Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sick baby=no sleep!

Last night Lucy didn't sleep.  I can't say who it's harder on... me or her.  Poor baby girl is so sick and cutting teeth I just know that she's uncomfortable.  And I can tell that she wants to sleep but she is just so miserable... :(  I was just happy that Duder is such a sound sleeper (must get that from his Papa) and wasn't woken up by all the crying.  It would be one thing if she was just awake and wanted to play or snug, but she was UNHAPPY no matter what we did.

Gaetan and I are fighting off colds as well, so we're not feeling 100%.  He took the first little shift while I tried to catch an hour and then we switched.  Right now they are both sleeping and Duder and I get to hang out.  It's really nice to be able to spend this one on one time with him.  I miss it.  We're playing trains and listening to music.  We had a nice breakfast together and read lots of books already.

I'm glad that I can let Gaetan sleep in a little bit and try to catch up on sleep and get better.  It's a win-win.  Time with Dude and he can't sleep.  Praying that Lucy gets better and is back to her normal happy chubster baby ways again soon.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

25K done!

With all this training for the marathon, there are mile stones that I reach during my long run days... which is kinda nice!  They are miles that I never thought that I would do... like on New Year's I did a half marathon and then on Friday I ran a 25K.  That's a long way!  haha.  After the run though, I kinda feel anti-climatic.  Now that it's over with, on to the next big mile stone I suppose.  But I'm happy to say that I have run that far and it feels good.  I watched Lord of the Rings on the treadmill while I did it... super nerdy I know, but it did get me through it.  My knee feels great and I could walk the next day, which is another bonus!  :)  Here's the rest of training!


My husband, the 8th World Wonder

I thought that I was probably pretty biased in this opinion, but I am coming to the realization that it's fact.  My husband, is the 8th world wonder.  His sister, Zoe, described him as that once, and I would have to say that it's probably the closest description of him.  I don't have all the time in the world to describe why he's so wonderful, but here are a few of the latest successes he does (and is so very very humble about them.)

It begins with school.  Most people do their masters program first for grad school, and then have to apply to get into a PhD program.  He surpassed that first step and was admitted straight to the PhD program, which means, that he was up against other candidates that already had their Masters.  Whoo hoo!  I hear that physics GRE is nothing that one wants to take again and he has the highest GRE score at WMU by far right now.  Amazing.

After one semester he is number one in his class and the faculty there is recognizing him for his amazing abilities.  Because he is a grad student they teach (or grade) labs.  Usually they are teaching lower level physics labs, because they are still getting into the swing of school, and the school doesn't want to overwhelm them.  However, this semester he got offered to teach a modern physics lab.. which is a pretty big deal.  They get to use their particle accelerator... fancy!  This is a lab that they normally offer people who have a year or two left in their PhD program, so the fact that they offered it to him after ONE semester is mind blowing.  The other student that teaches this lab is graduating this semester, so Gaetan will be taking over for him.

Not only did he get this honor, he is getting published (in a way)!  He wrote what he wanted his students to do for their pre-lab and the lab coordinator (Chris) and the professor who is teaching the lecture (Dr. Bautista) LOVED what he wrote.  Chris told him that if he used any format from a different site that he should give credit, and Dr. Bautista told him that, "THIS IS FANTASTIC.  I AM PUTING IT IN THE LAB MANUAL FOR NEXT YEAR."  I am glad that they want to give him credit for his hard work and that he will have his name on something for next year!  It amazes me that he just knows what to do and how to make things run efficiently and smoothly.  That is a gift that, obviously, not everybody has.

On top of that, it seems that most everybody (students and faculty) in the department know who he is.  People that he's never heard of, or met.  But I guess people hear about big deals.

