Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Story time/Music class

After we had dinner with the Min's we ran into them at the library... which, honestly, I'm surprised we hadn't before this.  And, the next day I think we were watching her kids... so we were seeing a lot of each other!  She usually hits up the library for a little while after she drops Ava off at preschool, so if we get ourselves organized in the morning we could probably see her more there.  The kids played well together and then we decided to try story time.  We tried it a handful of times when we first moved there, but Dude wasn't really about it and Lucy was so small she didn't really care... so we stopped going.  But, now that they're a little older and Dude has been to Sunday school and things like that they're more about it.  This time was for the 2 year olds and they loved it.  Jane said that this is the first time that Christian was really about it too... and Norah even was hanging around Jane!  It was awesome!  

We are also now trying to coordinate it so that the kids can be in the same music class.  There is a music class for 4 year olds called Early Childhood Music and then there is another class for the younger ones at Crescendo Music Academy that we are trying to get in.  That will be fun if we can get in the same class together!  And it was thanks to Jane that we even knew about them at all!  It's also really nice to have a personal reference for classes so you know what you're getting into and not just paying a ton of money for something that isn't awesome or worth your time.  

Dude has started his class already and the teacher said that he is the most musically included child she has seen.  That he did really well, and picked up on what she has having the kids do.  And he loved it! He was a little worried about it at first because it was drop them off and leave, which he isn't used to, but he didn't whine or anything and loved his class.  :) 

So, here is to more story times, music classes and play dates!


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