Now, one of the things (among many) that I love about my husband is his ability to tell you like it is. As I mentioned before he and Wilfreda had it out over the phone do to their trying to be sneaky but got caught.
It was definitely a conversation that was a long time coming, but I just didn't think that it would happen when it did. And bless his heart, he isn't afraid to go there with some people. At first she got defensive, naturally, but after a little bit she just listened. It seems that we have these serious conversations with her about twice a year, because she falls back into her old same habits.
She would tell you that her main problem is that she doesn't get to see the kids enough, and that we don't leave them alone with her. And, the interesting part is, Gaetan and I had just discussed what it is that she does that makes us so uncomfortable about having her around them for long periods of time. And... apparently, he addressed every single one of those points with her.
At the end of the talk, I think she had a better understanding of where we were coming from... and the main part of it is, SHE LISTENED. I'm not sure how much of it really sank in, or is gonna stick, but at least she listened this time. Most of the time when we address things with her she just kinda looks like she glazes over and says, "anyways..." and moves on like nothing happened...
So, here is to hoping that this sticks and we won't have to have this conversation again for a long time... although, I feel like it's pretty backwards that we are the ones who have to explain to her what is appropriate, and what is not... oh well.
Life happens so quickly! I am learning to take things in as they come and enjoy it one day at a time.
Family photo Oct 2010

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Uninvited to our party...
Yes, that title probably sounds a bit silly but it's true. Remember when I said that this month we were probably going to be seeing a lot of the out-laws and I was going to need a lot of prayers? Well, it pretty much went down as I expected. :( It's a bit of a long story, so bear with me.
Zoe got into town and ended up staying with her Mom. No biggie, because that's what she normally does, but this time she had all of her belongings because at the end of this trip she was flying out to Seattle for school. Lieve (the Grandmother) is also in town and Wilfreda is always out in full force when she's around. I'm not quite sure why, because Lieve is probably one of the most laid back, fun people to be around... but Wilfreda is always flitting around being unnecessarily busy, and I think it's because she's trying to impress her Mom (which she doesn't have to do). Again, trying to keep up the appearance that she has everything together, when in reality, everything is a hot mess.
Well, because Zoe was staying there, and she wasn't the favorite (because Wilfreda was devoting all her time and attention to Lieve) she was pissed. Zoe has to be the center of attention, and she's used to have Wilfreda give her that attention. So, Zoe ended up coming and staying with us a few days because she wasn't having any fun staying out in the middle of no where. We had some good serious talks, like we normally do, but I'm starting to realize that this is also her MO. Zoe knows a lot of things, and she can talk about them, but in reality, she can't actually put them into practice... and that's hard for me to understand. When I say things I mean them, and I won't just agree to be polite. Well, Zoe was telling us about all the stuff that Wilfreda was complaining to her about, about us and most of it was really stupid. For example, she was all in a huff that we hadn't called to say Hi to Oma yet (even though it'd only been a few days, and we figured that she would want to rest and try to catch up on the jetlag). So, I had Gaetan call the house and talk with her, and it was for a few seconds. I kinda figured with the way that Wilfreda was making a big deal out of it that they would've talked for at least a few minutes but Gaetan said that she doesn't like talking on the phone. Seriously? She was getting all pissy because we didn't call a woman who doesn't even really like talking on the phone? Ok...
Well, the catalyst to the meltdown was when we moved and didn't tell her. Honestly, we just plain forgot. A lot of things had happened, and we were exhausted and just trying to get everything working. She FREAKED out and said that we don't tell her anything and that she's the last person to know. Let me break this down for you. She was pissed because she didn't have her nose all up in our business and she didn't even really care about knowing about moving, but she was mad because she felt like everybody else knew before her. It has nothing to do at all with the subject of the knowing, it's just that she didn't know. Oh, I'm sorry... I forgot that moving is all about you. Hrm, my bad.
I ended up talking to Zoe about it because obviously Wilfreda doesn't have the balls to come out and say it, just talk shit behind our backs. And Zoe, being the most mature person ever says that she has to much stuff going on in her life (stressing out unnecessarily about school) to deal with 'our' problems. First, I don't have a problem, she does. Second, don't act like you're the only person who can fix things, because most of the time you're part of the problem. Third, don't think so highly of yourself that we NEED you at all times.
And the main reason why I called was to find out what she wanted me to bring to this party she dreamed up. Yeah, remember that party she wanted to have out at Wilfreda's place for her going away, Tristan's birthday and Oma's birthday? You know, the party that she wanted us to drive out there for, bring more than half the food, and then didn't even ask us for that day worked for us? Oh yeah! That party! So, Zoe got pissy and just said, "you know what? This party is just adding to the stress, so we should just cancel it." I told her if that's what she wanted to do then, we were down and we still wanted to see them later, because we had yet to see Lieve.
Apparently, Wilfreda was still talking shit behind our backs and was pissed that we were only going to be out there for a few hours for the party. Zoe told her that we were probably going to drive out during nap time, stay for a few hours (until the kids crashed) and then we would have to go home, because it's a long drive and we have two small children. You know what she said to that? "So." And she said the same thing about having to drive out during nap time so that Lucy could sleep in the car because she gets car sick. "So." It's like she doesn't understand anything. She couldn't care less that we have small children that we need to take into consideration. That, she was pissed that we never go out there because there's nothing to do, she yells at the kids for touching stuff, and then ignores us once we get there. And this is after Lucy has been in the car for a few hours getting sick. She doesn't even want us out there, she just wants to be able to tell people that we came and visited. I couldn't believe that she didn't care about the kids at all, and respecting the fact that they have bed times. Just goes to show...
Anyhoo... we wanted to see Lieve so I'd been trying to make plans to see them but Wilfreda was making it impossible. She knew that Gaetan had his qualifer and she knew what days we had available. It was like she knew that she could withhold Lieve from us, and she was. So, Gaetan finally called her and said, "Look. We both had plans to hang out at the party but since that got cancelled why don't we still get together, just do something different. We should both be available and that way we get to see Lieve sooner than later." And guess what? They didn't actually cancel the party. They just uninvited us. So, she sheepishly had to tell us that they didn't cancel it and they just didn't want us there. So then they had a big discussion which I'll talk about later.
