I use this blog for so much. I know a lot of people like this blog because of the kid updates. So here one is. :)
Tristan is full out reading books now. He is so smart. Some of the words I think he just knows what they are so he says them, but other words he really is trying to sound out. It's amazing. I can't believe how much he soaks up and how fast he is at everything. Because of this, I want to make sure that he reaches his full potential, but I don't want him to burn out. But truthfully, he wants to be reading/learning more times than not, and actually prefers it to just playing. We do a lot of playing while learning so maybe that's why he likes it so much. :)
Lucy girl is standing up by herself now. She was pulling herself up on things and holding on, but she can now stand up from sitting on the ground, without anything help her, and stand for quite awhile. It's amazing how fast she's learning too! I think she seems big brother doing a lot of things that she wants too, so she's about trying to figure out how to do it. I'm pretty sure she will be walking within a month or so. Scary!
She also has quite the personality. She gets this sly little smile on her face and then crawls over to something she knows she's not really supposed to be getting into. It's also so interesting to see how much she understands and comprehends. I know a lot of people just say, "she's a baby" but she knows. I know she does... there's just a look about her that says she does. I think that she's too smart for her own good. She can be quite naughty at times...
As much as having two kids can be a handful at times, in same ways it's easier. They like to play with each other (sometimes, haha) but it seems like they can communicate with each other too. If Lucy is upset Duder will tell me what's wrong with her... and at first I thought that he was just talking, but for the most part he's right. It's pretty impressive. And as annoying as Duder might find it when Lucy tries to play with whatever he has, I think that likes having her around. They do get on each other's nerves already, but they love each other. Each morning Duder will wake up and come into our room and if Lucy is already awake gives her a big ole kiss on the head. :)
Lucy is going through the doesn't like strangers phase (especially dudes). I remember when Duder went through the phase where he would freak out anytime I left the room, but he never had difficulty with people holding him. Lucy on the other hand does. My brother was in town visiting and she would hold onto dear life to the person who had her before she would let him hold her. She would start to cry as soon as he got near... it was strange. But she did that to a few other people too. She's even done it to me. There was a day when Gaetan had her and I was going to feed her and she held on so tightly to her I pretty much had to pry her off. Very flattering for Gaetan of course, but it was strange that she did that to me. Just going through a phase I suppose. Kids and their quirks.
Looking forward to seeing what other surprises they have for me.
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