Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Classical Conversations

Now that Dude is school aged we get the question a lot about why he's not in school.  Most people are genuinely curious and aren't condescending, and I really appreciate that about the area here.  Home schooling is more accepted than it used to be and it seems to be a viable option since there are so many groups that are there for support now.  A person we had talked with a few times and my sister had done a curriculum called Classical Conversations.  Now that home schooling is becoming so popular there are so many choices, which is nice, but hard at the same time because I don't want to choose the wrong thing for our kids to do!  We decided to give this one a try and went for a visitation day.  I went to an orientation meeting beforehand to see if it was something that we even wanted to try and it seemed all right.  It is a Christian based curriculum, and even though we are Christians a lot of them aren't very good.  For some reason people are under the assumption that you can't teach your children with Christian values but still have science and reason as part of your daily education... So, with all those things in mind I wanted to see how they treated their math and science.

Dude seemed to do well with it.  This group only meets once a week, but I thought that this interaction with other kids his age and taking instruction from other adults (besides us) would be good.  Their curriculum was OK... the thing I liked about it the most was their history and geography portion.  Mainly because that is something that I don't really find that enjoyable, but they had some great tools for it!  another thing that I greatly liked about it was that the kids had to give a presentation to the class... and it could be about anything they wanted but I thought that it was great that they had to get up in front of the class and have something prepared to say.

I'm not entirely sure what we are going to do still, but I'm wasn't over the moon excited about this curriculum.  I totally understood their basis and stuff for it, but I just didn't think that Dude would thrive.  But... who knows, never say never.  :)


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