I was pretty pissed actually. Don't get me wrong, I was relieved when we didn't have to drive out there, and I had to prepared a bunch of food, while I wasn't feeling the greatest. Then, have to be out there with all HER Friends and try to kill time and not be rude. The thing I was pissed about was they lied. I don't like being lied too. If anybody knows anything about me, they should know that I like hearing the truth, whether its pleasant or not. I don't have time to play prissy little games. I texted Zoe and told her that she should've just said that we shouldn't come because it was causing problems and I would've been down with that. VS this trying not to hurt my feeling crap by telling me one thing and really doing another. I really don't think that it's a hard concept to understand. Being truthful makes things less complicated and takes way less energy in the long run. And really, I knew that they didn't cancel the party because she made a FB event about it... smart.
However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. After Gaetan's big discussion with Wilfreda their visits afterwards have been far more pleasant and endurable. See? Honesty is the best policy.
Zoe got into town and ended up staying with her Mom. No biggie, because that's what she normally does, but this time she had all of her belongings because at the end of this trip she was flying out to Seattle for school. Lieve (the Grandmother) is also in town and Wilfreda is always out in full force when she's around. I'm not quite sure why, because Lieve is probably one of the most laid back, fun people to be around... but Wilfreda is always flitting around being unnecessarily busy, and I think it's because she's trying to impress her Mom (which she doesn't have to do). Again, trying to keep up the appearance that she has everything together, when in reality, everything is a hot mess.
Well, because Zoe was staying there, and she wasn't the favorite (because Wilfreda was devoting all her time and attention to Lieve) she was pissed. Zoe has to be the center of attention, and she's used to have Wilfreda give her that attention. So, Zoe ended up coming and staying with us a few days because she wasn't having any fun staying out in the middle of no where. We had some good serious talks, like we normally do, but I'm starting to realize that this is also her MO. Zoe knows a lot of things, and she can talk about them, but in reality, she can't actually put them into practice... and that's hard for me to understand. When I say things I mean them, and I won't just agree to be polite. Well, Zoe was telling us about all the stuff that Wilfreda was complaining to her about, about us and most of it was really stupid. For example, she was all in a huff that we hadn't called to say Hi to Oma yet (even though it'd only been a few days, and we figured that she would want to rest and try to catch up on the jetlag). So, I had Gaetan call the house and talk with her, and it was for a few seconds. I kinda figured with the way that Wilfreda was making a big deal out of it that they would've talked for at least a few minutes but Gaetan said that she doesn't like talking on the phone. Seriously? She was getting all pissy because we didn't call a woman who doesn't even really like talking on the phone? Ok...
Well, the catalyst to the meltdown was when we moved and didn't tell her. Honestly, we just plain forgot. A lot of things had happened, and we were exhausted and just trying to get everything working. She FREAKED out and said that we don't tell her anything and that she's the last person to know. Let me break this down for you. She was pissed because she didn't have her nose all up in our business and she didn't even really care about knowing about moving, but she was mad because she felt like everybody else knew before her. It has nothing to do at all with the subject of the knowing, it's just that she didn't know. Oh, I'm sorry... I forgot that moving is all about you. Hrm, my bad.
I ended up talking to Zoe about it because obviously Wilfreda doesn't have the balls to come out and say it, just talk shit behind our backs. And Zoe, being the most mature person ever says that she has to much stuff going on in her life (stressing out unnecessarily about school) to deal with 'our' problems. First, I don't have a problem, she does. Second, don't act like you're the only person who can fix things, because most of the time you're part of the problem. Third, don't think so highly of yourself that we NEED you at all times.
And the main reason why I called was to find out what she wanted me to bring to this party she dreamed up. Yeah, remember that party she wanted to have out at Wilfreda's place for her going away, Tristan's birthday and Oma's birthday? You know, the party that she wanted us to drive out there for, bring more than half the food, and then didn't even ask us for that day worked for us? Oh yeah! That party! So, Zoe got pissy and just said, "you know what? This party is just adding to the stress, so we should just cancel it." I told her if that's what she wanted to do then, we were down and we still wanted to see them later, because we had yet to see Lieve.
Apparently, Wilfreda was still talking shit behind our backs and was pissed that we were only going to be out there for a few hours for the party. Zoe told her that we were probably going to drive out during nap time, stay for a few hours (until the kids crashed) and then we would have to go home, because it's a long drive and we have two small children. You know what she said to that? "So." And she said the same thing about having to drive out during nap time so that Lucy could sleep in the car because she gets car sick. "So." It's like she doesn't understand anything. She couldn't care less that we have small children that we need to take into consideration. That, she was pissed that we never go out there because there's nothing to do, she yells at the kids for touching stuff, and then ignores us once we get there. And this is after Lucy has been in the car for a few hours getting sick. She doesn't even want us out there, she just wants to be able to tell people that we came and visited. I couldn't believe that she didn't care about the kids at all, and respecting the fact that they have bed times. Just goes to show...
Anyhoo... we wanted to see Lieve so I'd been trying to make plans to see them but Wilfreda was making it impossible. She knew that Gaetan had his qualifer and she knew what days we had available. It was like she knew that she could withhold Lieve from us, and she was. So, Gaetan finally called her and said, "Look. We both had plans to hang out at the party but since that got cancelled why don't we still get together, just do something different. We should both be available and that way we get to see Lieve sooner than later." And guess what? They didn't actually cancel the party. They just uninvited us. So, she sheepishly had to tell us that they didn't cancel it and they just didn't want us there. So then they had a big discussion which I'll talk about later.
I was pretty pissed actually. Don't get me wrong, I was relieved when we didn't have to drive out there, and I had to prepared a bunch of food, while I wasn't feeling the greatest. Then, have to be out there with all HER Friends and try to kill time and not be rude. The thing I was pissed about was they lied. I don't like being lied too. If anybody knows anything about me, they should know that I like hearing the truth, whether its pleasant or not. I don't have time to play prissy little games. I texted Zoe and told her that she should've just said that we shouldn't come because it was causing problems and I would've been down with that. VS this trying not to hurt my feeling crap by telling me one thing and really doing another. I really don't think that it's a hard concept to understand. Being truthful makes things less complicated and takes way less energy in the long run. And really, I knew that they didn't cancel the party because she made a FB event about it... smart.
However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. After Gaetan's big discussion with Wilfreda their visits afterwards have been far more pleasant and endurable. See? Honesty is the best policy.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Dude's birthday continued
As we celebrated Dude's actual birthday up north the next day we did it at my parent's house. It was nothing fancy, but just family getting together and eating cake! To be honest, I was still exhausted from the day before... and when we got home from the cottage I still had to make his birthday cake! I made a four tier cake that was white cake alternating with confetti cake and I even made home made frosting. And let me tell you... we had to go to 3 different stores to find the right ingredients for it! The cake apparently tasted good, but the frosting didn't want to stay up on some of the sides... so it wasn't the prettiest cake ever. I decorated the outside with M & M's (per Dude's request) and he was thrilled that there was a big 3 candle on top.
