Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The end of Oct

The end of October is bringing a lot of ends... and new beginnings!  At the end of this week we will be moved into our own place.  We've been doing a bit to stay busy, but I know that this week is going to fly.  A lot of logistical things need to happen so make this weekend a success... but I think it can be done :)

This past weekend we did a few Halloween-y things.  Since Tristan is getting older and is soaking everything up like a sponge, we've really had to think about what sorts of things we want him associating with things... like Halloween.  We're not into the whole getting scared, ghosts and things of that nature, but we are into fall, leaves, pumpkins, dressing up for fun and getting candy :)  I don't think that he understands a lot of it fully still, but this is a start.  We went to a friends house all dressed up (in footie PJs) and had fun dinner and I made pumpkin cupcakes.  And we are going to a music 'hootenanny' at church tonight.  These are the types of things that I like doing with the family.  :)  I think that if we don't emphasize what society does as the norm for things like Halloween, Easter, and Christmas then our kids will have the appreciation and understanding of these holidays that are the important ones.

Tristan is getting smarter and smarter.  He can now spell truck... which I think is pretty advanced for a 2 yr old!  He has also learned how to put his own underroos and pants on... which is a plus for after he goes to the bathroom.  He's becoming more and more independent on that front... he pretty much just tells us that he's going to the bathroom now.

I still love watching the kids play together.  Lucy is so content just sitting and watching Tristan play around her.  I can see that they will have their tifts every now and again, but for the most part I think that they are going to definitely love playing together.  We asked Tristan if Lucy was his best-bud and he said very enthusiastically... YES!  And then that was followed up with, "I love you, Baby Lu"  :)

I also started helping a friend with an after school program that she started for elementary orchestra students.  I'm just helping at the beginning to get things started, but it's a nice little thing to once a week.  I don't know how people work and get their kids ready for anything... it can be quite the production number!  It shows me how lucky I am that I get to stay at home with my children.


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