It's been a week since the arrival of our Lu! She was born at 3:21 last Friday at 8 lb 11 oz. 21 inches. Big gal! Head full of hair! At first she when they extracted her she cried a lot and I was worried that what everybody said would be true... that the 2nd one would be a stinker. Turns out, she was just hungry. After an epic round of nursing she was happy and hasn't really cried since! Well... you know, when she's wet and hungry, but that's to be expected. She sleeps like a dream if you hold her... so that's what we've been doing while I recover. I've discovered that I can make a nest on the couch and be rather comfortable. It's hard for me to get in and out of bed, so we found that this is the best way for everybody to get rest.
We had lots of visitors in our short hospital stay. I was pretty thrilled that we only had to stay 2 days after the surgery. This time last time we were still in the hospital... ugh. I guess it makes a big difference when you're not laboring before hand or have preeclampsia! The Lord has been good to us in that respect. Well, He's been good in all aspect.
Mom has been such a big help. She's sleeping downstairs so she can help me out when I need it in the middle of the night. Gaetan is sleeping upstairs with Tristan, so we can have some sort of normalcy for him. He seemed to be pretty about Lucy when she first got here, but I think that novelty of her is wearing off. I think he thinks she should be going home now... so there has been some interesting power struggles with him lately. All part of the parenting learning experience.
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