I finally got my poop in a group and wrote the fundraising letter I needed too to get the whole project off the ground. We started a few days ago and it has been going really well! Within the first 3 hours we were already over $140 which is enough to help 10 families for 10 years! Do you know how encouraging that is?
So far we are at 26% of the $3,200 goal... which is amazing. I can't believe that people are taking to this so well, and so quickly. It does this Momma's heart good to know that you can make a difference even if you aren't in the work place.
It has also been really encouraging to see the people who have stepped up already to donate. People I never really would've thought cared about what I was doing... and they were some of the first people to do it. It makes me pretty emotional really. I am so glad that something as small as writing a letter, and sending it through a social network has made such an impact already.
It has been encouraging with my running too. I just got off of a week break because I was so sick... and there are times when I don't feel like continuing, but I know that what I'm doing is helping and making a difference.
May this be just the beginning. I am excited to see what awaits us. :)
Life happens so quickly! I am learning to take things in as they come and enjoy it one day at a time.
Family photo Oct 2010

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Happy Duder Again
Ever since the kids and I got really sick last Friday Duder has been an absolute terror. He doesn't handle being sick very well, and I honestly can't fault him for that because I knew how miserable I was and its hard as a two year old to understand why you feel so badly. But this time was worse. If this is what most kids experience throughout their two's I'm honestly surprised that there are as many of them that make it past two. He was so defiant, disobedient and blatantly disrespectful. I couldn't even begin to tell you how opposite it was to how he normally is. Everything, even the smallest request, would be met with a very snotty and quick, 'no'. We tried various methods of getting him to listen, but for the past half week it has been a battle about everything.
As a Mother I knew that I couldn't let this go on or fly. I understood that he was sick and didn't feel well, but Lucy was just as sick and she was a champ about it. Other than the horrible cough we all had the snot that never seemed to end you would've never have known she was sick. All I knew was that I had to keep on it and not let he get away with it, because he is so smart he would realize it in an instant and exploit it.
It was a rough half of a week. But I am happy to report that it seems that he is back to his charming self. There are still a little glimmer of what he was doing before, but for the majority of the time he is back to being a very good listener and being very sweet to Lucy. Prayer answered. We are so thankful that he is back to normal, because I don't know how it would've gone if that was the new him.
As a Mother I knew that I couldn't let this go on or fly. I understood that he was sick and didn't feel well, but Lucy was just as sick and she was a champ about it. Other than the horrible cough we all had the snot that never seemed to end you would've never have known she was sick. All I knew was that I had to keep on it and not let he get away with it, because he is so smart he would realize it in an instant and exploit it.
It was a rough half of a week. But I am happy to report that it seems that he is back to his charming self. There are still a little glimmer of what he was doing before, but for the majority of the time he is back to being a very good listener and being very sweet to Lucy. Prayer answered. We are so thankful that he is back to normal, because I don't know how it would've gone if that was the new him.
As I mentioned before when Duder lost his pal Dog it was devastating. We ordered him another pal that night and then the next morning we got the call that they found Dog. So we told Duder that Dog had a little brother that was flying in for a visit...
You should've seen his face when we opened the package with his name on it and out came another pal Dog. We asked him what his name was and he said Chaz. Chaz had been the silly word he throws out there when we're reading and he doesn't know the word... When he saw two dogs you could see wheels turning and he turned and looked at us and said, "2 hippos?" Smart guy.
The impressive thing is that he can tell the two pals apart. We put a green ribbon on Chaz so we could differentiate but Dude knows his pals. Here they are!
You should've seen his face when we opened the package with his name on it and out came another pal Dog. We asked him what his name was and he said Chaz. Chaz had been the silly word he throws out there when we're reading and he doesn't know the word... When he saw two dogs you could see wheels turning and he turned and looked at us and said, "2 hippos?" Smart guy.
The impressive thing is that he can tell the two pals apart. We put a green ribbon on Chaz so we could differentiate but Dude knows his pals. Here they are!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sick... again.
Man, this winter seems like it has been extra bad for colds. Everybody I know is either getting sick or is sick... never getting better or not sick! And weather wise this winter has been really mild! What gives?!
Gaetan has been sick the longest in our family. He is just about better and then something happens and he gets worse again. :( Then, when he gets worse, we usually catch it. It's a vicious cycle. This past weekend was especially hard. On Friday night I left to go running, and got about 2 miles in when it was reported that Lucy got up. I was having an extremely difficult time running (and I was supposed to run 14 miles that day) so I just decided to go home. It was a good thing I did too... Lucy was pretty unhappy (from being sick) and then Duder was up all night. Lucky for me the kids at least alternated so that I could go from one bedside to the other and Gaetan could get a little bit of sleep. However, because I was up all night I got super sick. Saturday morning I woke up and I had no voice. I felt like Hippo was sitting on my chest and that I was on the verge of an asthma attack.
I was so surprised that Lucy just acted like nothing was going on... usually when we all get sick she gets hit the hardest. But she was a dream. Breaks my heart when she coughs and there is snot streaming out of her nose but she didn't act like anything was wrong. Duder on the other hand... I can understand his misery but he was acting pretty naughty. I know he didn't get a lot of sleep (well, because I didn't get a lot of sleep) so on top of being super sick he was tired. It made for a long weekend.
That Saturday I was supposed to go hang out with friends on the east side of the state. I always feel so selfish for wanting/needing breaks. And this one was definitely needed, but seeing how I felt horrible, the kids were horribly sick, and I would hate to get my friends sick, I didn't go. I'm not going to lie I was real disappointed. What was getting me through the week was thinking that I might possibly get a break during the weekend... and then this happened, and any hope of a break was stomped out. I know I should've just bucked up (attitude wise) and come to grips that it wasn't going to happen, but it was just so defeating. I have just been feeling lately like it's never ending... the dishes, laundry, crying kids, being sick, just all in all not feeling like I'm doing good enough, and that is crushing after awhile. There's something I hung over Lucy's changing table that says,
"Lord, help me to remember that no matter what happens today, there's nothing that you and I can't handle together."
