Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Sunday, January 22, 2012

End of break

About two weeks ago was getting towards the end of break.  It's always so nice having Gaetan home during these times but Christmas break is a really long one... it's about a month long.  Around 3 weeks we both feel the need to get back into the routine of our 'normal' schedule.  It's funny because just as we are getting into the groove of the semester his semester ends.  It definitely makes our lives interesting and flexible!  Never boring!

I know the kids love having him around more too.  He's definitely the 'fun' parent.  He goofs off with them and plays EXTRA hard.  :)  By the end of the day we're not sure who is more tired.... But towards the end of the semester the kids were getting extra strength naughty.  I'm not sure what it was but when both of us were home they were naughty naughty naughty!  But if it was just one of us then they were fine.  I put that theory to the test one afternoon.  After naptime and lunch I took both the kids upstairs to play in Tristan's room.  One of Tristan's favorite things to do when he doesn't want to do what I'm doing is just cry and say Papa over and over again (when he knows he's around).  Well, the kids didn't see Gaetan after they got up and I told him that he was working... which was a semi-truth.  He was just downstairs in the living room working on homework or preparing for his labs.  Regardless, we played and the kids were so good with each other for 2 hours.  I couldn't believe the difference!  Then, they heard him downstairs so he came up and as soon as he came into the room they were naughty.  What the heck?!  It's strange, but I guess it happens to other families as well.

This semester Gaetan has two physics classes and his seminar.  His seminar is basically a one credit class where they talk about the different Profs and what they have studied and worked on so you can get an idea of who you'd like to work with.  And this semester he is teaching two labs (the same as last semester) and then a modern physics lab.  The modern lab is usually taught but 7 or 8th year grad students... the other guy who is teaching the lab is graduating this year.  So it's a big deal that they asked him to run this lab after only one semester.  Sounds like everything is going well for him :)

So here is to the new semester and the new year!  We are excited to see what God has in store for us.


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