The things that kids invent to do for fun never ceases to amaze me. That's why I don't really like to give to many ideas when we are doing something new, or just outside, because I want to see what they come up with on their own. The other day the kids just wanted to go outside, and the sun was shining so I figured what the heck. It has also been tested and proven that if our kids can get out of the house, even for 10 minutes or so a day, they will behave exponentially better than if they don't. Well, with the big mounds of snow that cover the majority of our parking lot, the kids decided that they wanted to climb and make their own slide. Initially Dude just wanted to show me the cave that he made with Papa the other day and yell "King of the mountain" but then started to slip down the hill and just turned it into a slide. He thought it was hilarious. Lucy really wanted to get up there and try it but the piles are so steep that we had to make some steps for her. Dude was a little monkey and just climbed right up but we had to find a different place for Goose, but once they were both at the top of the mound they held hands together and slid and slid and slid. They loved it. Norah came out too and make herself a little snow angel in the side of the mountain. haha. Unfortunately, I had to get going to work, but they seemed like they were enjoying themselves immensely. I knew that they weren't going to be out that long because it was still only about 20 degrees, but they had a lot of fun and got to burn some energy. :)
Life happens so quickly! I am learning to take things in as they come and enjoy it one day at a time.
Family photo Oct 2010
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Story time/Music class
After we had dinner with the Min's we ran into them at the library... which, honestly, I'm surprised we hadn't before this. And, the next day I think we were watching her kids... so we were seeing a lot of each other! She usually hits up the library for a little while after she drops Ava off at preschool, so if we get ourselves organized in the morning we could probably see her more there. The kids played well together and then we decided to try story time. We tried it a handful of times when we first moved there, but Dude wasn't really about it and Lucy was so small she didn't really care... so we stopped going. But, now that they're a little older and Dude has been to Sunday school and things like that they're more about it. This time was for the 2 year olds and they loved it. Jane said that this is the first time that Christian was really about it too... and Norah even was hanging around Jane! It was awesome!
We are also now trying to coordinate it so that the kids can be in the same music class. There is a music class for 4 year olds called Early Childhood Music and then there is another class for the younger ones at Crescendo Music Academy that we are trying to get in. That will be fun if we can get in the same class together! And it was thanks to Jane that we even knew about them at all! It's also really nice to have a personal reference for classes so you know what you're getting into and not just paying a ton of money for something that isn't awesome or worth your time.
Dude has started his class already and the teacher said that he is the most musically included child she has seen. That he did really well, and picked up on what she has having the kids do. And he loved it! He was a little worried about it at first because it was drop them off and leave, which he isn't used to, but he didn't whine or anything and loved his class. :)
So, here is to more story times, music classes and play dates!
Friday, February 21, 2014
A glimpse into the future
Yesterday we got to babysit the Min children, Ava and Christian. Jane had to get some dental work done and since it was during the day her normal babysitters weren't available. So, from one Momma to another I know how much easier it can be to do these visits solo we watched them. At first we just had Christian because Jane didn't want to drop both of them off, thinking that it might be a lot, but then was told that Ava couldn't be in the room with her while she was getting the work done, so Goose and I went and picked Ava up and took her back home to play. Our kids had a blast and her kids did really well! I was worried that Christian was going to be touch-n-go wanting his Momma but he did great. At first he wouldn't come in more than the stairs but eventually we gave him some toys and convinced him that it was OK to come in the rest of the way. They played hard and Jane's appointment was over a lot faster than I thought it was going to be! So, she came over and hung out, had dinner until it was time for them to get going home.
It was an interesting perspective to have watching 5 kids... because I think that is ultimately how many we are going to end up with. There are days (most days) that I think I could handle one or two more but then there are those days where I don't think I can handle the three that I have, and they are relatively good children! I know that when we do finally get a chance to adopt that they will most likely be older, since we would like to get siblings, so we won't be on infant duty and our kids seem to love to play with any other kids. Gaetan did great. I think that out of the two of us he is better with wrangling lots of kids at a time... good thing he wants to teach! So, at least on that front I know that I have a lot of support for when we do expand the VG family. Whew... crazy to think... but adoption has always been on our hearts so I know that barring any big life change we will be doing just that.
