Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It felt like Monopoly

So the other night we were going over our bank account (at home) and noticed there were a bunch of courtesy fees... ahhh what?!  I knew that it was running a little tight because there were unexpected expenses that came up, but I was fairly certain that we hadn't over drawn... so seeing big red numbers in our account was quite the shocker.

Upon further inspection it looked like the bank messed up!  They penalized us for no apparent reason and when I went into the bank the next morning to sort things out they apologized up and down and didn't know why it did it either.  Bank fees are HARSH.  They nailed us $30 every time we used our card and it thought we were over drawn.  Oof.  So even though the last time we did use our card we were over drawn (due to a mistake on my part) the bank said that they were going to pay us back for all the fees. :)  That was awesome.  I was thinking I was going to have to put my cranky pants on and get something taken care of... but it was all very nice and cordial.

I felt like it was that chance card from Monopoly, "bank errors in your favor.  Collect $$"  And every time I play that game and get that card I always think to myself, "yeah right.  Like that ever happens."  And from watching other people's experiences banks really don't admit that they make mistakes... and if they do they make it such a hassle for you to right it it really doesn't seem worth the trouble.  So here's my plug for Lake Michigan Credit Union.  They rock.  :)


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