The latest honor has been Dr. Wuosmaa, who has been on sabbatical in Europe all year, has even heard of Gaetan and wants to do research with him.  Now, in that short sentence a lot is going on.  Let me give you some background.  Dr. Wuosmaa, who pretty much, by himself, brings in all the funds for the physics department at WMU.  He is the head researcher at Argon National Labs in Chicago, which is the most prestigious physics lab in the nation.  He usually takes on a new student every 5-7 years and people have to apply to do research him.  And just because you apply, doesn't mean that you are going to be chosen.  If that year he doesn't like any of the applicants, he just doesn't take one.  This last student that he's been working with is from MIT (not even from WMU).  He just flies in him a couple times a month so that they can collaborate on what they've been working on.  Sounds like a pretty big deal.  The amazing thing is that Dr. Wuosmaa is flying back from Europe (a special trip) just to meet Gaetan.  All the other faculty has been talking about him so much that he wants to do research with him... which is awesome!  The fact that he didn't have to apply and got hand picked by this guy is ridiculous.  And, the guy does his research in molecular and atomic physics, the same thing that Gaetan is looking into doing. Hrm, God... do you have a hand in this?  :)

And to top it all off he is probably the world's greatest Dad.  He comes home from school/work and just wants to play with the kids.  It would be one thing if he was so smart and couldn't do much else, but he's not.  With his schedule it allows him to be home in the mornings, in which there are days he just lets me sleep in.  It's fantastic.  I am SPOILED.

Playing trains with Tristan, Dog and Hippo.

Papa pile with the kiddos

I hope that I let him know how much is means to this family and what he does matters so much to us.  We are extremely proud of you Papa and all the hard work you do for us.  We look forward to see what God has in store for you and all the gifts that He's given you.  We love you so much.


hurt knee

Nothing is a big time bummer to a runner who is training hard and gets injured, resulting in having to take mandatory time off.  But that's what happened about two weeks ago.  My knee started hurting during one of my semi-long runs but I just figured its because it was a long run... I think it was something like 7 miles. Then, the next day I was supposed to run 12, but only got to 11... but, I could barely walk!  It was bad news trying to get up and down the stairs, not to mention carrying Lucy!  And unfortunately for me, that's where the changing table is.  If only I could've gotten her to stop peeing/pooping her diapers ;)

I took that entire week off... Monday to Friday.  The hardest part wasn't the lack of running, but the worrying everything I did was going to cause me a ton of pain!  I believe I just ran too fast and too long for what I was used too.  I have definitely learned my lesson!

My wonderful husband thought it would be a good idea to visit one of my good PT friends.  He is in Grand Rapids, so I combined Lucy's Dr's appointment trip with that.  Mom was awesome and watched her while I went to my appointment and got bruised up!  I have never had PT before so this was a new experience.  Having worked at at PT place before I was always on the other end of it.  PT HURTS!  I couldn't believe how sore and bruised up I was... but it was worth it.  My knee was better after one visit and it allowed me to start running the next day.  It was amazing.  So, any of you in the greater Grand Rapids area who needs PT here's my plug for Dr. Scott Hadley.  Hadley Clinic is the place to be!

And the nice part is he is really into running so he was able to help with stretches and why my knee hurt and what I should do about it.  I got some new shoes (minimalist shoes) and they are awesome as well.  They are light light light and my knee feels great in them.  I used one of my coupons that Gaetan gifted me for my Christmas present for a new pair of shoes :)  They are Saucony Hattori... they are kinda crazy looking but I love them.  Who doesn't love hot pink though right?

Ever since I have been 'off and running' :)  I am excited about my training and am looking forward to race day!


Night time struggles

During the last week and a half of break Tristan was so hard to put down at night time.  He would cry and scream for hours.  I felt so badly because 1.) I didn't want the neighbors to think we were horrible parents 2.) I didn't want him waking Lucy up.  I had no idea what had changed and why he was being so difficult to put to sleep.  It actually got to the point where we dreaded night time because it's really hard hearing your toddler scream and cry for hours.  There was nothing that would really console him either... nothing sort of getting in bed with him (which, of course, we weren't going to do).  It got to the point where we would try to schedule activities so that he would have a car ride on the way home and he would hopefully fall asleep that way.