We just hung out at my parents with my sister's family and it was all good. My Dad got him this golf set that is adorable. It's a cart that has 3 clubs, a bunch of balls, a few holes and some tees. We got him this custom puzzle that had a picture of his pals on it :) He was pretty thrilled.
All in all, it was quite the whirlwind weekend, but I'm glad we got to celebrate his birthday with close friends and family. :)
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Our sweet Duder Dude in the morning |
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His massive dog transporter with all his pals and dinos |
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Blowing out his candle. He actually did it twice... haha |
All in all, it was quite the whirlwind weekend, but I'm glad we got to celebrate his birthday with close friends and family. :)
Dude's 3rd birthday at the cottage
I'm probably going to say this every birthday my children have, but I can't believe how quickly they are growing up! My little sweet boy is already 3... and is going on 13 I believe. He's so smart and full of wit. He loves his alphabet, spelling, being extra silly and loving on his sister. He's a bike riding machine, and is an active boy in every sense.
On his actual birthday we went up to a friend's cottage up north. The kids love it up there. There is space for them to run around, and of course, there is water. It's kinda funny because every time we go up there it rains. Either right as we are about to leave, or when we're on the road home, but this time it rained almost as soon as we got there! We had a nice time hanging out inside, chatting, catching up and eating of course. The storm blew over quickly, and then it was right back outside for the kids. :)
Grace and her parents got Tristan a magnifying glass and a net to catch bugs. I thought that was a great gift for a 3 year old who loves to be outside! They also made him a special birthday cake and we even got to go out on the boat for a ride. Dude LOVED it. He kept yelling, "Faster! Faster! I LOVE THIS!" It was adorable.
The kids were pooped by the time we hit the road (as was I). It was a great, relaxing way to spend his birthday outside. :)
On his actual birthday we went up to a friend's cottage up north. The kids love it up there. There is space for them to run around, and of course, there is water. It's kinda funny because every time we go up there it rains. Either right as we are about to leave, or when we're on the road home, but this time it rained almost as soon as we got there! We had a nice time hanging out inside, chatting, catching up and eating of course. The storm blew over quickly, and then it was right back outside for the kids. :)
Grace and her parents got Tristan a magnifying glass and a net to catch bugs. I thought that was a great gift for a 3 year old who loves to be outside! They also made him a special birthday cake and we even got to go out on the boat for a ride. Dude LOVED it. He kept yelling, "Faster! Faster! I LOVE THIS!" It was adorable.
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Me ruining a cute pic of Lucy in Grace's old life jacket |
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Dude pretending to drive the boat and LOVING it |
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Blowing out his candles :) |
Monday, August 27, 2012
Summertime is for corn on the cob
This is a bit old but I thought it was adorable. This was the first time that either one of my kids had corn on the cob. Dude was never interested in it before (even though he could've had it) but he was all about it this time. Lucy, of course, wanted to try it because we were all eating it. It was super cute.
And not only was that a fun activity for them, but they really dug finger painting together. :)
And not only was that a fun activity for them, but they really dug finger painting together. :)
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Afterwards they promptly got in the tub, because they also liked to finger paint themselves... |
The move
So much has happened in the past few weeks I really don't know where to begin! So... I guess I will begin with our move.
We are now happily moved into our new place. :) There is more space (thankfully with #3 on the way) and it doesn't reek of smoke. I couldn't believe what a difference it makes, but we are less irritable, no more headaches and we don't dread being home. The kids are loving the new atmosphere because there are a ton of families within the complex. Did I mention that they have 3 playgrounds that the kids think are great?!
Moving day was actually a bit of a struggle. We didn't get as much packed ahead of time as we would've liked, mainly because of the kids. Its hard to pack things up and have them leave it alone... and its hard to know what you can pack because you don't know if they're gonna need/want something. But, luckily, our good friends Ashley and Sunil stepped up in a major way and helped us out. I can't believe that they drove all the way from the other side of the state to help us move all day. It was awesome. And it was a good thing that they did because it turns out they were the only ones who could help us move that day! We had some other people lined up, but last minute things fell through.
So, our dear sweet friends made the move possible. My parents (bless their hearts) watched the kids all day while we packed and moved everything. I was still feeling under the weather, so I was a bit more slow than I wanted to be, but we did get everything done. The only thing I wanted put together before they left were the kids beds.
And, really, after we got done moving we spent the night at my parent's house. It was really late when we got there, and Gaetan had told my sister that he would help her move early the next morning, so there wasn't any reason to drive back. It was funny, because even though we were exhausted we ended up staying up to 2:30 in the morning having really good talks with my Mom. It was a great way to unwind, and spend some QT with her. :)
We are almost all the way unpacked. Just a few decorations here and there and I think we've pretty much done it. God is so good and faithful to us I just can't even begin to say. He found another person to lease our place so that means we don't have to pay double rent for the next few months! That was probably some of the best news we got all month! haha. And even with all those other places that fell through and we were so discouraged, I truly believe that we found the best deal and situation. :)
We are now happily moved into our new place. :) There is more space (thankfully with #3 on the way) and it doesn't reek of smoke. I couldn't believe what a difference it makes, but we are less irritable, no more headaches and we don't dread being home. The kids are loving the new atmosphere because there are a ton of families within the complex. Did I mention that they have 3 playgrounds that the kids think are great?!
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Their first time at the new place |
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They found a neighbor cat and where pretty excited about it |
Moving day was actually a bit of a struggle. We didn't get as much packed ahead of time as we would've liked, mainly because of the kids. Its hard to pack things up and have them leave it alone... and its hard to know what you can pack because you don't know if they're gonna need/want something. But, luckily, our good friends Ashley and Sunil stepped up in a major way and helped us out. I can't believe that they drove all the way from the other side of the state to help us move all day. It was awesome. And it was a good thing that they did because it turns out they were the only ones who could help us move that day! We had some other people lined up, but last minute things fell through.
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Dude made a 'nest' on the floor for his resting/nap time and fell asleep |
So, our dear sweet friends made the move possible. My parents (bless their hearts) watched the kids all day while we packed and moved everything. I was still feeling under the weather, so I was a bit more slow than I wanted to be, but we did get everything done. The only thing I wanted put together before they left were the kids beds.
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The kiddos helping put our bed together! |
We are almost all the way unpacked. Just a few decorations here and there and I think we've pretty much done it. God is so good and faithful to us I just can't even begin to say. He found another person to lease our place so that means we don't have to pay double rent for the next few months! That was probably some of the best news we got all month! haha. And even with all those other places that fell through and we were so discouraged, I truly believe that we found the best deal and situation. :)
And... we're back!
