Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Snow mound slide

The things that kids invent to do for fun never ceases to amaze me.  That's why I don't really like to give to many ideas when we are doing something new, or just outside, because I want to see what they come up with on their own.  The other day the kids just wanted to go outside, and the sun was shining so I figured what the heck.  It has also been tested and proven that if our kids can get out of the house, even for 10 minutes or so a day, they will behave exponentially better than if they don't.  Well, with the big mounds of snow that cover the majority of our parking lot, the kids decided that they wanted to climb and make their own slide.  Initially Dude just wanted to show me the cave that he made with Papa the other day and yell "King of the mountain" but then started to slip down the hill and just turned it into a slide.  He thought it was hilarious.  Lucy really wanted to get up there and try it but the piles are so steep that we had to make some steps for her.  Dude was a little monkey and just climbed right up but we had to find a different place for Goose, but once they were both at the top of the mound they held hands together and slid and slid and slid.  They loved it.  Norah came out too and make herself a little snow angel in the side of the mountain.  haha.  Unfortunately, I had to get going to work, but they seemed like they were enjoying themselves immensely.  I knew that they weren't going to be out that long because it was still only about 20 degrees, but they had a lot of fun and got to burn some energy.  :)


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