I would definitely say as a parent I have been extremely blessed (and lucky) with kids who aren't difficult to put to sleep.  I know that there are children that are normally like this, but I didn't know how to handle it.  There was a lot of praying that went home, and hoping that they would be heard quickly!  Its funny how much a routine/schedule does for children.  I wouldn't think that it would make such a difference, but oh, boy how it does!

Luckily, they where heard, and he is back to being awesome.  He likes his little night time ritual.  We pick up his letters and then he likes to sing the alphabet song and spin around and be silly.  Then, he brushes his own teeth, pottys up and gets tucked in.  Then, Papa reads him a story out of the bible, and then they make up a story together.  They pray, and then that's it.  He stays in bed.  It's awesome.  And, we did get a chance to talk with our neighbors and they said that they don't hear anything... which is very good. I know that it can be grinding on us to hear that, but on people who don't know the situation, it could be even worse.

God is good and I'm glad that He reveals His goodness in little ways like this!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

End of break

About two weeks ago was getting towards the end of break.  It's always so nice having Gaetan home during these times but Christmas break is a really long one... it's about a month long.  Around 3 weeks we both feel the need to get back into the routine of our 'normal' schedule.  It's funny because just as we are getting into the groove of the semester his semester ends.  It definitely makes our lives interesting and flexible!  Never boring!

I know the kids love having him around more too.  He's definitely the 'fun' parent.  He goofs off with them and plays EXTRA hard.  :)  By the end of the day we're not sure who is more tired.... But towards the end of the semester the kids were getting extra strength naughty.  I'm not sure what it was but when both of us were home they were naughty naughty naughty!  But if it was just one of us then they were fine.  I put that theory to the test one afternoon.  After naptime and lunch I took both the kids upstairs to play in Tristan's room.  One of Tristan's favorite things to do when he doesn't want to do what I'm doing is just cry and say Papa over and over again (when he knows he's around).  Well, the kids didn't see Gaetan after they got up and I told him that he was working... which was a semi-truth.  He was just downstairs in the living room working on homework or preparing for his labs.  Regardless, we played and the kids were so good with each other for 2 hours.  I couldn't believe the difference!  Then, they heard him downstairs so he came up and as soon as he came into the room they were naughty.  What the heck?!  It's strange, but I guess it happens to other families as well.

This semester Gaetan has two physics classes and his seminar.  His seminar is basically a one credit class where they talk about the different Profs and what they have studied and worked on so you can get an idea of who you'd like to work with.  And this semester he is teaching two labs (the same as last semester) and then a modern physics lab.  The modern lab is usually taught but 7 or 8th year grad students... the other guy who is teaching the lab is graduating this year.  So it's a big deal that they asked him to run this lab after only one semester.  Sounds like everything is going well for him :)

So here is to the new semester and the new year!  We are excited to see what God has in store for us.


David Crowder

A few Sunday's ago was our farewell and send off to Rob and his family.  I figured it was going to be packed (because it's always packed when he's there) so we got there a little early.  We had both the kids with us this time and we were just kinda hanging out by our seats waiting for the service to start.  I looked up and saw this guy that looked vaguely familiar... in passing I said to Gaetan, "hey, that guy looks a lot like David Crowder."

Well, a few minutes later this David Crowder look-alike takes the stage and then begins to play one of two guitars on stage and leads us in worship.  The guy probably looked a lot like David Crowder because it freakin' was!  I couldn't believe it.  David Crowder just played his guitar and led us in some of the most moving worship I've experienced in a long time.  Mars Hill just continues to blow us away and keeps feeding us what we need and letting us hear what we need to hear.

At the end of service I was taking Duder to the bathroom and Gaetan had Lucy and there was David trying to get through the masses.  As he hurries by, he double takes comes back, pinches Lucy's cheeks and says, "Oh look at those cheeks!"  And then turns arounds and leaves.  hahaha.  We get used to the fact that people only pay attention to our adorable children.

