I lovingly call Momma G) treated us to lunch. I found out afterwards that the restaurant is actually owned by her Uncle and Aunt! We tried something new there... red bean ice cream. It was really good actually and the kids gobbled it up. Lucy was a champ and ate more than Tristan, but I guess that doesn't really surprise us :)
After that we went back to her house and the kids played outside for probably an hour or so. But I realized that it was getting late and we had to get back to pick Gaetan up from school. Luckily for us this was his long day at school, so we didn't have to get back to early to get him.
It was a long day but it was a good day. Poor Baby Girl didn't get a nap in so she was pretty touchy... especially with all the new people she was getting introduced to! But Duder did great and had a great time playing with Aidan and Maison. We look forward to seeing them a lot during the summer and I know that Tristan is too. :)
It does this Momma's heart good to see how much fun he has with other kids... and other kids that come from a good family. :)
We drove up to their place and then hit up the children's museum. I have never seen that place so busy in my life. It was intense. But because it was spring break everybody and their brother (literally) was there. The kids had a great time together. We spent hours there... I couldn't believe how long they played! This was the first time that Lucy has been back there since her new found sense of mobility... so we definitely had our hands full.
After that we went out for lunch at Tokyo Grill. This was my first time there and it was delicious. I can't wait to go back there for a date night with Gaetan. :) The kids loved it too. And it was such a blessing but Gina (whom I lovingly call Momma G) treated us to lunch. I found out afterwards that the restaurant is actually owned by her Uncle and Aunt! We tried something new there... red bean ice cream. It was really good actually and the kids gobbled it up. Lucy was a champ and ate more than Tristan, but I guess that doesn't really surprise us :)
After that we went back to her house and the kids played outside for probably an hour or so. But I realized that it was getting late and we had to get back to pick Gaetan up from school. Luckily for us this was his long day at school, so we didn't have to get back to early to get him.
It was a long day but it was a good day. Poor Baby Girl didn't get a nap in so she was pretty touchy... especially with all the new people she was getting introduced to! But Duder did great and had a great time playing with Aidan and Maison. We look forward to seeing them a lot during the summer and I know that Tristan is too. :)
It does this Momma's heart good to see how much fun he has with other kids... and other kids that come from a good family. :)
Monday, April 2, 2012
Spring is here!
Spring is here! That means, sandals, playing outside, ice cream, going on walks... it's great! I know that the kids are really excited about being able to go outside and burn some of that energy! It's also just a nice change of pace too. There is only so much that you can do inside but outside... the possibilities are endless! :)
Love being outdoors with my babes. Looking forward to the rest of the summer!
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Baby Girl's first pair of shoes. I wish they came in my size... |
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Checking out the double stroller! |
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They love going for walks |
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At the library... she liked ice cream so much the pretend would do just fine haha. Don't worry, we sanitized it afterwards. |
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Dude riding the 'panda rocket' backwards. |
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Baby girl enjoying the great outdoors, in the monkey seat, with a snack. |
Love being outdoors with my babes. Looking forward to the rest of the summer!
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