Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2, 2012

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday!  And we all know how much Duder loves his alphabet, which has turned into a love for books and reading.  So he got the Dr Seuss Alphabet book from the library... which he can read to me.  It's amazing.

I also discovered today that my two year old would rather eat fish and peas than have pizza.... Lucy has been a big eating machine!  I made those meatloaf 'cupcakes' again and she ate a whole one and she ate 2.5 pieces of fish with some peas too.  She really doesn't like baby food but she'll eat it, as long as she doesn't see anybody else eating something else.  My kids are both funny... and I'm glad that they're not picky eaters.

There were lots of good things that happened today!  It is the beginning of Spring Break for Gaetan... which I know is a much needed break for him.  I can't imagine the mental exercise he must get... ugh.  Better him than me.  :)

And because he's on spring break I was able to do my long run during the day instead of at night when the kids went down.  I always get so nervous that Lucy's going to wake up and reek havoc and wake Duder up and then he's stuck with two unhappy awake kiddos.  The miles during the week are quite manageable, so I'm not worried that I'll be gone for hours, but the long runs on the weekend are getting quite long. Today's long run was 20 miles! And because it was during the kids nap time (which wasn't in the middle of  the night) I was able to run outside.  What a difference that makes!  And even though it wasn't really that nice outside, it's just so much better than running on a treadmill.  I was able to do the first 8 miles outside, but it was raining so hard that I was soaked so I had to continue running inside.  I struggled through the next 8 miles mentally (it just gets to boring on the treadmill) that I saw that it had stopped raining so I happily finished up the rest outside.  My legs feel great... considering the stress I just put them through.  I don't know how excited I'm going to be do it again, but at least I know I can do it :)

Also... Lucy had her first poop in the potty!  I know its weird to blog about poop, but any parent would understand that anything that gets them closer to not having to diaper their child is huge.  I was getting her ready for bed, and she likes to be nakey for a little while before I put her PJ's on her... but she was giving me all the signs that she had to poop so I put her on the potty, and she sat on there like a champ.  A few seconds later she gave me her sign that she was done and she had done it!  It was pretty exciting!  :)

This day has been great.  Little things here and there have made it a bit of a historic day haha.  Here's to the brownies I'm about to consume with Gaetan and our downtime together :)


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