Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Korean church

We haven't been to Grand Rapids during the weekend for the past two weekends because we have been so busy!  The one Saturday Gaetan was picking up the treadmill and then Jane and I went on our Mom Date... so the next morning instead of driving to Mars we tried out Jane and John's church.  They go to a Korean CRC which has a lot of first generation Korean people who have moved from Korea to this area.  Its a much much smaller and intimate setting... it was a little different than we are used too!  We went to drop the kids off at Sunday School and we are used to getting arm bands with numbers and signing them in, and we totally didn't even have to do any of that.  John just introduced us and the kids to the Sunday School teacher and all was well.  Dude and Lucy were just fine being in the room together and eventually Gaetan and Norah ended up there, but it was just a different pace than we are used too.

It was a bit more traditional so we got the kids all dressed up.
I just thought this picture of Goose was very endearing.  All dressed up with her backpack on... ready to go!

The actual service was in Korean.  Most everybody there speaks Korean, and everything was written in Korean as well.  During the actual service I put in headphones and there was a translator in the back going over the message in English.  It was quite the set up!  Norah wasn't having much of it so that's when Gaetan took her back to Sunday school.  After church they had a lunch together where they had Korean food... yum yum!  I do miss that aspect of knowing everybody and having a meal with them after church, but I am really happy with Mars.  It was a nice change of pace to try something new, and to be immersed in Korean culture, but I wasn't really down with what the pastor had to say.  I'm thinking we are a bit too liberal for them... but the congregation was super friendly and very welcoming!  Dude said that he liked Mars better but wishes Ms Cheryl (who is his room leader) had food like they had at the Min's church.  He went to town on the seaweed soup they served!
All the kiddos in Sunday school

It was very sweet of the Mins to invite us to their church and I'm glad that we got to see what part of their weekly routine is.


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