I don't know how many times I've just found myself staring at that. I've been praying extra hard for a better attitude about things and I know that if I would just do it then my lesson would be learned and I feel like miraculously everything would be better... but I'm a bit stubborn I suppose. There are glimmers of good times during my day, but it's so crazy how quickly it can turn bad. I'm starting to feel more optimistic about things but it is definitely a daily struggle right now.
Don't worry... I'm not going to do anything rash or hasty like leave the kids at home or something. And I should be joyful in the things I am able to do. I know that there are plenty of people who would love to have dirty dishes to clean, because that meant they had food to eat. Or they wouldn't mind hearing children crying or not going to sleep, because that meant they had children to care for. But sometimes, this tired Momma just needs a break.
The time that I get away for myself lately has been running, but I haven't been able to do that because of feeling miserable and because I feel so guilty about leaving Gaetan with the kids when they are feeling so miserable. I will hopefully get a chance to run on Thursday and by then, I hope that we are all 100% better.
Here's to a more positive outlook. We can do this.
Gaetan has been sick the longest in our family. He is just about better and then something happens and he gets worse again. :( Then, when he gets worse, we usually catch it. It's a vicious cycle. This past weekend was especially hard. On Friday night I left to go running, and got about 2 miles in when it was reported that Lucy got up. I was having an extremely difficult time running (and I was supposed to run 14 miles that day) so I just decided to go home. It was a good thing I did too... Lucy was pretty unhappy (from being sick) and then Duder was up all night. Lucky for me the kids at least alternated so that I could go from one bedside to the other and Gaetan could get a little bit of sleep. However, because I was up all night I got super sick. Saturday morning I woke up and I had no voice. I felt like Hippo was sitting on my chest and that I was on the verge of an asthma attack.
I was so surprised that Lucy just acted like nothing was going on... usually when we all get sick she gets hit the hardest. But she was a dream. Breaks my heart when she coughs and there is snot streaming out of her nose but she didn't act like anything was wrong. Duder on the other hand... I can understand his misery but he was acting pretty naughty. I know he didn't get a lot of sleep (well, because I didn't get a lot of sleep) so on top of being super sick he was tired. It made for a long weekend.
That Saturday I was supposed to go hang out with friends on the east side of the state. I always feel so selfish for wanting/needing breaks. And this one was definitely needed, but seeing how I felt horrible, the kids were horribly sick, and I would hate to get my friends sick, I didn't go. I'm not going to lie I was real disappointed. What was getting me through the week was thinking that I might possibly get a break during the weekend... and then this happened, and any hope of a break was stomped out. I know I should've just bucked up (attitude wise) and come to grips that it wasn't going to happen, but it was just so defeating. I have just been feeling lately like it's never ending... the dishes, laundry, crying kids, being sick, just all in all not feeling like I'm doing good enough, and that is crushing after awhile. There's something I hung over Lucy's changing table that says,
"Lord, help me to remember that no matter what happens today, there's nothing that you and I can't handle together."
I don't know how many times I've just found myself staring at that. I've been praying extra hard for a better attitude about things and I know that if I would just do it then my lesson would be learned and I feel like miraculously everything would be better... but I'm a bit stubborn I suppose. There are glimmers of good times during my day, but it's so crazy how quickly it can turn bad. I'm starting to feel more optimistic about things but it is definitely a daily struggle right now.
Don't worry... I'm not going to do anything rash or hasty like leave the kids at home or something. And I should be joyful in the things I am able to do. I know that there are plenty of people who would love to have dirty dishes to clean, because that meant they had food to eat. Or they wouldn't mind hearing children crying or not going to sleep, because that meant they had children to care for. But sometimes, this tired Momma just needs a break.
The time that I get away for myself lately has been running, but I haven't been able to do that because of feeling miserable and because I feel so guilty about leaving Gaetan with the kids when they are feeling so miserable. I will hopefully get a chance to run on Thursday and by then, I hope that we are all 100% better.
Here's to a more positive outlook. We can do this.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Baby girl walking
Today Lucy took her first steps! Gaetan was in the kitchen and she took a few steps towards him... it was adorable. I can't believe that she's starting to walk already. Time goes to fast.
Valentine's Day
This year Valentine's was celebrated like we have ever since we started dating/engaged, with take out Chinese. The first Valentine's Day we ever knew each other, (I was single and he was dating somebody else) we were discussing our plans for that day. I had to work (I was serving at Applebee's) and he and his girlfriend were going out to eat. We both agreed that's not what we were hoping to do on that particular day and started talking about what our ideal Valentine's Day would be. It boiled down to staying in, watching movies and eating take out Chinese. So... the next Valentine's Day that's what we did, together :)
This year was a bit more hectic, ya know with two small children. We still go take out Chinese and I got Gaetan some NPR valentines... haha. It was his long day at school, and we had a lot of grading to do that night, but it was nice to just have that time around the dinner table together with everybody.
I'm glad that we don't get to into holidays that don't have much meaning, but it is nice to have somebody to do these things with. Love you my precious family.
This year was a bit more hectic, ya know with two small children. We still go take out Chinese and I got Gaetan some NPR valentines... haha. It was his long day at school, and we had a lot of grading to do that night, but it was nice to just have that time around the dinner table together with everybody.
I'm glad that we don't get to into holidays that don't have much meaning, but it is nice to have somebody to do these things with. Love you my precious family.
Seattle... and a half marathon!
Yesterday morning on a whim I decided to check airfare to Seattle for the weekend that my good friend Amy is running a half marathon. I checked before once and the prices were SKY high (literally haha). They were almost $500... which is outrageous, and definitely not in our budget. However, yesterday it was $250... GASP. I waited til Gaetan was up and then we talked about it and i was hoping that the tickets were still that price. Usually what happens is I find a good deal on tickets but by the time I get around to getting them (like an hour later) they've already doubled... but not this time!