It's been quite awhile... but we are finally back online! I have lots of lots of things to talk about, so get ready! haha. I am excited to tell you all about the crazy things that we've been doing and how I can't believe that summer is over already! Oof. Stay tuned for the updates :)
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Hard splint off
I can't believe that I hadn't written about this yet! Dude had an appointment with the orthopedic doctor about a week ago to determine if he was going to have to get a hard cast or if this hard splint had done the trick. And lucky for us the hard splint got to come off! They took some more x-rays while we were there and they said they could see the calcification, meaning that it was healing and that everything looked good!
They thought that he might limp or hobble around for a little while because he would be getting used to using that foot again, but not our Dude! He was off and running like nothing happened! To celebrate his being splint free we went to the children's museum afterwards so he could burn off some of that energy. The kids had a blast. :) We then went and got thai food and he got his favorite... SUSHI!
I can't believe how quickly he bounced back from it, and never used it as an excuse to be lame or have a bad attitude. He's awesome!
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His tiny little splint |
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Lucy's favorite toy upstairs |
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Dude was so excited to have Lucy 'driving' him around |
More Glue
We had quite the interesting morning yesterday! It started a little earlier than most of our mornings have been lately with Dude making a mad dash for the bathing, but tripping instead and hitting his head on our bed frame. Which equalled a lot of blood and a big ole chunk taken out of his forehead! :( He was such a trooper though and didn't cry but instead insisted that he really had to pee. So we got him into the bathroom and peeing while trying to apply pressure and clean off his head as best we could.
This prompted Gaetan to get ready really quickly and take him to urgent care. They rolled out of here a little before 8 AM. Our biggest concern was that he wasn't going to be back in time to teach class (he's subbing for his advisor this week, and class was at 10) but I didn't know what else to do. We only have one car so even if I took Dude to urgent care Gaetan still wouldn't have a way of getting to class.
So, we decided that Gaetan would take him and if it was cutting it close, then Dude would just have to go to class with Gaetan. The more and more I thought about this I wasn't sure it was a good idea. I know that Dude is really good and would've probably just watched a movie, but I didn't want to take the chance of it going sour... so I phoned a few friends to see if they could meet them on campus and drive our van back with Dude in it. It worked! One of our friends Cory said that he could and it was all good. The hardest part of trying to figure this out was that there isn't any reception in urgent care so I was kinda just making plans up on my end hoping that Gaetan thought that it was a good idea.
They did make it to campus on time (barely!) and when Cory got to our place with the kids we went and got smoothies... Dude had requested it after he got his head glued. Seriously, it's a divet just like the one higher up on his fore head. His poor head is having quite the summer! And, to top it off, the nurse at urgent care asked Gaetan if Dude had a safe home to go back too... really? I know that it's protocol and I'm glad that they are taking interest in kids injuries, but it's just kinda awkward... ya know? He's almost 3 and extremely active, so he's gonna hurt injured. Oh well, at least they let us take him home!
Later that day poor guy ended up hitting his chin on something and biting his lip... so now he has a fat lip to go along with this glued head! We are just happy that he's so good natured about it, and that nothing is seriously wrong. :) Just another day in the life of a Momma with active children haha
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After we got Dude cleaned up. I actually thought he had cut by his eye brow because that's where most of the blood was initially! |
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Goose and I on our morning walk while the boys were gone |
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Happy Dude with his snoopy bandaid |
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His head looks good this morning! |
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
One of the big events that happened this past weekend was that we found out we are going to have another BABY! Yes, that's right, we must be the most fertile people alive. #3 should be arriving sometime at the end of March. It's incredible really... and it must've been destined to be since we were actually using a form of birth control this time around. With Tristan we sorta were, and with Lucy we were trying for her, but this one... biggest surprise ever. I didn't even feel pregnant. For those of you that have been you know that there is tired and then there is pregnant tired... I was feeling really great!
The funny thing after I took the test I felt really tired... haha. Must've been mentally telling myself I was pregnant now. I actually took one test at night and the second line was really faint so I wasn't sure if it was positive... but I took one the next morning and it was the same thing... so I figured it must be!
I'm about 6.5 weeks along right now (so not very far) and we are excited about it. After the initial shock of taking in the fact that we're going to have another child, and the happy fact that we didn't get rid of ALL our baby stuff we are getting more and more excited.
It's a good thing that we are moving to a bigger place! It's like everytime we move we add onto our family, so I guess it's only fitting that we stick with tradition. :) We are trying to keep this on the DL until I have my first OB appointment, but it's getting harder and harder... :)
I am getting more and more tired (but I think that's also how it is at the end of the second half of your first trimester) and smells are really starting to get to me. I get hungry, like ravenous, on a moments notice but when I eat my stomach is upset... nothing terrible, just uncomfortable. Other than that, things are going great! It was about this time before we found out that we were going to have Lu that I started this blog... will be fun to look back :)
We told Dude that he was going to be a bigger brother and that Lucy was going to be a big sister! I pointed to my belly and told him that there was a baby in there and then he said he wanted to see it. He started looking in my pockets and asking where it was! haha. I told him that the baby was in my belly like Lucy was, but he couldn't see it now... just not yet. Dude has told a couple of people at the store that there is a baby in Momma's belly but... "not yet!" haha. Smart guy. I think that he's really excited about the idea of another sibling. And I think that Lucy will be excited about it... she seems to be picking up on those types of things. She sometimes points to my belly and says, "Ba BEEEE" I think she's going to be a great big sister. Our little family isn't so little anymore!
The funny thing after I took the test I felt really tired... haha. Must've been mentally telling myself I was pregnant now. I actually took one test at night and the second line was really faint so I wasn't sure if it was positive... but I took one the next morning and it was the same thing... so I figured it must be!
I'm about 6.5 weeks along right now (so not very far) and we are excited about it. After the initial shock of taking in the fact that we're going to have another child, and the happy fact that we didn't get rid of ALL our baby stuff we are getting more and more excited.