It was also really nice to have somebody appreciate your help. I know that when you help someone you aren't doing it for their approval, but it sure is nice when they give it and truly appreciate it. It was really fun hanging out with Jane and getting to know her better as well... she and her husband are extremely nice and intelligent people... people I feel comfortable having my kids around. I know it may sound weird that I mentioned their intelligence, but it really does make a difference in how things are handled, and that we know they are on the same page as we are. Looking forward to hanging out with them more!
Dude was so excited to have Ava there too |
The boys and their dinos |
Miss Ava loves putting different things on her head |
Awe... Dude has been calling her his girlfriend... |
This could possibly our future! Whoa! It doesn't even look that out of place for me... |
It was an interesting perspective to have watching 5 kids... because I think that is ultimately how many we are going to end up with. There are days (most days) that I think I could handle one or two more but then there are those days where I don't think I can handle the three that I have, and they are relatively good children! I know that when we do finally get a chance to adopt that they will most likely be older, since we would like to get siblings, so we won't be on infant duty and our kids seem to love to play with any other kids. Gaetan did great. I think that out of the two of us he is better with wrangling lots of kids at a time... good thing he wants to teach! So, at least on that front I know that I have a lot of support for when we do expand the VG family. Whew... crazy to think... but adoption has always been on our hearts so I know that barring any big life change we will be doing just that.
It was also really nice to have somebody appreciate your help. I know that when you help someone you aren't doing it for their approval, but it sure is nice when they give it and truly appreciate it. It was really fun hanging out with Jane and getting to know her better as well... she and her husband are extremely nice and intelligent people... people I feel comfortable having my kids around. I know it may sound weird that I mentioned their intelligence, but it really does make a difference in how things are handled, and that we know they are on the same page as we are. Looking forward to hanging out with them more!
Snow Ice Cream
Lately my mantra has been efficiency... I'm not sure why but I really think that is the driving force behind the way I do things. I guess it's not a bad thing, but it was an interesting conclusion. Anyhoo... having all this snow around I figured we should do something fun with it! So, we made some snow ice cream. Shoot! With all the snow that we have I could've been having the worst year of my life and still would've been covered ;) The kids thought it was great and honestly, it wasn't to bad tasting. We put mini M & M's on it because I couldn't find the sprinkles but didn't hear any protesting. I highly recommend it.
8 cups of clean snow (yeah, avoid that yellow...)
14 oz of condensed sweet milk
2-2.5 teas of vanilla extract (I approximated)
8 cups of clean snow (yeah, avoid that yellow...)
14 oz of condensed sweet milk
2-2.5 teas of vanilla extract (I approximated)
Dude loved it! |
Lucy was a fan too |
Goose's sprained ankle
You know how you can get punch cards at restaurants or rewards at stores for frequenting there? Well, I feel like we would be on our way to winning something at the Woodbridge Urgent Care here. Right while the Mins were leaving Lucy was doing her normal routine of jumping off the couch but this time she landed incorrectly. I just figured that she was overly tired from the lack of nap and all the excitement of having two pals over, but she really wrecked herself. We got them ready for bed but she kept limping and saying how much it hurt so Gaetan took her in to urgent care. She luckily didn't break it but they said she definitely sprained it. :( She was honestly more concerned about her scraped knuckle and was a champ about her ankle, but poor Gooshe! They just said to have her take it easy but if she continued to say she was hurting to bring her back in. Here's to hoping that she heals quickly!
