Yesterday morning on a whim I decided to check airfare to Seattle for the weekend that my good friend Amy is running a half marathon. I checked before once and the prices were SKY high (literally haha). They were almost $500... which is outrageous, and definitely not in our budget. However, yesterday it was $250... GASP. I waited til Gaetan was up and then we talked about it and i was hoping that the tickets were still that price. Usually what happens is I find a good deal on tickets but by the time I get around to getting them (like an hour later) they've already doubled... but not this time!
I am going to be able to visit my super good friend Amy March 24-26 and on the 25th we're going to be running the half marathon around Mercer Island. I am SO excited. I am so happy that I get to visit with Amy and to be able to support her in this race. I'm glad that I will get a half under my belt before the full on May. :) God is good... He knew what I needed and provided it so quickly. It was funny because I got a Jones Soda the other day and under the lid it said that I would be flying somewhere soon! :)
I am excited to have this run with her and to run around an entire island! Whoo! Will keep you updated on how it goes
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