I am going to be able to visit my super good friend Amy March 24-26 and on the 25th we're going to be running the half marathon around Mercer Island. I am SO excited. I am so happy that I get to visit with Amy and to be able to support her in this race. I'm glad that I will get a half under my belt before the full on May. :) God is good... He knew what I needed and provided it so quickly. It was funny because I got a Jones Soda the other day and under the lid it said that I would be flying somewhere soon! :)
I am excited to have this run with her and to run around an entire island! Whoo! Will keep you updated on how it goes
I am going to be able to visit my super good friend Amy March 24-26 and on the 25th we're going to be running the half marathon around Mercer Island. I am SO excited. I am so happy that I get to visit with Amy and to be able to support her in this race. I'm glad that I will get a half under my belt before the full on May. :) God is good... He knew what I needed and provided it so quickly. It was funny because I got a Jones Soda the other day and under the lid it said that I would be flying somewhere soon! :)
I am excited to have this run with her and to run around an entire island! Whoo! Will keep you updated on how it goes
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Tristan- our little scholar
As we know Tristan is our little smart guy. It's so much fun to see how much he can learn and how much he picks up just by listening. At the same token it can be a little scary how exact he will repeat things that come out of my mouth just seconds before. For example, I was just telling Lucy not to do something and then I turned around and she was sneakily smiling and going right back to doing it, and I said, "Lucy, seriously?" So then I moved her again and when she went right back at it, Duder said it with the same inflection and all. It was pretty cute, but there are things I catch myself not saying because I know that it WILL come right back out of his mouth.
I also have never met any other child that loves letters and words as much as this guy. So much so that can bust out the alphabet backwards. What? That takes some serious effort! He was just sitting in the tub one day and he just starting saying it... and it took me awhile to figure out what he was doing, but after that he just kept doing it. Amazing. He's into reading simple books now. He pulled out one of the library books and just started reading. It was one that we had read several times, but I always read it to him. Whenever we read I point to what word I'm saying when I say it so he can follow along. I still find that really impressive.
At the Children's Museum spelling some of his favorite words
All settled in with a good book
Reading a book to me!
Along with reading more he is talking WAY more. He's starting to do sentences. And they're very understandable to people who aren't around him 24/7. Some of the funny things that he says are:
-Oh cow (which is really holy cow)
-I asked him how his breakfast was and he said, "tasty"
-We ask if he wants to snug before bed and he says, "a bit"
-Whenever somebody leaves or gets out of the car he tells them safe travels
-He can count to 10 in spanish (with some help)
-And he can say his first AND last name... which is impressive to me.
Snug time with the Duder
Being a silly Goob
Because he loves his letters and words so much he has learned how to type. He knows where all the letters are on the keyboard and he loves to type words on his computer. He also knows how to use Gaetan's smart phone. He had it the other day and was just sitting quietly on the couch (which raised a few flags) and we realized that he had learned how to turn on the phone, unlock the screen, and find netflix and play one of his favorite shows. Kids and technology.... He loves to do puzzles and he's so quick at them too.
On Gaetan's phone watching a show
On his 'lap top'
With all the singing that we do he of course knows the songs too. He finishes words to the songs and we leave our specific words and he'll fill it in without missing a beat. Gaetan got him some diffraction glasses, that when you look at light it gives you the color of the rainbow. One day Dude had them in the car and started singing a colors song we know... which I thought was pretty clever. The name of the song is, "Do you know the colors of the rainbow?" Nice right?
His diffraction glasses
I also signed him up for soccer. I think it's going to be adorable. I'm sure there are going to be some really cute pictures to follow. Stay tuned.
And as much of a smart dude as he is he's such a care-taker. He has his favorite pals, Hippo and Dog and he always make sure that they have something to do if he's doing something else. Or if we're going for a drive he'll put them in front of toys or make sure that they're tucked in. He does the same thing for Lucy. When she is upset he is genuinely worried about her... and he loves to give her things. Every morning when he gets up and sees Lucy he gives her a big kiss and a hug and says, "Hey Lu Girl" and they just smile at each other. It's funny because we much as they care for each other they bully each other already a lot too. They've got the sibling thing down pat.
Hippo and Dog at their 'drum' while he picks up his room
Packing the pals in a backpack to carry around with him
Showing baby sister how to ride this thing!
Hippo got to play with his train set while he read a book
Dude was showing Lucy the snow outside and then realized that the pals wanted to look too. :)
He is such an amazing little man already. I look forward to all the wonderful things God has planned for his special life.
I also have never met any other child that loves letters and words as much as this guy. So much so that can bust out the alphabet backwards. What? That takes some serious effort! He was just sitting in the tub one day and he just starting saying it... and it took me awhile to figure out what he was doing, but after that he just kept doing it. Amazing. He's into reading simple books now. He pulled out one of the library books and just started reading. It was one that we had read several times, but I always read it to him. Whenever we read I point to what word I'm saying when I say it so he can follow along. I still find that really impressive.
At the Children's Museum spelling some of his favorite words
All settled in with a good book
Reading a book to me!
Along with reading more he is talking WAY more. He's starting to do sentences. And they're very understandable to people who aren't around him 24/7. Some of the funny things that he says are:
-Oh cow (which is really holy cow)
-I asked him how his breakfast was and he said, "tasty"
-We ask if he wants to snug before bed and he says, "a bit"
-Whenever somebody leaves or gets out of the car he tells them safe travels
-He can count to 10 in spanish (with some help)
-And he can say his first AND last name... which is impressive to me.
Snug time with the Duder
Being a silly Goob
Because he loves his letters and words so much he has learned how to type. He knows where all the letters are on the keyboard and he loves to type words on his computer. He also knows how to use Gaetan's smart phone. He had it the other day and was just sitting quietly on the couch (which raised a few flags) and we realized that he had learned how to turn on the phone, unlock the screen, and find netflix and play one of his favorite shows. Kids and technology.... He loves to do puzzles and he's so quick at them too.
