Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall things

We have all had a touch of this head cold that has been going around.  I think it started with my kids, they gave it to Mom and Dad, which then we got it, and now its mutated again and my kids have it.  :( Ugh.  Ohh well... if this is all the sick we're going to have all winter I'll take it!

This past weekend dear SIL Zoe was home for a visit from Jersey (for her birthday).  We had a nice relaxing family day at the orchard.  It was fun to Duder, who go to enjoy the petting zoo, the slide and of course, cider and donuts!  It was such a nice chill day with everybody... those are my favorites!

We also hit up John Ball Zoo for their Zoo goes Boo.  They have a little trick or treat area set up so you can get candy and then, of course, the rest of the zoo is available for viewing.  Duder was a monkey this year... he was absolutely adorable.

Baby Girl can now stand by herself.... I stood her up in her crib and she held on to the railing all by herself.  She is so sturdy on her feet!  She pretty much rolls places too... I'm not quite convinced that she will crawl, but I have a feeling she will be walking by the end of the year.  She is a babbling machine too.  This age is so much fun... they are hitting so many mile stones!  Its times like these where I can see her doing things that makes me thankful that I get to stay at home with them and witness them all!  :)

In the spirit of fall, I tried my hand at homemade caramel candy... which is DELICIOUS.  Can't wait to eat some more cider and donuts and then when I get better run them all back off!  :)

Tristan is a spelling machine.  He can spell a bunch of 3-4 letter words.  He knows all of our names and is starting to become more understandable with the talking.  He loves his baby sister and is enjoying all her new mobile things, which means, he's starting to have a permanent playmate.  :)


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