Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, October 10, 2011

Officially moving

We got the call saying that all our paper work went through and we are all set to move in.  The move in date got pushed up earlier than we thought, so we will be moving the first weekend in November... which is SOON!

Things have been going really well at my parents place since school/work started up again, but I know that we just need our own space.  There is a lot of communication that needs to go on between families, and within our own, to make it work... and it has been, but I feel at peace with this decision.  I'm glad that things didn't go poorly and that we ended on bad terms with my parents.  I am so grateful for them allowing us into their space and their lives in this capacity.  It's been interesting living with them though... I have been finding out a lot of little habits or corks they have that i never saw before.  Some funny... some odd... :)

My Dad keeps asking us if we really want to move out.  I know he wants us to stay around because he likes seeing the kids all the time.  And I really love having the kids be able to see them.  It will be nice having our own space, and Portage isn't that far away that we won't be visiting quite a bit.  :)  It will be a change having the kids all to myself, but I think that we will adjust well.

The nice part about this move is that most of our stuff is still packed from last time.  When we moved in we just had to unpack things like beds, clothes... things that we need immediately.  Mom and Dad had everything else... so this should be pretty easy.  And the nice thing is if we forget something then we can always come back and get it... unlike when you move out of an apartment you have to make sure everything is out, or its gone forever.

Will let you know how things go... and put some pics up of the new place :)


1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys are getting your own place again and that things are working out. You should post videos of your babies!!!