On Gaetan's phone watching a show
On his 'lap top'
With all the singing that we do he of course knows the songs too. He finishes words to the songs and we leave our specific words and he'll fill it in without missing a beat. Gaetan got him some diffraction glasses, that when you look at light it gives you the color of the rainbow. One day Dude had them in the car and started singing a colors song we know... which I thought was pretty clever. The name of the song is, "Do you know the colors of the rainbow?" Nice right?
His diffraction glasses
I also signed him up for soccer. I think it's going to be adorable. I'm sure there are going to be some really cute pictures to follow. Stay tuned.
And as much of a smart dude as he is he's such a care-taker. He has his favorite pals, Hippo and Dog and he always make sure that they have something to do if he's doing something else. Or if we're going for a drive he'll put them in front of toys or make sure that they're tucked in. He does the same thing for Lucy. When she is upset he is genuinely worried about her... and he loves to give her things. Every morning when he gets up and sees Lucy he gives her a big kiss and a hug and says, "Hey Lu Girl" and they just smile at each other. It's funny because we much as they care for each other they bully each other already a lot too. They've got the sibling thing down pat.
Hippo and Dog at their 'drum' while he picks up his room
Packing the pals in a backpack to carry around with him
Showing baby sister how to ride this thing!
Hippo got to play with his train set while he read a book
Dude was showing Lucy the snow outside and then realized that the pals wanted to look too. :)
He is such an amazing little man already. I look forward to all the wonderful things God has planned for his special life.
Kick it Momma!
Duder is always requesting songs for us to sing and usually they're from the O Show or song's from Sunday school. His favorites include the O Show theme song, He's got the whole world in His hands, Jesus Loves me and the different instruments that they spell out in Word World
Today in the car he was having us sing different songs as we were doing the different instrument song... and in that song there are certain instruments that only Momma or only Papa do. For example, Momma does the guitar and Papa does the drum. After he got done with that he said, "O Show Song please!" (Which is a Momma song) Followed by, "Kick it Momma!" I thought that was hilarious. We both burst out laughing and tears were coming to my eyes.
He's so full of personality... he makes my days so interesting and entertaining. I love it.
Today in the car he was having us sing different songs as we were doing the different instrument song... and in that song there are certain instruments that only Momma or only Papa do. For example, Momma does the guitar and Papa does the drum. After he got done with that he said, "O Show Song please!" (Which is a Momma song) Followed by, "Kick it Momma!" I thought that was hilarious. We both burst out laughing and tears were coming to my eyes.
He's so full of personality... he makes my days so interesting and entertaining. I love it.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
30K done
Last night was the longest run to date! I had to run 18 miles. I did it. AND I can walk today :) I did great for the first 12 miles. I was focused, the time seemed to fly by and I felt really good. The treadmills only let you run for 60 minutes at a cycle before you have to reset your program... so there's always a bit of a break in between. The last 6 mile cycle though I was thinking, "am I done yet?" I ran another 3.5 miles before I switched shoes (getting used to my Hattori's still) and walked half a mile. Then, I finished it up! I ran prolly an average of 10 min/mi for the first 6 and last 6 and faster for the middle 6. I'm pretty happy with that :)
I still enjoy running quite a bit, but these long runs are starting to get pretty long! I watched Raider's of the Lost Ark this time instead of Lord of the Rings haha. Here we go! At the end of the month I will have to run 20. I can do it! :)
I still enjoy running quite a bit, but these long runs are starting to get pretty long! I watched Raider's of the Lost Ark this time instead of Lord of the Rings haha. Here we go! At the end of the month I will have to run 20. I can do it! :)
Lost Dog
Yesterday might've been one of the most traumatic days for Tristan yet. He has two pals (stuffed animals) that he carries with him everywhere... they play with him, they sleep with him, they even make it into the bathroom with him. His first and foremost favorite if Hippup (Hippo... the all natural stuffed animal that he stole from Barnes and Noble when he was really young) and then recently there has been Dog. Now, let me give you some background story about Dog. In his favorite shows, The O Show (AKA Word World) one of the characters is a dog. And in one of the episodes they build a monster and Dog is scared of this monster. Ever since that Tristan has found this stuffed dog (that he's had prolly since he was born) and has so lovingly named is Lucy. He named it Lucy because Hippup pals around with Dog, just like he pals around with Lucy. Now, since this episode Tristan always hugs Dog real tight and gives him kisses and reassures him that he doesn't have to be scared of the monster. This is part of their nightly ritual. However, yesterday, Dog went missing...
Just recently we've been letting Tristan take pals with him in the car. He usually only gets to take one of them... and it's been Dog lately. He likes to leave Hippup home playing in Lucy's monkey seat. He's usually really good about hanging onto them and making sure that they're cared for while we're out and about. Yesterday he took Dog to the library and I dropped Lucy, Gaetan, Duder and Dog off while I quickly ran to Target to get a few things. When I got back the library was getting ready to close so we were packing up, checking out books and getting ready to leave. While we were strapping the kids in, we both looked at each other and realized and important member was missing. Dog. Gaetan ran back into the library very quickly before they locked the doors and had a look around... with no success. I asked Duder, who by this time had realized that Dog was missing also, where he thought he left him. He told me so I went in after Gaetan got back, but with no luck either. Duder was heart broken. Gaetan thought that this awful kid who was there earlier had taken him, and that we were never going to see Dog again.
Dude did pretty well for the rest of the night, but then it was time to get ready for bed... and Dog was still missing. Tristan was mostly upset because he was upset for Dog that he had to be by himself at the library (because that's where he thought he was) and that he was going to be scared of the monster. So he prayed for Dog. He said, "Deed God. Careful dog safe monster no scared dog hug." He wanted Dog to be careful and safe from the monster and he didn't want him to be scared so he wanted God to give him a hug. Eventually he did go to sleep without him, but he woke up several times during the night scared for Hippo.
Now, anybody who is a parent knows how heart breaking it is to watch your child be so upset and know there's nothing you can do. We thought that Dog was gone forever. We did leave our information at the library in case they did happen to find him. It was a hard lesson about making sure that he was responsible for his stuff and to make sure that he knew where he left things. And to him, Dog is one of his best pals.