It's a good thing that we are moving to a bigger place! It's like everytime we move we add onto our family, so I guess it's only fitting that we stick with tradition. :) We are trying to keep this on the DL until I have my first OB appointment, but it's getting harder and harder... :)
I am getting more and more tired (but I think that's also how it is at the end of the second half of your first trimester) and smells are really starting to get to me. I get hungry, like ravenous, on a moments notice but when I eat my stomach is upset... nothing terrible, just uncomfortable. Other than that, things are going great! It was about this time before we found out that we were going to have Lu that I started this blog... will be fun to look back :)
We told Dude that he was going to be a bigger brother and that Lucy was going to be a big sister! I pointed to my belly and told him that there was a baby in there and then he said he wanted to see it. He started looking in my pockets and asking where it was! haha. I told him that the baby was in my belly like Lucy was, but he couldn't see it now... just not yet. Dude has told a couple of people at the store that there is a baby in Momma's belly but... "not yet!" haha. Smart guy. I think that he's really excited about the idea of another sibling. And I think that Lucy will be excited about it... she seems to be picking up on those types of things. She sometimes points to my belly and says, "Ba BEEEE" I think she's going to be a great big sister. Our little family isn't so little anymore!
Sex God
I have finished yet another book. This one is significantly smaller than the others that I've recently read, but, in this case, it's definitely not about quantity but quality.
As I've mentioned before there have been some things that have turned my world upside down. And it's remarkable that this book touched on all of them... and he so eloquently put into words how I was feeling, or how he can explain what I wish I could.
I will highly recommend this book. I will have my children read it when they are older and are getting into that age of curiosity, and of determining their self worth through their eyes. There are so many positive things in this book I can't even begin to give it justice by giving a summary.
Even after finishing it there are many things that I will continue to maul over in my mind for days to come. Even though it's not a very thick book I wouldn't say that you can just blaze through it... there are moments that cause you to pause, and reflect on the magnitude of what's being said or suggested.
As I've mentioned before there have been some things that have turned my world upside down. And it's remarkable that this book touched on all of them... and he so eloquently put into words how I was feeling, or how he can explain what I wish I could.
I will highly recommend this book. I will have my children read it when they are older and are getting into that age of curiosity, and of determining their self worth through their eyes. There are so many positive things in this book I can't even begin to give it justice by giving a summary.
Even after finishing it there are many things that I will continue to maul over in my mind for days to come. Even though it's not a very thick book I wouldn't say that you can just blaze through it... there are moments that cause you to pause, and reflect on the magnitude of what's being said or suggested.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Big brother love
Dude is such a lover. He loves his little sister so much! This is probably the cutest thing I've heard to date but the other day some lady came up to Lucy and said, "Aren't you just the cutest thing?" And Dude said, "No. Miss miss is beautiful. And perfect." ::heart melting:: What a sweet heart. This Momma couldn't be prouder of him. :)
He also calls flowers 'presents for Momma'. He knows what flowers are and when we are doing alphabet stuff he says F is for presents for Momma (when it's a picture of a flower). Sweet guy.
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Praying together |
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When they are happiest... when they can look at each other |
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Big brother making sure she knows where the big slide is. |
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My husband, Mr. Wonderful
I have felt completely spoiled this past weekend. I feel like I haven't had to do ANYTHING! My dear sweet, thoughtful wonderful husband really stepped up to this plate this weekend while I tried to figure everything out.
Saturday he watched the kids while I got my massage and then when I got back we went out to eat with Ashley and Sunil...mmm... thai food. I've been craving that lately! We've had it several times in the last little while... yum yum yum!
Then, we headed to Baz's batizado where I was debating on whether I was going to go with Lucy. Like I said before she was a bit cranky because of her teeth and she didn't get a nap in... so I wasn't really feeling like chasing her around to keep her appeased. My superman husband told me that he would watch both the kids while I sat and watched the performances. He strapped Lu onto his back and then just chased Dude around the health center. I couldn't believe it. I felt like such a lazy bum!
Then, on Sunday after church we went to my parents and my sister and her kids came over. So, Gaetan and my Dad took all the kids (hers and mine) out for a walk to ice cream and then played at the park while we figured some stuff out at home.
It may not seem like a lot, but in those few short paragraphs that man has accomplished a lot. It's not easy watching both kids solo out in public. And he did it for two days in a row! My many many thanks for his gracious heart, his willing attitude and his awareness to my needs. I love you and it's very obvious that you love me back :)
Saturday he watched the kids while I got my massage and then when I got back we went out to eat with Ashley and Sunil...mmm... thai food. I've been craving that lately! We've had it several times in the last little while... yum yum yum!
Then, we headed to Baz's batizado where I was debating on whether I was going to go with Lucy. Like I said before she was a bit cranky because of her teeth and she didn't get a nap in... so I wasn't really feeling like chasing her around to keep her appeased. My superman husband told me that he would watch both the kids while I sat and watched the performances. He strapped Lu onto his back and then just chased Dude around the health center. I couldn't believe it. I felt like such a lazy bum!
Then, on Sunday after church we went to my parents and my sister and her kids came over. So, Gaetan and my Dad took all the kids (hers and mine) out for a walk to ice cream and then played at the park while we figured some stuff out at home.
It may not seem like a lot, but in those few short paragraphs that man has accomplished a lot. It's not easy watching both kids solo out in public. And he did it for two days in a row! My many many thanks for his gracious heart, his willing attitude and his awareness to my needs. I love you and it's very obvious that you love me back :)
Momma Massage
This past weekend has proven to be one of the most dramatic filled weekends that I can remember. There are many many things that happened, but I'm not quite ready to talk about them yet... or ever blog about them. However, through the craziness that was this weekend one thing happened that was totally unexpected.
I had called up Ashley and Sunil on Friday evening a bit distraught. And for as often as I don't get a hold of them on the phone, when I really need to talk with them, they are there :) (What we were talking about will be in a later post) After a good long while of talking things out and calming down I felt loads better... like I always do after talking with them. I was really excited that I was going to be able to see them the next day too (because of Baz's Batizado). The sweet girl that Ashley is offered to come over on Saturday if I couldn't make it out and hang... Lucy is cutting her canine teeth and has been struggling the past few evenings, so I didn't know how she was going to fair.
However, everything on Saturday seemed to be going well, so we packed the kiddos up and started our drive to the east side of the state. Once we got there Ashley said she had a surprise for me and said I had to get in the car... I was a little nervous! And it was without the kids, so I had NO idea what we were doing.
I couldn't believe what she had done for me. It. Was. Fantastic. and just what I needed. The best friend that she is took me to get a massage! Not only would I never take the time to do this for myself, but she even 'friend' gifted it (as she calls it). It was amazing. It was just want I needed to relax and take time to myself and sort things out. I joked that the hour by myself in that quiet room on the massage table would've been worth it already! haha. I don't know what it is about massage tables, but they're soooo comfy.