Our sweet Goosh girl once she was back home... she was showing off her new bracelet... haha |
Thursday, February 20, 2014
First week of work
I made it! Yes! My first week back to work. haha. It was a grueling two lessons (grand totally of an hour of work)... which is much better than the usual three that it should be. ;) It was kind of fun getting ready to go out and 'work.' I was also glad to know that I could still teach and wasn't a babbling fool. The students that I have are extreme beginners so it is a little painful on the ears (at times) but its really nice to see their passion and desire to want to learn more about violin.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Possible new Mom friend
I have to say that I really enjoy where we live in Kalamazoo. I know I've said it before but the community is amazing and I love the attitude, as a whole, of the people here. One thing that is hard being in a city where you don't know anybody is making new friends... especially as a Mom! You're priority is making sure that your kids are around other kids/parents that are good to be around and that you and your kids both like... which is harder than you think. Most of the time I like the parents just fine but their kids are brats or whiners... but I think that we found a family that everybody likes! I met her at K Phil and she has children about the same age as the crazies. I made her a few meals because she got really sick and any Mom knows that as a Mom you don't get the excuse 'you're not feeling well'. So, when it's something more serious than you do anything you can to help out. Since she has been feeling better they invited us over to have dinner and so that the kids could play together. It went really well! The kids did well with their kids and we had this delightful Korean feast! We are watching her youngest as she goes in for follow-up appointments so I think this could be the start of a beautiful little friendship. :) And, it's also really nice to know, as a parent, that there are other adults that you can trust if you need help with your kids. I think that's the hardest part is vetting other adults... making sure that they are reliable and somebody you feel safe leaving your most precious treasure with. So, we are really starting to set down roots and get involved with this community even more... let's hope we can stay :)
The kids table haha |
Our delightful dinner... I tried cuttle fish and sardines! |
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Woe is me
Do you ever have those weeks where you think, "Poor me! This week was horrible and hard and I just want to lock the door and shut the world out until I can stop feeling sorry for myself?!" Well, that is me. Right now. As I blog. Le sigh.
This hasn't been the easiest month due to all the snow and cancelled plans and having to stay inside because it's to effing cold to go out and play... which makes for stir crazy kids... which makes for frazzled parents. But, this last week took the cake. Our sweet Norah one afternoon was getting ready for lunch when I looked at her tray and it was completely covered in vomit. Like, it was almost brimming over it was so full. What. The. Heck. She wasn't upset about it. And I didn't even hear her do it. Eek. Our kids have never been pukers so we aren't really that experienced in it, even though this is our third! Well, our sweet Norah continued to be sweet even though she was clearly very sick. The only thing that would keep down is Momma milk, so at least I felt good that she was keeping some sort of food down.
Well, it didn't stop there. Dude was watching a show and I was showering when Gaetan came in and said that he had just puked all up and down the side of the couch. And the last thing that he had was chocolate milk... glorious. We had been at the library earlier that day and Lucy was all sad and pathetic... you could just tell that she wasn't feeling well. She luckily didn't puke but had a pretty severe fever, which made her want to be extra cuddly, but when I get a fever I don't want anything touching me... and then add on top of that Gaetan and I had it coming out both ends. Marvelous. We moved everybody into our room for the night and tried to survive til morning. Lucy and Dude were good by morning which was good, but I still had stabbing pain in my stomach :( Gaetan had seemed to get everything out of his system (literally) at night and was feeling pretty good. We ended up going to my parents because we told them that we would help move my sister but I wasn't sure that we were going to live through the night. Yes, that sounds dramatic, but when everybody is on the verge of puking or other at any given moment you don't wonder why we felt that way.
The hardest part I think is that the kids are still misbehaving. I'm not sure what it is, but they are acting like entitled little brats and it's killing me. It's killing me because I know that they're good kids. It's killing me because I refuse to have kids like that. It's killing me because it gets to the point where I just don't want to get up because I'm not sure I can handle one more whiney fit being thrown because heaven forbid we didn't get them something fast enough or they wanted to do something and couldn't at the exact moment. It's killing me because these can't be my kids... and I don't know how to fix it. Just like being sick it seems like we are just trying to get through the day by the skin of our teeth and hoping and praying that the next day will be better.
This hasn't been the easiest month due to all the snow and cancelled plans and having to stay inside because it's to effing cold to go out and play... which makes for stir crazy kids... which makes for frazzled parents. But, this last week took the cake. Our sweet Norah one afternoon was getting ready for lunch when I looked at her tray and it was completely covered in vomit. Like, it was almost brimming over it was so full. What. The. Heck. She wasn't upset about it. And I didn't even hear her do it. Eek. Our kids have never been pukers so we aren't really that experienced in it, even though this is our third! Well, our sweet Norah continued to be sweet even though she was clearly very sick. The only thing that would keep down is Momma milk, so at least I felt good that she was keeping some sort of food down.