It was quite the experience to be able to worship like that.  Thank you Jesus for giving us exactly what we need, when we need it.  Your timing is perfect, as always.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

The New Year

It's been about a month since the New Year and I'm just finally getting around to blogging about it!  Most of our friends had fun plans to do things on NYE but being parents of 2 small children our options are pretty limited and not so rowdy ;)  We did get a chance to have one of our fave couples come down and celebrate with us and see the new place.  We decided to do finger food/hors d'ouvres and sparkling juice of course.  :)  We pretty much just hung out and played games with Tristan.  Lucy went to sleep at her normal time but we thought that we would try to keep Duder up til midnight... bad idea and didn't work.  Unfortunately Gaetan was really sick so he just slept pretty much the entire day.  The adults barely made it to midnight and then after it hit we were wide awake for a few more hours... figures :)  I had a lot of fun just hanging out and relaxing with them.  I'm glad that they are into doing the same type things and can find enjoyment in company and not having to be doing something.

We did watch Kung Fu Panda 2... which was horribly sad for me!  I will most likely never watch it again... go figure, a children's movie that is too sensitive for me.  I'm trying to get better about these things but I figure there are a lot of things that I don't need to watch, or need to be exposing myself to.

New Year's Day was just relaxing as well.  Of course, the kids don't care if you go to bed when they do or if you go to bed 2 hours before they get up.  Once they're up, they're up, and so are you.  The weather was starting to get pretty nasty so Quebra and Dizzy went home before lunch.  It was a long drive for them to come and stay with us, but we thoroughly enjoyed our time with them and we are always so excited to have them around.  There aren't a lot of people that we want to expose our kids to, but they are so good with Tristan.  Lucy, well, she doesn't play a whole lot quite yet, but when she does I'm sure they will be great playmates with her too :)

I did say that I was going to try and run 14 miles that day... and well, I was pretty happy with my 13.1.  I can't believe that i pretty much just picked up and ran a half marathon, but I felt really good afterwards.  I could even walk (a little) haha.  My muscles weren't too sore the next day which was encouraging.  The whole thing was encouraging because I wasn't really sure if I was going to be able to do the marathon, or run on a treadmill for that long.  But there are TV's on the treadmills so I always hope there is something good on TV to watch.  There is always some sort of cooking show on at least... I think it's a bit teasing to watch a bunch of yummy food being made while I'm running, but it's all good :)

So, here's to 2012.  May it bring all the changes and improvements people are hoping for.  I am really trying to focus on making a difference.  Even if it's just in the day to day things that I do with my children, I know that I'm investing something important.


Finger painting in the tub

It was the getting towards the end of break and I think everybody was more than ready for things to return back to their normal 'routine.'  Duder had been acting more and more naughty because of it... I think he was bored and didn't know what else to do.  So the last time he was being naughty I thought we should do a craft together to get him busy with something!  We did some finger painting in his chair and he LOVED it.  It was a bit messy (but those make the best craft times right?) so I thought that we could maybe finger paint in the tub.  The paints are washable so I figured we'd just get him in the tub and let him go nuts.  He LOVED it.  He loves the tub and taking baths and combining it with finger painting was just 'it' for him.  The finished product looked a bit like hieroglyphics but it was a lot of fun to be silly with Dude.

 He was Super T!
 One of his favorite words... and his hand prints
 Finished product!
We also like to bake together.  :)  He enjoys it and then we enjoy the end result.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Looking ahead

Since moving to Portage there has been a lot of realizations.  I know that the ONLY reason that would hold me back from wanting to move out of state would be my parents.  I have never really been that far away from them, and even though Portage isn't that far away I still see them way less then I'm used too... and I would like.  I miss them but doing this move it shows that I can do it!  I'm a big girl!  And they have been talking about retiring in the near future and they want to move to the middle of NOWHERE.  So, obviously we wouldn't be that close to them anyways...