So, thank you my dear friend for your thoughtfulness and knowing just what this Momma needed at the right time. :)
I had called up Ashley and Sunil on Friday evening a bit distraught. And for as often as I don't get a hold of them on the phone, when I really need to talk with them, they are there :) (What we were talking about will be in a later post) After a good long while of talking things out and calming down I felt loads better... like I always do after talking with them. I was really excited that I was going to be able to see them the next day too (because of Baz's Batizado). The sweet girl that Ashley is offered to come over on Saturday if I couldn't make it out and hang... Lucy is cutting her canine teeth and has been struggling the past few evenings, so I didn't know how she was going to fair.
However, everything on Saturday seemed to be going well, so we packed the kiddos up and started our drive to the east side of the state. Once we got there Ashley said she had a surprise for me and said I had to get in the car... I was a little nervous! And it was without the kids, so I had NO idea what we were doing.
I couldn't believe what she had done for me. It. Was. Fantastic. and just what I needed. The best friend that she is took me to get a massage! Not only would I never take the time to do this for myself, but she even 'friend' gifted it (as she calls it). It was amazing. It was just want I needed to relax and take time to myself and sort things out. I joked that the hour by myself in that quiet room on the massage table would've been worth it already! haha. I don't know what it is about massage tables, but they're soooo comfy.
So, thank you my dear friend for your thoughtfulness and knowing just what this Momma needed at the right time. :)
Friday, August 3, 2012
Creation and the Creator
I started reading this new book called 'Sex God' by Rob Bell. It has NOTHING to do with 50 Shades... ;) Rob Bell was the founding pastor of the church I attend Mars Hill Bible. He is a phenomenal speaker and writer and this is 3 or 4 book I've read of his. This book is about exploring the endless connections between sexuality and spirituality.
Within the first couple pages of this book he describes something that totally hits the nail on the head of why I get so irked by Wilfreda. I know why she bugs me but he's put it so eloquently into words that I feel I must share them. I'm going to give a bit of the story first so you understand where it's coming from.
Within the first couple pages of this book he describes something that totally hits the nail on the head of why I get so irked by Wilfreda. I know why she bugs me but he's put it so eloquently into words that I feel I must share them. I'm going to give a bit of the story first so you understand where it's coming from.
"When I was five, my family visited my grandparents in California during Christmas vacation. They lived in an apartment building with an alley beside it- very exciting for a boy who lived on a farm in Michigan. At some point in my exploration of the alley, I decided to make a Christmas present for my dad out of the things I had found there. So on the morning of the twenty-fifth, my father had the privilege of opening a gift of a piece of black and green drainpipe glued to a flat gray rock with little white stones resting on the inside of it.
A masterpiece, to say the least.
The reason I remember this is because I visited my dad at his office a few days ago, and while I waited for him to finish his meeting, I wandered around looking at the pictures on his walls and the papers on his desk and the things on his shelves. On one of his shelves sat the drainpipe and rock sculpture, thirty years later.
He still has it.
He brought it home with him and put it in his office in 1977 and hasn't gotten rid of it.
We know why he kept it. How you treat the creation reflects how you feel about the creator.
When a human being is being mistreated, objectified, or neglected, when they are treated as less than human, these actions are actions against God. Because how you treat the creation reflects how you feel about the Creator."- 'Sex God' by Rob Bell.
It's the last part of the section that is totally Wilfreda. I get so upset with her because of how she treats people she claims to care about and love, and not only does she not think she's wrong but she thinks that's how you act.
I am all about forgiveness and what people have done in the past is usually the past... but not with her. I would be all about looking past what she did to her children and family if she didn't continue to do it in the present.
Yesterday I had to talk to her about the phone bill (because we're on a family plan with Zoe and Wilfreda) and they were over on their minutes... so I had to talk to her about the difference in this months bill. That unfortunately launched into her talking about how worried she is about Zoe and this, that and the other thing and I had to try and reassure her that things would be OK. Zoe and I have talked about this before and we had both agreed that we didn't think that God would have opened this opportunity up to her just to let her fall on her face... so I tried explaining that to Wilfreda but it just goes right over her head. She then turned around and tried to say something that she thought I wanted to hear and said, "The Lord's presence has indeed been a great blessing! I know Zoe will get His help." And honestly, hearing that from her is like a slap in the face. Does she even know what she's saying? Because to her God is something that you find in a Roman Catholic Church that you attend every Christmas and Easter. God can't be found in a non-denominational church that is progressive (what she said about Mars Hill). She just doesn't get it, but she thinks she does. She thinks she is full of wisdom about these things and if you want to try and sit down and have a conversation about it, she doesn't want to because she knows she doesn't have anything to say. When we have tried to talk about it she just says stuff like, "I'm old school, I like tradition." "That's how I grew up." (which it wasn't). And she gets really defensive about things when you ask her simple questions about why she does certain things like if the kids are going to sleep or going to take a nap she draws a cross on their forehead and says some blessing in Flemish to them that she doesn't believe at all. It's not that I mind the blessing at all, or the fact that she wants to do it, it's the WHY she does it. She doesn't even believe what she's doing...
It's hard to swallow her saying things like that because she doesn't believe in them herself. Because everything she says and does is a contradiction to what God's love is for His people. There was even one point where she told me that Zoe doesn't understand God the way she and I do... and I asked her, what was her understanding of God, and she just started stuttering about nothing. It was obvious to me then that she thinks that she's above others and looks down on them because of it.
It's also hard because she holds things over people's head. She told Zoe that she didn't like visiting us because we usually go out to eat, hang out for awhile and then she goes home (because she lives far away and doesn't like driving in the dark). She complained that she thought we were using her to buy us lunch... really? I've told her numerous times that if she wanted to stay in I would be more than happy to cook something. But then, she turns around and tries to give us extra money because she thought that would be nice. It WOULD be nice if she wasn't going to complain about it later. It would be a great gift if it was just that... a gift. Not something that she expected to get something back. It's like she thinks we're her charity, but we owe her for his generosity.
A good friend told me that I shouldn't let it get to me so much... and he's right. I shouldn't. And that's just something I'm going to have to work at. Reading this book has reminded me that even though she might have rejected Him, she was still created in His imagine and is His child... and I am to view her that way also. It will take some time, and definitely some grace, but I am trying to get there.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Another trilogy done
I've been a bit of a reading machine lately... and I've burned through yet another trilogy. This one, less erotic (I wouldn't say less sexy) and lots more killing. This trilogy is about The Night Angel. I would highly recommend reading these books because they're really intriguing and fun in their own way. The plot is full of twists and turns and has the potential (if you are weak, like me) to keep you up into all hours of the night. WARNING: I will be talking about the plots in the books so if you are going to read them, stop reading this now or else it will spoil the fun!
