Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Potty training success!

This past Friday we took a serious stab at potty training Bugga.  We got the book that my parents recommended and followed it step by step just as they said.  We even had to get a peeing doll, (which wasn't easy to find).  We actually ended up getting a regular doll and doing some surgery to it to make it a peeing doll.  The boys apparently named is Sippy.  :)

I stayed with some good friends while this adventure was going on... which was another stipulation of the book.  No distractions at all.  So Lucy and I got kicked out, but it was good to visit and hang out with Ashley.  It's funny because that was something that would be considered very typical, since we lived so close together for so long, so it was nice to do that again.

The first night seemed to be very encouraging.  He had done very well for half of the day... no accidents!  And he even stayed dry all through the night.  But Saturday was a different story.  He didn't do so hot for the first half of the day... in fact he didn't make it to the potty at all.  But it seemed like he was really starting to get it right before he went to bed.  Poor duder was getting so tired you could see... but it was a good way to end the 2nd day.  It was starting to get a little discouraging because it seemed like he was going to be doing so well, since his first day was!  But we were really tired from the previous day (me traveling, and Papa having some intense potty talks with Duder, and of course Duder himself going through the process).

Today was much better.  He only had a few accidents in the morning but was dry the rest of the day!  It really seems like he is getting it and is so proud when we ask him if he has dry pants and they are.  :)  This is such a HUGE step for our little dude.  We are so proud of him and all he tries to accomplish.  Just gotta keep on going and I know he will have it in no time!


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