With all that said I feel like God has been preparing me for a big move.  Little steps at a time, (like moving an hour away) but we both feel it coming.  Doing the little steps shows me that I can do it, and that there is so much more for us out there.  Seattle has been coming up more and more and we are totally down with the idea of moving across the country.  Of course I would always say that I would be good with whatever God had in store for us, but I'm actually feeling the peace with the idea that it could happen.  There are a lot of opportunities coming up with Gaetan and his schooling and I feel like there is a lot that could happen.

Also not being by any of our friends it has just been so apparent that fellowship is so important.  Of course we love spending time with each other but there needs to be outside input too... of the right kind.  We love our friends dearly, but there is a couple that we would pick up and move to live by in an instance.  We would worry about the details later, but I know that the benefit of being by them and being able to have them around daily would be worth it.  This ties in with the whole idea of being good with moving across the country...

More things keep popping up and we are learning to be at peace with them and go with the flow.  We are excited to see what God has in store for us and we are praying that we will be receptive with open hearts :)


Thursday, January 12, 2012


I know that it's a little bit past Christmas but I'm finally getting into catching up on my blog!  This year we were unsure when my parents were going to be back from CO so we did Christmas at Ingrid's.  I'm not going to lie I was dreading it a bit... I wasn't very excited to go there at all.  It's hard for me to get excited to go there and do Christmas with her because I know that, to her, Christmas is all about the cultural experience.  The buying a ton of gifts (a lots of things you don't actually need) decorating your house with every little trinketing thing you can find that screams Christmas and having everything just 'perfect' and if it's not having a huge hissy.  This is how its been the past couple of Christmas... and its hard being at her house because she never had small children there so why would it be child friendly?  With all that said, it was really well.  We prayed extra hard on the drive out there and it was an immediate answer.

The drive there... well, that's a bit of a funny story in itself.  As I've said before poor Duder was so sick but he was a champ about it.  When we got closer Zoe wanted us to text to let her know so that she could make sure that Sophie (their dog) was gone and she was going to try and baby proof the house a little bit.  Bless her heart for doing it... and it was nice because by the time we got there Ingrid was a bit more under control.  Apparently, she wasn't real thrilled that Zoe put some decorations away (because they were fragile or easily broken and could hurt the kids) because she had "put so much time and energy into decorating..." never mind the fact that it could potentially harm her grandchildren... But we got there and all was well.  We did bring some food (we learned from last time) and I think Zoe was happy because we made it specifically vegetarian for her.  It was nice because Zoe kept her in line and when she would get either too hyped up or started stressing about who knows what, she could calm her down.  We just hung out mostly, ate and opened some presents.  This year was nice because we all kinda got one big thing and maybe a few small things.  Nothing real over the top.  It was probably the nicest Christmas I could ever have hoped to have there.  I know it probably sounds terrible that I have such low expectations when we go over there, but I like to be pleasantly surprised when it's different than I anticipate.  I also know that God had a HUGE part in it.

The plan was to go to my parent's house the next day and do Christmas there but everybody was really sick, and honestly, we need a day of recovery when we visit Ingrid at her house.  When my parents do Christmas it's the most laid back sort of Christmas ever.  And this is how I like it.  Nothing real crazy, of course we do presents and things, but it's mostly just hanging out with each other and that's the type of thing we like.  It was nice this year because Jon and his new wife Megan were there and I think it was nice for them to be around some calmness.

The kids got some really cute presents this year.  Mike's mom, Phyllis, got the kids both something they loved.  Usually we are anti-noise/battery operated things (because they're obnoxious!) but these were good.  Lucy got a crawling ball and duder got a little kid laptop.  Ingrid got Duder a puzzle and this curious George kaleidoscope and Lucy these plastic bowling pins and ball.  Mom and Dad got Tristan this Sushi kit (which is a lot of fun to play with I have to admit), and these mix and match ice cream cones that helps teach colors.  Lucy got a first little baby doll and this cute little tea set.  It's nice that they seem to like each other's toys so its like they got double!  haha.