We looked online to see if we could replace dog but since he's a few years old it was a bit hard to track down. We did eventually find a Dog replacement on ebay and we just couldn't really go through having him be so defeated... so we bought him. We kinda told each other that we wouldn't earlier in the day, but it was just too hard on him.
HOWEVER, early the next morning the library called and said that they found dog! :) What a relief. So, Dog's brother is flying in on Tuesday or Wednesday, and I think that maybe Lucy will be able to have a Dog too. Here are some pics of Tristan with Dog and how excited he was to have him back.
Playing on the computer together
And Hippo and Dog got to be reunited too.
I know it seems silly to be so frantic about a lost stuffed animal, but as a parent you want everything for your children. For them to be happy and to know that we love them. Its hard not to spoil them rotten... but for something like Dog... he doesn't care much about other toys or even want a lot of them. But he loves his Dog and Hippup.
Just recently we've been letting Tristan take pals with him in the car. He usually only gets to take one of them... and it's been Dog lately. He likes to leave Hippup home playing in Lucy's monkey seat. He's usually really good about hanging onto them and making sure that they're cared for while we're out and about. Yesterday he took Dog to the library and I dropped Lucy, Gaetan, Duder and Dog off while I quickly ran to Target to get a few things. When I got back the library was getting ready to close so we were packing up, checking out books and getting ready to leave. While we were strapping the kids in, we both looked at each other and realized and important member was missing. Dog. Gaetan ran back into the library very quickly before they locked the doors and had a look around... with no success. I asked Duder, who by this time had realized that Dog was missing also, where he thought he left him. He told me so I went in after Gaetan got back, but with no luck either. Duder was heart broken. Gaetan thought that this awful kid who was there earlier had taken him, and that we were never going to see Dog again.
Dude did pretty well for the rest of the night, but then it was time to get ready for bed... and Dog was still missing. Tristan was mostly upset because he was upset for Dog that he had to be by himself at the library (because that's where he thought he was) and that he was going to be scared of the monster. So he prayed for Dog. He said, "Deed God. Careful dog safe monster no scared dog hug." He wanted Dog to be careful and safe from the monster and he didn't want him to be scared so he wanted God to give him a hug. Eventually he did go to sleep without him, but he woke up several times during the night scared for Hippo.
Now, anybody who is a parent knows how heart breaking it is to watch your child be so upset and know there's nothing you can do. We thought that Dog was gone forever. We did leave our information at the library in case they did happen to find him. It was a hard lesson about making sure that he was responsible for his stuff and to make sure that he knew where he left things. And to him, Dog is one of his best pals.
We looked online to see if we could replace dog but since he's a few years old it was a bit hard to track down. We did eventually find a Dog replacement on ebay and we just couldn't really go through having him be so defeated... so we bought him. We kinda told each other that we wouldn't earlier in the day, but it was just too hard on him.
HOWEVER, early the next morning the library called and said that they found dog! :) What a relief. So, Dog's brother is flying in on Tuesday or Wednesday, and I think that maybe Lucy will be able to have a Dog too. Here are some pics of Tristan with Dog and how excited he was to have him back.
Playing on the computer together
And Hippo and Dog got to be reunited too.
I know it seems silly to be so frantic about a lost stuffed animal, but as a parent you want everything for your children. For them to be happy and to know that we love them. Its hard not to spoil them rotten... but for something like Dog... he doesn't care much about other toys or even want a lot of them. But he loves his Dog and Hippup.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Almost free groceries
It's an understatement to say that my boy loves letters, reading and spelling. But, this is the first time that he almost got something out of it from a stranger. The other day Gaetan had taken him grocery shopping and he was wearing his Toy Story PJ pants which has Rex on them. One of his new favorite words to spell is dinosaur. Some lady at the store was complimenting Tristan on what a good looking Dude he is and she was commenting on his PJ pants. She said something about dinosaurs and Gaetan told her that he could spell it. The lady looked doubtingly (because really, what 2 year old knows how to spell these types of words) and said, "If he can spell dinosaur I'll buy your groceries." And really, who would turn down free groceries for the week? So Gaetan asked him to spell it and he busts out, "D I N O S A U.... what's next? R!!!!!" Nevertheless that lady was super impressed. So impressed she got her husband and told him about our spelling champion. And funny enough the guy said, "you didn't promise to buy their groceries if he could spell that did you?" Needless to say they didn't end up getting our groceries, but it's a fun story all the same.
Our little man is so impressive.
Our little man is so impressive.
Our playful Little Lucy
Lucy is getting to be the age where she is starting to get out of being a 'baby' and into our little playful girl. Her personality is definitely starting to shine through. I think she understands a lot more than I give her credit for... and she really knows what she wants. She can be a bit of a stinker at times when she doesn't get what she wants and sometimes hams things up so that Duder might get in more trouble than he really should. They're learning how to be siblings already...
She loves to do "How big's my baby?" And then she so excitedly throws her arms up over her head for "So big!" It's really cute because Duder will ask, "How big's my Lucy?" And he is so excited for her when she throws her arms up. I feel like this was the gate way game into all the her playfulness now!
She LOVES to play peek a boo. She did it while we were at my parents in the toy tent... she crawled right in and then she kept hitting the door flaps over and poking her head out and just smiling so big. She really likes to play in the curtains at home. It's cute because you'll just see either feet or her bunda sticking out and then her head poking out the other way. Or she'll just turn her back to you so she can't see you and then quickly turn around.
Both of our kids really enjoy being upside down. We figured that Tristan picked it up from all the capo that he was exposed too, but Lucy hasn't been around it that much. She loves sitting on your lap and then she whips herself backwards while you say, "She's down" And then she pulls herself up while you say, "Now she's up!"
