Lucy is getting to be the age where she is starting to get out of being a 'baby' and into our little playful girl. Her personality is definitely starting to shine through. I think she understands a lot more than I give her credit for... and she really knows what she wants. She can be a bit of a stinker at times when she doesn't get what she wants and sometimes hams things up so that Duder might get in more trouble than he really should. They're learning how to be siblings already...
She loves to do "How big's my baby?" And then she so excitedly throws her arms up over her head for "So big!" It's really cute because Duder will ask, "How big's my Lucy?" And he is so excited for her when she throws her arms up. I feel like this was the gate way game into all the her playfulness now!
She LOVES to play peek a boo. She did it while we were at my parents in the toy tent... she crawled right in and then she kept hitting the door flaps over and poking her head out and just smiling so big. She really likes to play in the curtains at home. It's cute because you'll just see either feet or her bunda sticking out and then her head poking out the other way. Or she'll just turn her back to you so she can't see you and then quickly turn around.
Both of our kids really enjoy being upside down. We figured that Tristan picked it up from all the capo that he was exposed too, but Lucy hasn't been around it that much. She loves sitting on your lap and then she whips herself backwards while you say, "She's down" And then she pulls herself up while you say, "Now she's up!"
We started teaching her some sign language too. Right now she definitely has 'more' down. Duder loves helping her learn. He started doing signs again too while he talks so that she gets used to it. It's amazing how much he wants her to learn and how excited he is for her when she gets it. We are working on please and thank-you. She is so smart though. She picked up more in just a few times doing it. She also loves to clap for herself. If you aren't going to acknowledge her achievements than she will for herself! haha
Another thing she loves to do is take her socks off. I knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before she started doing that and thinking it was a hilarious game. Before she would just rock them off without any intention, but now she is definitely pulling them off and then she waves them around in the air like part of her victory dance.
One thing that Tristan never did that Lucy does all the time, and I think it's adorable, is that she'll randomly just lay down, or put her head down. It's usually on pillows or on places one would lay their head down, but it's so cute. She could be playing so hard on the floor and then you just see her sprawled out on the floor. But only for a second... then she pops her head up and turns and smiles at you. One of her favorite places to do this is in in Big Brother's bed. When we're upstairs she thinks that she's being sneaky and she crawls into his room and then lays down in his bed... and he loves it too. Sometimes during nap time he lays down with his pals in bed and leaves this huge space, where he pats it and says, "lucy" :)
As we all know Duder is quite bright. And I believe that Miss Lucy is going to be a clever one also. She says Momma now, she can zip and unzip things, and has learned how to open certain things. The other day she dropped a toy between two items and tried to get it from the top, but the opening wasn't big enough for the top. So she sat back, looked at the situation, and then went at it from a different side and got her toy out. It was amazing to watch her problem solving skills in action. I know that the gears are turning because she'll smile when it's appropriate and laugh at jokes... its amazing. I can't believe how smart children are and I hope that I don't down play their abilities.
We have also nicknamed her Hurricane Lucy. She can crawl so quickly into a room and destroy anything that Tristan was building. It's quite amazing actually... although, he isn't always impressed with her ability. He calls her Lucy Cane whenever she does that. And she's so strong that there really isn't much stopping her once she's started.
I can't believe that my little babe is almost 10 months old. She's been in the world longer than she's been in my tummy now! I'm excited for all her advancements and for all the little things that she continues to teach me. I love you baby girl.
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