Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


One of the big events that happened this past weekend was that we found out we are going to have another BABY!  Yes, that's right, we must be the most fertile people alive.  #3 should be arriving sometime at the end of March.  It's incredible really... and it must've been destined to be since we were actually using a form of birth control this time around.  With Tristan we sorta were, and with Lucy we were trying for her, but this one... biggest surprise ever.  I didn't even feel pregnant.  For those of you that have been you know that there is tired and then there is pregnant tired... I was feeling really great!

The funny thing after I took the test I felt really tired... haha.  Must've been mentally telling myself I was pregnant now.  I actually took one test at night and the second line was really faint so I wasn't sure if it was positive... but I took one the next morning and it was the same thing... so I figured it must be!

I'm about 6.5 weeks along right now (so not very far) and we are excited about it.  After the initial shock of taking in the fact that we're going to have another child, and the happy fact that we didn't get rid of ALL our baby stuff we are getting more and more excited.

It's a good thing that we are moving to a bigger place!  It's like everytime we move we add onto our family, so I guess it's only fitting that we stick with tradition.  :)  We are trying to keep this on the DL until I have my first OB appointment, but it's getting harder and harder... :)

I am getting more and more tired (but I think that's also how it is at the end of the second half of your first trimester) and smells are really starting to get to me.  I get hungry, like ravenous, on a moments notice but when I eat my stomach is upset... nothing terrible, just uncomfortable.  Other than that, things are going great!  It was about this time before we found out that we were going to have Lu that I started this blog... will be fun to look back :)

We told Dude that he was going to be a bigger brother and that Lucy was going to be a big sister!  I pointed to my belly and told him that there was a baby in there and then he said he wanted to see it.  He started looking in my pockets and asking where it was!  haha.  I told him that the baby was in my belly like Lucy was, but he couldn't see it now... just not yet.  Dude has told a couple of people at the store that there is a baby in Momma's belly but... "not yet!" haha.  Smart guy.  I think that he's really excited about the idea of another sibling.  And I think that Lucy will be excited about it... she seems to be picking up on those types of things.  She sometimes points to my belly and says, "Ba BEEEE"  I think she's going to be a great big sister.  Our little family isn't so little anymore!


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