Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Friday, December 2, 2011

Big Girly and Big Duder

Lu Girl is our champion.  She is really digging eating baby food... mostly from Papa and Tristan.  Duder loves to feed her (with some help of course) and she loves it too!  She still isn't that excited about getting baby food from me, mainly because she just wants to nurse.  But, she will reluctantly eat some with me.  She is also standing up, while holding onto things and taking a few steps.  She can even pull herself up to standing!  She's so strong.

My favorite is when I go into her room to get her from her crib and I get the BIGGEST smile from her.  She is usually just playing happily in her room and just gets SO excited when she sees me and Tristan.  It's amazing how much they love each other and how much they like spending time together.  It warms my heart.  She babbles like crazy and Duder likes to babble back with her.  I think that they are communicating somehow together.  :)

Duder now sings the alphabet song and can tell me what his name is he says, 'my name is Tristan' and 'your name is _____' which is great.  He is talking more and more and in more full sentences.  He is showing more of an interest in writing too.

Now that he's getting closer to the age of preschool and regular school I'm been thinking more and am going to start investigating schools around us, and if it's the right thing to do.  It's hard because even when he goes to Sunday School for an hour I feel like I've missed out on so much.  I couldn't imagine a couple of hours!  And sometimes Gaetan is even in the Sunday School room with him!  So I am going to continue praying on what is right for us and for him.  I've been preparing myself to homeschool, but he thrives being around other kids.  So... again, we're going to see.

As of right now my children as the best... well, they always are, they just have moments in time where they aren't.  :)  They are my joy and I love when I get to spend one on one time with them.  Its fun to watch them interact, but I selfishly love my time with them too.  It makes me want more... :)


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