We started teaching her some sign language too. Right now she definitely has 'more' down. Duder loves helping her learn. He started doing signs again too while he talks so that she gets used to it. It's amazing how much he wants her to learn and how excited he is for her when she gets it. We are working on please and thank-you. She is so smart though. She picked up more in just a few times doing it. She also loves to clap for herself. If you aren't going to acknowledge her achievements than she will for herself! haha
Another thing she loves to do is take her socks off. I knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before she started doing that and thinking it was a hilarious game. Before she would just rock them off without any intention, but now she is definitely pulling them off and then she waves them around in the air like part of her victory dance.
One thing that Tristan never did that Lucy does all the time, and I think it's adorable, is that she'll randomly just lay down, or put her head down. It's usually on pillows or on places one would lay their head down, but it's so cute. She could be playing so hard on the floor and then you just see her sprawled out on the floor. But only for a second... then she pops her head up and turns and smiles at you. One of her favorite places to do this is in in Big Brother's bed. When we're upstairs she thinks that she's being sneaky and she crawls into his room and then lays down in his bed... and he loves it too. Sometimes during nap time he lays down with his pals in bed and leaves this huge space, where he pats it and says, "lucy" :)
As we all know Duder is quite bright. And I believe that Miss Lucy is going to be a clever one also. She says Momma now, she can zip and unzip things, and has learned how to open certain things. The other day she dropped a toy between two items and tried to get it from the top, but the opening wasn't big enough for the top. So she sat back, looked at the situation, and then went at it from a different side and got her toy out. It was amazing to watch her problem solving skills in action. I know that the gears are turning because she'll smile when it's appropriate and laugh at jokes... its amazing. I can't believe how smart children are and I hope that I don't down play their abilities.
We have also nicknamed her Hurricane Lucy. She can crawl so quickly into a room and destroy anything that Tristan was building. It's quite amazing actually... although, he isn't always impressed with her ability. He calls her Lucy Cane whenever she does that. And she's so strong that there really isn't much stopping her once she's started.
I can't believe that my little babe is almost 10 months old. She's been in the world longer than she's been in my tummy now! I'm excited for all her advancements and for all the little things that she continues to teach me. I love you baby girl.
She loves to do "How big's my baby?" And then she so excitedly throws her arms up over her head for "So big!" It's really cute because Duder will ask, "How big's my Lucy?" And he is so excited for her when she throws her arms up. I feel like this was the gate way game into all the her playfulness now!
She LOVES to play peek a boo. She did it while we were at my parents in the toy tent... she crawled right in and then she kept hitting the door flaps over and poking her head out and just smiling so big. She really likes to play in the curtains at home. It's cute because you'll just see either feet or her bunda sticking out and then her head poking out the other way. Or she'll just turn her back to you so she can't see you and then quickly turn around.
Both of our kids really enjoy being upside down. We figured that Tristan picked it up from all the capo that he was exposed too, but Lucy hasn't been around it that much. She loves sitting on your lap and then she whips herself backwards while you say, "She's down" And then she pulls herself up while you say, "Now she's up!"
We started teaching her some sign language too. Right now she definitely has 'more' down. Duder loves helping her learn. He started doing signs again too while he talks so that she gets used to it. It's amazing how much he wants her to learn and how excited he is for her when she gets it. We are working on please and thank-you. She is so smart though. She picked up more in just a few times doing it. She also loves to clap for herself. If you aren't going to acknowledge her achievements than she will for herself! haha
Another thing she loves to do is take her socks off. I knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before she started doing that and thinking it was a hilarious game. Before she would just rock them off without any intention, but now she is definitely pulling them off and then she waves them around in the air like part of her victory dance.
One thing that Tristan never did that Lucy does all the time, and I think it's adorable, is that she'll randomly just lay down, or put her head down. It's usually on pillows or on places one would lay their head down, but it's so cute. She could be playing so hard on the floor and then you just see her sprawled out on the floor. But only for a second... then she pops her head up and turns and smiles at you. One of her favorite places to do this is in in Big Brother's bed. When we're upstairs she thinks that she's being sneaky and she crawls into his room and then lays down in his bed... and he loves it too. Sometimes during nap time he lays down with his pals in bed and leaves this huge space, where he pats it and says, "lucy" :)
As we all know Duder is quite bright. And I believe that Miss Lucy is going to be a clever one also. She says Momma now, she can zip and unzip things, and has learned how to open certain things. The other day she dropped a toy between two items and tried to get it from the top, but the opening wasn't big enough for the top. So she sat back, looked at the situation, and then went at it from a different side and got her toy out. It was amazing to watch her problem solving skills in action. I know that the gears are turning because she'll smile when it's appropriate and laugh at jokes... its amazing. I can't believe how smart children are and I hope that I don't down play their abilities.
We have also nicknamed her Hurricane Lucy. She can crawl so quickly into a room and destroy anything that Tristan was building. It's quite amazing actually... although, he isn't always impressed with her ability. He calls her Lucy Cane whenever she does that. And she's so strong that there really isn't much stopping her once she's started.
I can't believe that my little babe is almost 10 months old. She's been in the world longer than she's been in my tummy now! I'm excited for all her advancements and for all the little things that she continues to teach me. I love you baby girl.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
A Two Year Old's Prayer
I think that this might just be the mot adorable yet sincere thing that Tristan does. He LOVES to pray. He won't eat until we've done it and he always wants to hold hands too. It's amazing. In his cute little voice it goes something like this...
"Deed God (dear God). Thanks for food. Thanks for Momma, Pop (Papa), Lucy and Dude. Thanks for house. Thanks for heat and water. Thanks for love, grace and peace. I love you God. Amen."
It warms my heart.
"Deed God (dear God). Thanks for food. Thanks for Momma, Pop (Papa), Lucy and Dude. Thanks for house. Thanks for heat and water. Thanks for love, grace and peace. I love you God. Amen."