Now, same thing applies to this trilogy as 50 Shades... if they made it into a movie I'm not sure I could watch it. I actually almost didn't finish reading the first book because the beginning was so hard for me to read. As a mother, the most horrifying thing is to have children not being taken care, being brutalized and have no way out. As a woman, having no way of protecting yourself against the harsh realities of life, and most likely having to die that way is horrifying... so put those two together and that's why I almost didn't finish reading the first book. I actually asked my friends who gave them to me to read if it got better because if it didn't then I couldn't finish it... but I ended up skipping parts here and there (to protect myself really and make sure I could sleep later) but still making sure I kept up with the plot.
I'm glad I went on. They are pretty dark and a lot of people die some pretty terrible deaths, but that's what happens when you're a wetboy right? (Because in the books assassins are second rate killers and to be a wetboy is the best). Also, fun part of the books are magic! There are some fun fantasy sci-fi elements to the books that make them more intriguing (to the non-magic world).
I guess I like the books because they didn't end all 'happily ever after' because in a world of destruction, plotting and war it usually never does. You end up really wanting the main characters to find themselves and stay true to their character, no matter what the cost. It also shows how much a human would do to overcome their situation and make sure that the people they care about are taken care of. In that sense then these books are happy. Love is a key element in the book, and of course, that makes this Momma happy. :) But it's not erotic love like 50 Shades (like there is anything that is probably going to come close...) but it's still sexy, if that makes sense. The idea of a wetboy is definitely BA. My happiness is how Kylar holds onto truth, love and loyalty for his love Elene. :) And good for Elene for holding out for her convictions too!
I would go back and re-read them sometime. Especially now I know where I can start up in the first book and miss all the sad stuff. I'm sure there are parts of the plot I missed (but obviously enough to understand the story) which is why I'd go back and read it again.
So I would recommend these books for sure! And here I am, again, without something to read... any suggestions I would take!
Now, same thing applies to this trilogy as 50 Shades... if they made it into a movie I'm not sure I could watch it. I actually almost didn't finish reading the first book because the beginning was so hard for me to read. As a mother, the most horrifying thing is to have children not being taken care, being brutalized and have no way out. As a woman, having no way of protecting yourself against the harsh realities of life, and most likely having to die that way is horrifying... so put those two together and that's why I almost didn't finish reading the first book. I actually asked my friends who gave them to me to read if it got better because if it didn't then I couldn't finish it... but I ended up skipping parts here and there (to protect myself really and make sure I could sleep later) but still making sure I kept up with the plot.
I'm glad I went on. They are pretty dark and a lot of people die some pretty terrible deaths, but that's what happens when you're a wetboy right? (Because in the books assassins are second rate killers and to be a wetboy is the best). Also, fun part of the books are magic! There are some fun fantasy sci-fi elements to the books that make them more intriguing (to the non-magic world).
I guess I like the books because they didn't end all 'happily ever after' because in a world of destruction, plotting and war it usually never does. You end up really wanting the main characters to find themselves and stay true to their character, no matter what the cost. It also shows how much a human would do to overcome their situation and make sure that the people they care about are taken care of. In that sense then these books are happy. Love is a key element in the book, and of course, that makes this Momma happy. :) But it's not erotic love like 50 Shades (like there is anything that is probably going to come close...) but it's still sexy, if that makes sense. The idea of a wetboy is definitely BA. My happiness is how Kylar holds onto truth, love and loyalty for his love Elene. :) And good for Elene for holding out for her convictions too!
I would go back and re-read them sometime. Especially now I know where I can start up in the first book and miss all the sad stuff. I'm sure there are parts of the plot I missed (but obviously enough to understand the story) which is why I'd go back and read it again.
So I would recommend these books for sure! And here I am, again, without something to read... any suggestions I would take!
Bracing myself
I am currently in the phase of bracing myself for what's to come. This month has the potential to be very detrimental or it could be amazing. Gaetan's Grandma is in town for the next couple of weeks (which is great!) but it either sets Wilfreda up as a nut job (which isn't different than normal, but when Lieve is in town she's 12 times worse... amazing, I know) or it can actually calm her down (because Lieve doesn't put up with her shit). So, it's a toss up. Then, add in the mix that Zoe is moving to Seattle but is coming to Michigan for a short visit beforehand... and that always makes Wilfreda into a basket case.
Because there are so many of the family members in town they are already trying to set things up to hang out. Which is good and bad. Of course, I want to see them, but seeing them all at the same time is like knowing you're walking into a storm. It's gonna be OUT OF CONTROL. Before, when it was just me and Gaetan we could handle it pretty well... but now we have to try and damage control for the kids too.
Already, I am seeing logistical problems with them trying to make plans for everybody without actually checking to see if they are available for those days. And already, I've been getting it from both sides (which means they're not actually communicating with each other either). UGH. And here's the other problem, both Zoe and Wilfreda will tell you that they don't care but they actually do. So, if you make a decision (because heaven forbid they would) and it's not what they were secretly thinking they sulk. Zoe's much better about it than Wilfreda, but still. And I want to offer my help to Wilfreda because she's trying to think of activities that are fun for kids (which is a first) but she's coming up with things that aren't age appropriate for our kids. Like going to Michigan's Adventure. Our kids aren't old/tall enough to ride on the kid rides, and she wants to drag Lieve around (who is 80 years old!) all day? I told her I didn't think it was such a good idea, but she'll probably end up doing it anyway... And why should she listen to the one who has two small children and knows what they like to do? I'm trying not to butt in and take control but some situations need it before they even start...
Zoe wants to throw a party at her mom's place for Tristan's birthday, Lieve's birthday and her going away all at the same time. She's already invited a bunch of her friends over... which could be interesting. Just mainly because she's known among her friends as 'the shit show', which is such a grand title to hold.... Again, if it was just me and Gaetan no big deal, but with the kids? And out at her place in the middle of nowhere?
We are always moving in a week, Gaetan is subbing a few classes for his advisor, and taking his qualifier. I have some weddings to play, so it's going to be a busy one. I will definitely go into the visits with a positive attitude and pray and hope for the best! Wish us luck... I'm sure you'll be hearing about it. :)
Because there are so many of the family members in town they are already trying to set things up to hang out. Which is good and bad. Of course, I want to see them, but seeing them all at the same time is like knowing you're walking into a storm. It's gonna be OUT OF CONTROL. Before, when it was just me and Gaetan we could handle it pretty well... but now we have to try and damage control for the kids too.