Poor Goose at the library... she even had to take her mammick in and just wanted to lay on the bean bags |
Us in the middle of the night because her fever was bad and just wanted to cuddle |
The hardest part I think is that the kids are still misbehaving. I'm not sure what it is, but they are acting like entitled little brats and it's killing me. It's killing me because I know that they're good kids. It's killing me because I refuse to have kids like that. It's killing me because it gets to the point where I just don't want to get up because I'm not sure I can handle one more whiney fit being thrown because heaven forbid we didn't get them something fast enough or they wanted to do something and couldn't at the exact moment. It's killing me because these can't be my kids... and I don't know how to fix it. Just like being sick it seems like we are just trying to get through the day by the skin of our teeth and hoping and praying that the next day will be better.
The last part for sure |
I'm a real runner now
I know that a lot of people would argue that I am a runner but I still don't really view myself as one... until the other day. I finally hit a runners problem... I lost a toe nail. I always saw people at races with signs about how real runners don't need their toe nails (shoot, I even saw a bumper sticker once) but I never had that problem. The closest thing I had was I got a bruised toe during my actual marathon but nothing during training or during any other race! But... this last bout of training has taken its toll on my poor right foot... I think it has to do with some weird pregnancy related thing (your body changes in weird ways let me tell you). And I finally lost a toe nail. Incidentally it was the same one that got bruised during my full, but I didn't even realize that it was coming off. Well, I guess, there you have it. I'm a runner now ;)
Individual Key Lime Pie
We went over to a friend's house for dinner tonight so I volunteered to bring dessert. These are extremely cute, tasty and FAST to make. They are refreshing and would be great for a picnic type outing. I would highly recommend and will be making it again!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
I got a job
My friend Lauren's husband got a job in Lansing and is moving there next week. :( She is the reason why I joined KPhil! Anyhoo, she really wanted to leave her students to somebody she knew and asked if I wanted to teach private violin lessons again. I wasn't actively looking to do so, but I told her that if it worked out I would give it a shot. So, I applied at the music store that she works at yesterday and got an interview today... and was hired! I also have another student that doesn't come to the music store that I'm meeting next week. Things are happening so quickly! And so far its only a handful of students so it won't be a lot of hours (which is a good thing). I am excited about this and the extra money is always helpful. Looking forward to getting back into this teaching thing!
As many of you know I don't have any piercings. Nope. Not one. I had my cartilage done in my ear for a little while but it never healed so I took it out. I don't even have my lobes pierced... but I decided I wanted to get my nose done. I've wanted to a few times before but never really seriously thought about it... but this time I did and go it done! I really like it and it didn't hurt at all. I got a little nervous when he came at me with a huge needle, but it was over quickly and I don't even feel it now! Just have to be careful that Norah doesn't get a hold of it, but so far so good :)
Snow playing!
The weather finally warmed up a bit so that we were able to go out and enjoy the bounty of snow! We even saw Chase (whom we haven't seen in almost two months!) Norah wasn't really about it, so I didn't get to stay outside that long... but it was nice to get outside! I shoveled our walkway and to the car for a little bit ahead of time, which made me realize that it wasn't really that cold out. I think it was upper 20's low 30's... frickin' heat way! haha. I even saw pavement for the first time but I think this snowstorm Nika will change all of that...
The piles by our sideway come up almost chest high! |
Our makeshift sled for Norah to sit in |
Dude had fun pulling her around |
Goose ready to go! |
Of course a snowball fight ensued |
They were having a moment together :) |
Girlies sitting in a drift together |
This was a different day when we just went for a walk |
She's such a little girl already... but she was pretty cold |
Dude exploring the 'mountains!' AKA the huge piles of snow from the plows |
King of the mountain! |
He was thrilled to be outside |
The girls went inside and played.... they're weird :) |
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