It warms my heart.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
20 liters
There are simple little pleasures in life that I know we take for granted. A roof over our head. Four walls surrounding us. Heat. Clean water. Food. Shoes and clothes. I know that there are so many that go without. Not just without nice things, but necessary things. It's been laid on my heart to want to do something to help. And with two small children I really feel like there isn't a lot that I can GO and do. But I know that there are a lot of good causes that I can put my energies towards and help out in that way.
As I've said before I've decided to run a marathon and a 25K this year. And incidentally the two races all within the same week. Which is in May! So, I decided to take that opportunity and use it for good. Not only for personal achievement, but to help out. The organization that I've chosen to fundraise for is called 20 liters. They say that the average person needs 20 liters of water a day to survive. This organization builds sand water filters in Rwanda. And of course that takes money.
My thought was that I could have people support or sponsor my running. I figured people could either sponsor through a dollar amount per mile or just donate whatever they feel led too. This way it raises awareness about this easily fixed problem, and it lets the people I care about know what I'm doing in my life. I feel very passionately about this cause because it is something that can be easily remedied.
The campaign I've started is at http://20liters.org/profile/julie-vangyseghem/. Here you can check out my profile and how much money I want to raise, how far we've come, and what we still need to do to make our goal. It breaks down the individual goals of how much things cost and how easy it could be to give a village clean water. I'm very excited to be apart of this bigger picture and I hope that you will join with me to fight this cause!
It's ironic that I chose this because the other day we were giving Tristan a bath and while we were filling it up the water looked a little murky. After we filled it up a little way it looked really dirty. Mortified that he was sitting in this dirty water (which was supposed to be cleaning him) we got him out and ran the water some more. It was all rusty and it had a bit of a smell to it. YUCK. I went over to the neighbors to see if their water was doing that and they said every now and again the city water just sits for too long and gets this sediment build-up and if we just ran the water long enough it would clear out and go away. So we did and the problem did resolve itself. I just couldn't imagine letting my child bath in that water, let alone drink it and there are millions of children all over the world that drink dirtier water than that. We are extremely blessed that we can just turn on a faucet, drink the water and even have different temperatures to it. That we don't have to walk miles to get water that might not even be clean. It was a real eye opener.
If this breaks your heart, you have those emotions for a reason. Get angry about it, and then do something about it. You can help! Join with me to fight for clean water all around the world.
As I've said before I've decided to run a marathon and a 25K this year. And incidentally the two races all within the same week. Which is in May! So, I decided to take that opportunity and use it for good. Not only for personal achievement, but to help out. The organization that I've chosen to fundraise for is called 20 liters. They say that the average person needs 20 liters of water a day to survive. This organization builds sand water filters in Rwanda. And of course that takes money.
My thought was that I could have people support or sponsor my running. I figured people could either sponsor through a dollar amount per mile or just donate whatever they feel led too. This way it raises awareness about this easily fixed problem, and it lets the people I care about know what I'm doing in my life. I feel very passionately about this cause because it is something that can be easily remedied.
The campaign I've started is at http://20liters.org/profile/julie-vangyseghem/. Here you can check out my profile and how much money I want to raise, how far we've come, and what we still need to do to make our goal. It breaks down the individual goals of how much things cost and how easy it could be to give a village clean water. I'm very excited to be apart of this bigger picture and I hope that you will join with me to fight this cause!
It's ironic that I chose this because the other day we were giving Tristan a bath and while we were filling it up the water looked a little murky. After we filled it up a little way it looked really dirty. Mortified that he was sitting in this dirty water (which was supposed to be cleaning him) we got him out and ran the water some more. It was all rusty and it had a bit of a smell to it. YUCK. I went over to the neighbors to see if their water was doing that and they said every now and again the city water just sits for too long and gets this sediment build-up and if we just ran the water long enough it would clear out and go away. So we did and the problem did resolve itself. I just couldn't imagine letting my child bath in that water, let alone drink it and there are millions of children all over the world that drink dirtier water than that. We are extremely blessed that we can just turn on a faucet, drink the water and even have different temperatures to it. That we don't have to walk miles to get water that might not even be clean. It was a real eye opener.
If this breaks your heart, you have those emotions for a reason. Get angry about it, and then do something about it. You can help! Join with me to fight for clean water all around the world.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
First big snow
For it being Michigan this winter has been pretty mild... in fact, I would say it's more like spring! However, the boys did get a chance to play outside during the first real big snow we had. It was really cold, but Duder didn't care. So here are some pics of them being silly outside.
I'm glad that Gaetan enjoys going outside and being silly with our Duder. :)
I'm glad that Gaetan enjoys going outside and being silly with our Duder. :)
Long week
Thursday came and we both sighed a big breath of relief. We had made it. The past week/week and a half had been brutal. It started with just a little head cold. Gaetan wasn't feeling the greatest, but it wasn't anything that was going to be that big of a problem. Then Lucy got it... and that was a problem. The poor girl was so sick. She probably had a fever for a day and a half and she was always burning up. She was so tired but her head was so congested that if you even got her past 45 degrees she would wake up. So for that week/week and a half she was sleeping about 45 minutes at a time (if we were lucky). And, for her being our child that is pretty independent she only wanted to be held. She didn't want to play, she didn't want anything but than to be held and cuddled. At first it was really nice... but then it was a little harder to get things done one handed... and she got pretty heavy! So her lack of sleep meant my lack of sleep.
The only way we could get her to sleep
When that happens it usually is manageable because Gaetan can help out. But a classmates Grandma is very ill and so she was going to be away from school for a week and in that week she would've missed a few homework assignments and two tests... which would essentially make her take all those classes over again. So the Profs, which was extremely nice, smashed the schedule together and made everything happen in the time that she would be there. Which meant double homework assignments... So Gaetan was EXTRA busy with school, so there wasn't much relief going on at home. Which, is totally fine, because his job is to be brilliant (which he is doing) but I was used to having the help. For the week we were pretty excited if we got in bed before 2 in the morning... only to start it all over again somewhere in the 6-7 range. And, really that wouldn't be so terrible if Lucy slept the entire time... ;)
I think what made it the hardest was that there was no down time together. Usually, we get to just talk and be together for a little bit but we didn't get that time at all. It was either stay up later (which we were pretty much falling asleep anyways) or try to get what little rest we could. And, of course, we were both sick during all of this.
