I've been mulling things over in my head for the past while about being what does it mean to be religious and things of that churchy jargon. During a visit with a good friend we had a very real conversation about what that actually meant and how damaging it can be.
I understand that people who strongly believe in something want you to believe in it too... and in this case being a Christian. And I would give everything to know that all the people I cared about where going to Heaven... but what does it mean to be a Christian? Because I know that I've said this before and I'm gonna say it again but being a Christian and being religious are NOT the same thing. People can be religious about watching their favorite TV show. And the word 'Christian' carries such heavy meaning now, which I believe it never should.
I get that people who have a strong conviction on what it means (to them) about being a Christian but pushing it onto somebody who isn't there yet is only going to push them farther, and probably piss them off in the process. Do you really think that they want to be apart of something that you are bullying them into? Not if they have a brain.
I would say (and hope) that all my friends know that I love Jesus whole heartedly. That doesn't mean that I'm going to sit there and bible thump them on all the ways they aren't living a good life. Because, honestly, there are people out there who are better people (by far) then people who sit in front of you and tell you that you're a sinner. And, because, who am I to judge you? That's not my job. Not even close. My job is to live a life that is a reflection of God's love for us, and for His Children. Yes, sometimes that does involve hard truths, and sometimes that does involve doing things that the other party won't understand until later, but that's all in timing. Not ours of course, but His.
My hope is that I live my life in such a way that people would ask why I'm different and I would be happy to share it with them. The key word is SHARE. And if that means deeper discussion, all the better. And the key word here is DISCUSSION. Not trying to convince them why they should join 'your side.' The point isn't to trick somebody into 'being a Christian'. If by SHARING And DISCUSSING my faith they are interested and want to know more I would be more than happy to help them out.
I used to be a pushy Christian because I thought that's what it meant to be strong in my convictions... and let me tell you, it doesn't work. Trying to show that you're 'better than somebody else' isn't what Jesus intended for us to do. And right now, my sister's fellowship is still at that phase. Admittedly, they are light years better than the way they used to be, but they still are missing the point (in my opinion). It's hard to be upset with them because I know their fire and zeal to want to share the love of God is paved with good intention, but they have even told me "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
I know that God is powerful enough to take any small gesture and turn it for His glory but we do have a responsibility not to screw it up. Ya know? So, here is my soap box again. Jesus came to show Love. He came to show us the ultimate way to show that love. And there are lots of words and things that are said in the bible and if you want to come away with the grimstone and hell, and punishment and wrath of God I know you're missing the point. When you think of Jesus and you think of anything but grace, and love and peace then you've missed the point of who He is.
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