Something that happened that was a little unexpected, but everything turned out all right, was that turning into my parent's driveway Gaetan slid into the ditch.  Now, it doesn't sound like that big of a deal but there is a pond there... luckily they weren't in the water and the kids were good.  We called a tow truck and got it out.  Duder was less than thrilled to get into the car on the ride home... he kept telling us that the car hit a tree and that Lucy was scared.  But we got over that fear and he's good with the car now.

Christmas this year was good and I hope that we can continue some good traditions in our household.  I love spending time with family and I know that it can be a downer during the holidays (especially if you're not particularly fond of your family) but there is always something to be learned and there is always grace to be given.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Visiting with old friends

I always enjoy Christmas break.  For many reasons.  One, Gaetan gets a whole month off and we love having him home.  Secondly, it seems that all my friends come back into town and it's so nice to catch up with them.  I normally get to see them once during that break, but if I don't, then it might be another year before I see them again!

One such visitor (I actually make it a point to see him every time he's in MI) is my dear friend Bryan.  I call him Beaker.  Beaker and I have been in a string ensemble since middle school... we've played so many weddings together we would joke about what we wanted at our wedding.  We made a pact with each other one late night at Youth Symphony that by the time we were 30 and if we were both single we'd marry each other.  He's just a good guy.  He lives in Seattle now teaching, coordinating, and playing his bass.  He's amazing.  Its so good to see him because it doesn't seem like all that time has gone by in between visits.  There are a handful of people from Caledonia that aren't SUPER west Michigan and he's one of them.  I would probably say (besides Gaetan) that he's my best guy friend.  He came over for dinner and played with the kids.  We enjoyed a night full of pie... chicken pot pie and he brought this delicious apple pie.  We always talk about getting together one more time during the breaks but that doesn't usually happen, but this time it did :)

By random chance Beaker, Eric, Dave and Jacquelyn where all going out.  Jacquelyn I see quite frequently because she's in symphonette with me, and we attend Mars Hill together.  I have known Jacquelyn since middle school also, and I like that we are becoming better friends.  Dave I've gone to school with since elementary school and Eric since high school... we actually dated for quite awhile, which makes it even better that we can hang out!  Gaetan was so gracious enough to let me drive to GR to go out with them, even though the kids were being less than good.  It was really fun just hanging out.  We ended up going to a bar for some fun conversation, and spicy chili cheese fries.  It was perfect.  However, apparently, bars are a happenin' place to be during the holidays.  We went on a Wednesday night and had to try three different places before we found a place we could sit!  Since I never go out I had no idea what the scene was going to be like, but it was all in good fun.  Again, we just laughed, caught up on times and hung out.  It was nice.  That meant I did get to see Beaker twice this visit!  Whoo!

Because of that outting I did end up catching up with another old friend from middle/high school... and college really.  Marie and I have had an interesting relationship, and we always seem to lose touch with each other, but when we talk it's always good.  Beaker wanted to see if she wanted to come out with us, but none of us really had her numbers, so, of course, I just facebooked her.  Yes, I just used facebook as a verb.  I got to chat with her for a bit and catch up with what's been going on with her for the past few years.  It seems like things are going really well for her, which is much deserved.  She's a great person who never seemed to get it figured out, but it seems she finally has.  :)

This break I also got to see a childhood friend and her babies.  She just had twins probably 4 months ago and I wanted to snug them!  I admit, I've been having baby fever, so I've been trying to hold other people's new borns as much as possible.  It was good to catch up with her and see her family, which is also old family friends.  It was nice to see the twins, and it made me very thankful that 1.) I was pregnant 2.) that I don't have twins!  She seemed like she was taking everything wonderfully and in stride.  She also has a 3 year old, so she is a busy lady!  I got to visit with her after one of my jazz gigs so I was kid free again!  My husband loves me for watching the kids all these nights.  :)