Already, I am seeing logistical problems with them trying to make plans for everybody without actually checking to see if they are available for those days. And already, I've been getting it from both sides (which means they're not actually communicating with each other either). UGH. And here's the other problem, both Zoe and Wilfreda will tell you that they don't care but they actually do. So, if you make a decision (because heaven forbid they would) and it's not what they were secretly thinking they sulk. Zoe's much better about it than Wilfreda, but still. And I want to offer my help to Wilfreda because she's trying to think of activities that are fun for kids (which is a first) but she's coming up with things that aren't age appropriate for our kids. Like going to Michigan's Adventure. Our kids aren't old/tall enough to ride on the kid rides, and she wants to drag Lieve around (who is 80 years old!) all day? I told her I didn't think it was such a good idea, but she'll probably end up doing it anyway... And why should she listen to the one who has two small children and knows what they like to do? I'm trying not to butt in and take control but some situations need it before they even start...
Zoe wants to throw a party at her mom's place for Tristan's birthday, Lieve's birthday and her going away all at the same time. She's already invited a bunch of her friends over... which could be interesting. Just mainly because she's known among her friends as 'the shit show', which is such a grand title to hold.... Again, if it was just me and Gaetan no big deal, but with the kids? And out at her place in the middle of nowhere?
We are always moving in a week, Gaetan is subbing a few classes for his advisor, and taking his qualifier. I have some weddings to play, so it's going to be a busy one. I will definitely go into the visits with a positive attitude and pray and hope for the best! Wish us luck... I'm sure you'll be hearing about it. :)
I'm not religious
I've been mulling things over in my head for the past while about being what does it mean to be religious and things of that churchy jargon. During a visit with a good friend we had a very real conversation about what that actually meant and how damaging it can be.
I understand that people who strongly believe in something want you to believe in it too... and in this case being a Christian. And I would give everything to know that all the people I cared about where going to Heaven... but what does it mean to be a Christian? Because I know that I've said this before and I'm gonna say it again but being a Christian and being religious are NOT the same thing. People can be religious about watching their favorite TV show. And the word 'Christian' carries such heavy meaning now, which I believe it never should.
I get that people who have a strong conviction on what it means (to them) about being a Christian but pushing it onto somebody who isn't there yet is only going to push them farther, and probably piss them off in the process. Do you really think that they want to be apart of something that you are bullying them into? Not if they have a brain.
I would say (and hope) that all my friends know that I love Jesus whole heartedly. That doesn't mean that I'm going to sit there and bible thump them on all the ways they aren't living a good life. Because, honestly, there are people out there who are better people (by far) then people who sit in front of you and tell you that you're a sinner. And, because, who am I to judge you? That's not my job. Not even close. My job is to live a life that is a reflection of God's love for us, and for His Children. Yes, sometimes that does involve hard truths, and sometimes that does involve doing things that the other party won't understand until later, but that's all in timing. Not ours of course, but His.
My hope is that I live my life in such a way that people would ask why I'm different and I would be happy to share it with them. The key word is SHARE. And if that means deeper discussion, all the better. And the key word here is DISCUSSION. Not trying to convince them why they should join 'your side.' The point isn't to trick somebody into 'being a Christian'. If by SHARING And DISCUSSING my faith they are interested and want to know more I would be more than happy to help them out.
I used to be a pushy Christian because I thought that's what it meant to be strong in my convictions... and let me tell you, it doesn't work. Trying to show that you're 'better than somebody else' isn't what Jesus intended for us to do. And right now, my sister's fellowship is still at that phase. Admittedly, they are light years better than the way they used to be, but they still are missing the point (in my opinion). It's hard to be upset with them because I know their fire and zeal to want to share the love of God is paved with good intention, but they have even told me "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
I know that God is powerful enough to take any small gesture and turn it for His glory but we do have a responsibility not to screw it up. Ya know? So, here is my soap box again. Jesus came to show Love. He came to show us the ultimate way to show that love. And there are lots of words and things that are said in the bible and if you want to come away with the grimstone and hell, and punishment and wrath of God I know you're missing the point. When you think of Jesus and you think of anything but grace, and love and peace then you've missed the point of who He is.
I understand that people who strongly believe in something want you to believe in it too... and in this case being a Christian. And I would give everything to know that all the people I cared about where going to Heaven... but what does it mean to be a Christian? Because I know that I've said this before and I'm gonna say it again but being a Christian and being religious are NOT the same thing. People can be religious about watching their favorite TV show. And the word 'Christian' carries such heavy meaning now, which I believe it never should.
I get that people who have a strong conviction on what it means (to them) about being a Christian but pushing it onto somebody who isn't there yet is only going to push them farther, and probably piss them off in the process. Do you really think that they want to be apart of something that you are bullying them into? Not if they have a brain.
I would say (and hope) that all my friends know that I love Jesus whole heartedly. That doesn't mean that I'm going to sit there and bible thump them on all the ways they aren't living a good life. Because, honestly, there are people out there who are better people (by far) then people who sit in front of you and tell you that you're a sinner. And, because, who am I to judge you? That's not my job. Not even close. My job is to live a life that is a reflection of God's love for us, and for His Children. Yes, sometimes that does involve hard truths, and sometimes that does involve doing things that the other party won't understand until later, but that's all in timing. Not ours of course, but His.
My hope is that I live my life in such a way that people would ask why I'm different and I would be happy to share it with them. The key word is SHARE. And if that means deeper discussion, all the better. And the key word here is DISCUSSION. Not trying to convince them why they should join 'your side.' The point isn't to trick somebody into 'being a Christian'. If by SHARING And DISCUSSING my faith they are interested and want to know more I would be more than happy to help them out.
I used to be a pushy Christian because I thought that's what it meant to be strong in my convictions... and let me tell you, it doesn't work. Trying to show that you're 'better than somebody else' isn't what Jesus intended for us to do. And right now, my sister's fellowship is still at that phase. Admittedly, they are light years better than the way they used to be, but they still are missing the point (in my opinion). It's hard to be upset with them because I know their fire and zeal to want to share the love of God is paved with good intention, but they have even told me "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
I know that God is powerful enough to take any small gesture and turn it for His glory but we do have a responsibility not to screw it up. Ya know? So, here is my soap box again. Jesus came to show Love. He came to show us the ultimate way to show that love. And there are lots of words and things that are said in the bible and if you want to come away with the grimstone and hell, and punishment and wrath of God I know you're missing the point. When you think of Jesus and you think of anything but grace, and love and peace then you've missed the point of who He is.
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