Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Sunday, July 3, 2011

My parents left...

For Africa!  On Saturday I dropped them off for their 2 week missions trip to Kenya.  This will be the 2nd time my Dad has gone, but this is the FIRST time my Mom has gone on any sort of missions trip.  She is the kind that is always doing something behind the scenes, but this is her first time OUT and she went BIG.  I know that this is really big for her because she doesn't like 1.) hot 2.) smells or 3.) Traveling a ton really.  But she said that God was telling her to go so how could she say no?  Its awesome to witness her obedience in this!  I think that they are going to have a really good time together, because there is no other way to describe how it feels to serve with your spouse.

I can't wait to hear the stories when they get back.  It's weird already (and its only been one day) not seeing them, after seeing them all the time.  So we are responsible for making sure the house stays in tact while they're gone.  It's kinda a nice eye opener for me to see what it would be like taking care of the 2 kids by myself, without the help of my Mom.  And it will also be nice to see what it takes to run a house!  I know that we are looking forward to the day when we are homeowners, but for right now, we are quite happy with our set up.  :)

Continue to pray for my parents and their team.  Pray that everybody stays healthy, that none of the luggage gets lost (because they are carrying the bibles translated in the different languages there) and that there is lots of fellowship and open hearts.  We are excited for them!


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