Another group of people I always see during Christmas break are my softball companions.  In Caledonia they have a summer league (that isn't very competitive at all) but my Dad and Shelby's Dad coached together so we would have a great team.  Along with Shelby, Bri and Dani played on our team together and we played varsity ball all together.  We are the notorious 4 that started this coach's coaching career.  We got to go out for breakfast and catch up with all our lives.  It's amazing to see how different we all turned out.  Dani has been a missionary to the Hopi Indians in AZ since we graduated.  Shelby oversees two cities in CA for groupon and lives in Chicago.  Bri is a high school math teacher who lives in KY.  And I'm a stay at home Momma.  I love that we can all still come back together, reminisce about old times and look to the future together.

We also visited with another family the Kang's. The Kang's own the Chinese restaurant, Blue Dragon, that I worked at for a handful of years.  They are wonderful people.  Through them I've gotten to know their two children, Mison and Jim.  Jim and his wife Eun Hye were in town from GA with their two children.  Their daughter is a few years older than Tristan and their son is a few months younger than Lucy.  They had a blast together.  And we got to eat delicious Korean food.  Tristan and EunJin (the daughter) played so hard together... they ran around, shared toys and then just ended up sitting and eating snacks together on the couch.  It was adorable.  It was nice to be able to hold their son, Ethan, too.  Even though he's just a few months younger than Lucy those few months made a difference.  He's not crawling yet and is still a bit of a 'baby'. Ya know?  He'll snug in and want to be held.  Another curbing my baby fever :)

Breaks are always nice, but they never actually seem like breaks.  I know that we just fill ours up with seeing people and having people over.  Our lives, actually, are a lot less busy during the school year.  :)  I love see people and catching up with them.  It's kinda like my vacation.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Kid update

I use this blog for so much.  I know a lot of people like this blog because of the kid updates.  So here one is. :)

Tristan is full out reading books now.  He is so smart.  Some of the words I think he just knows what they are so he says them, but other words he really is trying to sound out.  It's amazing.  I can't believe how much he soaks up and how fast he is at everything.  Because of this, I want to make sure that he reaches his full potential, but I don't want him to burn out.  But truthfully, he wants to be reading/learning more times than not, and actually prefers it to just playing.  We do a lot of playing while learning so maybe that's why he likes it so much. :)

Lucy girl is standing up by herself now.  She was pulling herself up on things and holding on, but she can now stand up from sitting on the ground, without anything help her, and stand for quite awhile.  It's amazing how fast she's learning too!  I think she seems big brother doing a lot of things that she wants too, so she's about trying to figure out how to do it.  I'm pretty sure she will be walking within a month or so.  Scary!

She also has quite the personality.  She gets this sly little smile on her face and then crawls over to something she knows she's not really supposed to be getting into.  It's also so interesting to see how much she understands and comprehends.  I know a lot of people just say, "she's a baby" but she knows.  I know she does... there's just a look about her that says she does.  I think that she's too smart for her own good.  She can be quite naughty at times...

As much as having two kids can be a handful at times, in same ways it's easier.  They like to play with each other (sometimes, haha) but it seems like they can communicate with each other too.  If Lucy is upset Duder will tell me what's wrong with her... and at first I thought that he was just talking, but for the most part he's right.  It's pretty impressive.  And as annoying as Duder might find it when Lucy tries to play with whatever he has, I think that likes having her around.  They do get on each other's nerves already, but they love each other.  Each morning Duder will wake up and come into our room and if Lucy is already awake gives her a big ole kiss on the head.  :)

Lucy is going through the doesn't like strangers phase (especially dudes).  I remember when Duder went through the phase where he would freak out anytime I left the room, but he never had difficulty with people holding him.  Lucy on the other hand does.  My brother was in town visiting and she would hold onto dear life to the person who had her before she would let him hold her.  She would start to cry as soon as he got near... it was strange.  But she did that to a few other people too.  She's even done it to me.  There was a day when Gaetan had her and I was going to feed her and she held on so tightly to her I pretty much had to pry her off.  Very flattering for Gaetan of course, but it was strange that she did that to me.  Just going through a phase I suppose.  Kids and their quirks.

