As per tradition during Labor Day weekend we headed up to Gracie's cottage to help take out the shore station and the dock. My sister accompanied us this time and some of Gracie's friends were there too. The weather was absolutely beautiful! And, Norah, charmed up everybody there so she was well watched after. The kids had a blast just playing in the water again and we took them out for a paddle boat ride. My sister also had Mrs Timmer (who is one of the Gracie's neighbors) as a teacher so they caught up for a little bit. It is amazing that she remembers us! We did have a funny incident where we had come in from taking the kids out on a paddle boat ride and then we looked back at the lake and saw it drifting away... WHAT?! I swore that we had tied it to the dock, but there it went floating on by. It reminded me of that part from Forest Gump where his boat is running into other docks and he tells Lt. Dan "That's my boat". Holly and I went running after it but I only got so far into the lake before I sunk DEEP into the lake mush... then, I chickened out and ran back out of the lake haha. Holly, luckily braved the weird lake muck and got the paddle boat back to the dock. Turns out, we had tied it up correctly, but the rope that was attached to the dock came untied! Oops! haha. We also got some lovely vegetables from their garden and Dude loved helping pick the beans :) The Ullrey's are such sweet people. Can't wait to see them again!
After we came back from the cottage Holly wanted to go on a run with me and I had to get 8 done. So, we mapped out this course that we thought would be well lit. We were wrong. We had a couple of instances where we rounded a corner and scared some other people who were out haha... and eventually we thought about turning on the flashlight on my phone... so that helped out quite a bit. It is amazing how much easier it is to run with someone else! Glad we had such a fun weekend and that we could hang out with everyone!
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