Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Talkative Tristan

Both kids right now are in a stage where they are changing so much and learning so much!  Tristan is quite the little talker now.  He is so bright he picks up on everything... so I have been trying to make sure that I don't let him take short cuts when I know he can do it correctly.  For instance he tries to get away with getting things by pointing at them and just kinda making some noise, which I obviously understand what he wants, but I know that he can communicate better.  So now when he wants things he asks, "Momma, may I please have _______ please."  hahaha.  And it's really hard to tell him 'no' when he asks so nicely for things.  Most of the time he gets whatever it is, but of course there are exceptions... like, candy before bed.  :P

He is very curious about a lot of things that Lucy does too.  Whenever I make something for Lucy to eat (usually baby food if she's eating before him) he asks, "Momma, what is Lucy eating?"  And then he'll answer himself by saying, "MMMMEEAT!"  It's really funny.  I'm not sure why he always assumes that she's eating meat, but that's what he says.

I love the tone and inflection of his voice and all the little ways that he says different things.  I can't get over how smart he is and what a personality he has.  I am fully aware that most 2.5 year olds don't talk in sentences, read and spell the way he does, but it's awesome, and I hope to continue to feed him knowledge.

It's also nice because he is starting to ad lib his own prayers too.  Before he kinda would say the same thing but now he adds things in, either things we are going to do, or already did.  :)

He is our sweet little Goober Face.  I love you Duder.

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