Looking forward to seeing what other surprises they have for me.


Good bye old friend

December is usually a hard month for us financially.  It's great having Gaetan home for a month, but that also means that we don't get paid for a month... and then there's Christmas presents, and for some reason our car insurance is always due then.  So, unexpected bills and spending more money, while there isn't as much coming in.  We get creative and make things work (with God's help of course) but this time we could help somebody while helping us.

Let me introduce you to my dear friend Foxy Beatrice.  She was my first car I ever had.  Good little Saturn, got great gas milage, and I have hardly had to put anything into making her run smoothly.  Gaetan had been driving her for the commute, when we still lived in GR but since we live so close there really isn't any point in having two cars.

One of our friends was looking for a little car with great gas mileage and we just kinda in passing talked about Foxy.  Well, last Tuesday she calls me up in the afternoon and was wondering if I was still interested in selling the car.  I talked it over with Gaetan and called her back and she was wondering if she could get it that night!  Turns out her brother totaled his car and needed another one fast because he had to work in two days.  We were in GR and they live on the East side of the state so we thought that it would be best to get the car the next morning.  That way it gave them time to get the title changed over and license plates and all that.

So the next morning they drove out and we sold Foxy.  I'm really glad that we were able to help them out, and it was helpful to us too.  I am always a little wary of selling cars or anything like that to people you know... what if something breaks?  I didn't want them to feel cheated or anything, and of course you think all should be well because you're friends.  We talked about that and she totally agreed... :)  I'm glad that we are on the same page about a lot of things!

Another nice thing about this deal was that we got to see Sunil's parents.  His Mom is from Venezuela and his Dad is from Nepal.  They live in Canada.  hahaha.  Anyways, we hardly get to see them because travel is so expensive, but they were in town for the holidays and I wanted to see them, but wasn't sure when/how we were going too.... this made it all possible.  They are such good people.  And I'm glad that they got to meet Lucy and Tristan.  It's nice to know people's parents and families and like hang out with them too :)

So here's to you, my trusty old friend.  I hope that you do your new owner as well as you helped us out!



A little while back I decided that I wanted to run a marathon.  I always remember saying that it was something that I was totally OK with not doing... but then I was watching Biggest Loser (I know I know) and the last 4 contestants run a marathon to raise money for a charity.  And I thought, "if they have the dedication and determination then why can't I?"  And this is after they've worked so hard to lose all the weight that they have to be healthy enough to even attempt it.

So... I knew that Grand Rapids had one in October and I thought that would be a good time because of the weather.  I HATE HATE HATE running in hot humid weather.  I guess my lungs really don't like it that much... the asthma flares up really badly when its humid out.  So I figured I have about a year to train for it.  There is a 25K in May in GR also that I thought would be a good training stepping stone to it.  I thought that I could train for the 25K (15.2 miles) and if I still left the need to run more then I would continue with my training for the marathon.

Well, I was looking online for deadlines and stuff and saw that Kalamazoo has a marathon... but it's a bit earlier... like 6 months earlier.  It's the Sunday before the 25K.  That means I have about 6 months to prepare for both races.  I'm geeked about it.  :)  I signed up for a 24 hour gym (so that I can run when the kids are asleep).  My mother-in-law got me a manuel treadmill for Christmas (because of space and we thought that it would be quieter) but you can't run on them.  It was way to hard and because there isn't a motor the "Flintstone" power just wasn't enough.  So the money that was used for that is going towards the membership.

I will keep you updated on how training is going!  I'm excited to see if I can do it.  Gaetan and I talked and we discussed that if I had time and it wasn't interfering with life then I would do it. I just remember when my Dad trained for the 25K Mom just said that it seemed like all he was doing... and obviously I don't have that kind of time to dedicate to it.  So if I can great, if not, maybe next year :)