I asked him if this was how it was going to be for the rest of the semester and he said no. I would be OK with it if I knew it was coming... but it was very sudden. If I could've psyched myself up for it and known what I was getting into then I think it would've been easier. But God was definitely there giving me little nuggets of strength here and there right when I needed it.
I feel like we accomplished something huge this week! haha We took a pretty lazy Saturday. Lucy slept til 9:30 (after she was up a lot during the night) and then took a 3 hr nap. It was fabulous. :) We are ready to start this next week... probably as rested as we are ever going to be.
The only way we could get her to sleep
When that happens it usually is manageable because Gaetan can help out. But a classmates Grandma is very ill and so she was going to be away from school for a week and in that week she would've missed a few homework assignments and two tests... which would essentially make her take all those classes over again. So the Profs, which was extremely nice, smashed the schedule together and made everything happen in the time that she would be there. Which meant double homework assignments... So Gaetan was EXTRA busy with school, so there wasn't much relief going on at home. Which, is totally fine, because his job is to be brilliant (which he is doing) but I was used to having the help. For the week we were pretty excited if we got in bed before 2 in the morning... only to start it all over again somewhere in the 6-7 range. And, really that wouldn't be so terrible if Lucy slept the entire time... ;)
I think what made it the hardest was that there was no down time together. Usually, we get to just talk and be together for a little bit but we didn't get that time at all. It was either stay up later (which we were pretty much falling asleep anyways) or try to get what little rest we could. And, of course, we were both sick during all of this.
I asked him if this was how it was going to be for the rest of the semester and he said no. I would be OK with it if I knew it was coming... but it was very sudden. If I could've psyched myself up for it and known what I was getting into then I think it would've been easier. But God was definitely there giving me little nuggets of strength here and there right when I needed it.
I feel like we accomplished something huge this week! haha We took a pretty lazy Saturday. Lucy slept til 9:30 (after she was up a lot during the night) and then took a 3 hr nap. It was fabulous. :) We are ready to start this next week... probably as rested as we are ever going to be.
Lucy is climbing the stairs!
I knew our lives were going to be different when we got pregnant with Lucy. Everything was going to change all over again. And then, of course, it changes again when they learn to crawl. And then again, when they learn how to CLIMB UP THE FLIPPIN' STAIRS! She has been so interested in what Tristan is doing that she just up and did it. It didn't seem like she struggled with it at all... it was CRAZY. She learned so quickly too.
It's adorable because he'll stand next to her on the stair and go up one at a time with her and cheer her on. Every time she gets up another step he claps and says, "yay Lucy! Go Lucy!" I'm glad that he's rooting for her. I think that he's really excited that they will be able to play with each other more.
I just can't believe that she is doing that and she is almost walking. Time flies... and it sure doesn't slow down when you have little kids! Probably going to have to get another gate... although she did knock the one down that we have already. She's a strong lass.
It's adorable because he'll stand next to her on the stair and go up one at a time with her and cheer her on. Every time she gets up another step he claps and says, "yay Lucy! Go Lucy!" I'm glad that he's rooting for her. I think that he's really excited that they will be able to play with each other more.
I just can't believe that she is doing that and she is almost walking. Time flies... and it sure doesn't slow down when you have little kids! Probably going to have to get another gate... although she did knock the one down that we have already. She's a strong lass.
No Sick Days for Mommas
A couple of weeks ago I got really sick. The nice part about Gaetan's schedule is that he only has one 'long' day... but unfortunately that happened to be the day that I got sick. There is something about getting a fever that just makes it the worst for me. I get this shooting pain in what feels like my brain stem and to have things touch me is painful. I would rather have any other symptom (yes, even vomiting) than have a fever. I made it through the long day and then I pretty much curled into a ball and tried to sleep through the pain.
The worst part was that I had this searing pain in my stomach. There wasn't any way I could get comfortable and anytime I moved the pain seemed like it doubled in intensity. So during the middle of the night when Lucy would wake up and want to nurse that was me... doubled over making the best out of it. Gaetan did do a great job of letting me sleep as much as possible. I ended up staying home from some previous engagements because all I could do was lay around and feel miserable.
On the bright side I did get to finish I book that I got from the library that was actually do that week. I always forget how much I enjoy reading because I never really get a chance to do it for fun. Whenever I am it's for something... and for the vast majority of my life it was for school.
The thing about being a Momma is no matter how miserable you feel, no matter how little amount of sleep you have gotten there are still the little blessings in your life that demand your attentiveness. Even though Gaetan does a great job with keeping the kids occupied so that I can sleep there is always so much work to catch up on when I finally start to 'feel' better. As a Momma, there aren't days I can just 'call in' and not do anything. So all in in all it's just way easier to not get sick ;)
So here's to hoping that I don't get to sick again that it immobilizes me!
The worst part was that I had this searing pain in my stomach. There wasn't any way I could get comfortable and anytime I moved the pain seemed like it doubled in intensity. So during the middle of the night when Lucy would wake up and want to nurse that was me... doubled over making the best out of it. Gaetan did do a great job of letting me sleep as much as possible. I ended up staying home from some previous engagements because all I could do was lay around and feel miserable.
On the bright side I did get to finish I book that I got from the library that was actually do that week. I always forget how much I enjoy reading because I never really get a chance to do it for fun. Whenever I am it's for something... and for the vast majority of my life it was for school.
The thing about being a Momma is no matter how miserable you feel, no matter how little amount of sleep you have gotten there are still the little blessings in your life that demand your attentiveness. Even though Gaetan does a great job with keeping the kids occupied so that I can sleep there is always so much work to catch up on when I finally start to 'feel' better. As a Momma, there aren't days I can just 'call in' and not do anything. So all in in all it's just way easier to not get sick ;)
So here's to hoping that I don't get to sick again that it immobilizes me!
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