So this summer GRCC offered to let Gaetan teach a section of Calc 3... even though he doesn't have a degree in math! That is SO awesome. I'm really excited that he gets this responsibility, and I know that he really likes teaching. That also means that he doesn't necessarily have to work as many hours in the lab if he so chooses not too :) More family time. This is pretty rare also because a lot of people who have degrees there don't get to teach the 'fun' classes (as Gaetan puts it). They get stuck with college algebra and things like that... and the way that he got this was by recommendations by other math faculty! So all his wonderful hardwork that he does/did in the lab is being recognized by his peers, which is so good. The only downside is that this class starts on Tuesday... so he has to get his lesson plans, syllabus and poop in a group really in a short amount of time.
Other awesome thing is that they're going to let him teach a physics lab during the second half of the summer. :) And they that might include the actual lecture too... we will see.
Life happens so quickly! I am learning to take things in as they come and enjoy it one day at a time.
Family photo Oct 2010

Friday, April 29, 2011
A better day
I have been really up and down lately emotionally. I know there are a lot of factors that are behind it, and rationally I know that it will get better, but in the moment it doesn't really help, ya know?
This morning was busy. We had 2 Dr's appointments. One for Lucy's 2 week check and one for my incision. We got to the Lucy's appointment and it turns out that her Dr. had to go to the hospital to deliver a baby... so we had to reschedule. Couldn't be too upset since about 2 weeks ago I'm sure my surgery caused a few rescheduling of other patients... It then gave us a little window of time before we had to go to my appointment, so we went out for breakfast. :) However, Bugga was a bit of a handful there... and I remember thinking that i wasn't going to be that person in the restaurant with the screaming kid. I was starting to feel down again about the whole thing. Hm.
I went to my appointment and the Dr said that my incision looks great! that i'm recovering really well, and all is going as hoped. He took the tape off my incision, but the adhesive from the tape and stuff left a rash... so I have to try my best not to scratch the crap out of it! But the good thing is is that I can actually see my incision, and the under side of my belly, which has been a long time! So I'm losing weight! About 23 lbs so far... but I gained around 53. So we still have a little ways to go, but i figured not bad for sitting around.
We had another bit of a stressful situation, but nothing to do with family. We help out a friend's business by cleaning this awful place and all they do is complain. Rationally I know it's not our fault and they're just upset and they want to blame somebody for their problems, but it doesn't really help at the time. So we have been trying to figure out what to do with that on top of getting our lives back to 'normal'. But I think everything is going to work out.
After nap time Tristan was in a bit of a funky mood (which hasn't been too uncommon lately). BUT the difference was he would let me play with him. He actually got a book and we read for a little while and he didn't run off screaming into the other room anytime it was just the two of us. :) I put Lu Bird on the floor for some tummy time while I did something and he was very gentle with playing around her and showing her his toys. I think he really liked that. After dinner we went to the mall to play on the play structure and he let me hold his hand! We walked into the play area together, and he calmly let me take his shoes off and his coat before he went and played. I even got numerous kisses without being bribed by ice cream :)
He hasn't whined or cried since after dinner, which is HUGE. I think he may be getting his 2 year molars, which would account for the random crying and the fever... we are keeping our fingers crossed! But it does this Momma's heart good to have her son let her be by him again and love on him. :) Just gotta keep a good attitude and know all my prayers are being answered!
This morning was busy. We had 2 Dr's appointments. One for Lucy's 2 week check and one for my incision. We got to the Lucy's appointment and it turns out that her Dr. had to go to the hospital to deliver a baby... so we had to reschedule. Couldn't be too upset since about 2 weeks ago I'm sure my surgery caused a few rescheduling of other patients... It then gave us a little window of time before we had to go to my appointment, so we went out for breakfast. :) However, Bugga was a bit of a handful there... and I remember thinking that i wasn't going to be that person in the restaurant with the screaming kid. I was starting to feel down again about the whole thing. Hm.
I went to my appointment and the Dr said that my incision looks great! that i'm recovering really well, and all is going as hoped. He took the tape off my incision, but the adhesive from the tape and stuff left a rash... so I have to try my best not to scratch the crap out of it! But the good thing is is that I can actually see my incision, and the under side of my belly, which has been a long time! So I'm losing weight! About 23 lbs so far... but I gained around 53. So we still have a little ways to go, but i figured not bad for sitting around.
We had another bit of a stressful situation, but nothing to do with family. We help out a friend's business by cleaning this awful place and all they do is complain. Rationally I know it's not our fault and they're just upset and they want to blame somebody for their problems, but it doesn't really help at the time. So we have been trying to figure out what to do with that on top of getting our lives back to 'normal'. But I think everything is going to work out.
After nap time Tristan was in a bit of a funky mood (which hasn't been too uncommon lately). BUT the difference was he would let me play with him. He actually got a book and we read for a little while and he didn't run off screaming into the other room anytime it was just the two of us. :) I put Lu Bird on the floor for some tummy time while I did something and he was very gentle with playing around her and showing her his toys. I think he really liked that. After dinner we went to the mall to play on the play structure and he let me hold his hand! We walked into the play area together, and he calmly let me take his shoes off and his coat before he went and played. I even got numerous kisses without being bribed by ice cream :)
He hasn't whined or cried since after dinner, which is HUGE. I think he may be getting his 2 year molars, which would account for the random crying and the fever... we are keeping our fingers crossed! But it does this Momma's heart good to have her son let her be by him again and love on him. :) Just gotta keep a good attitude and know all my prayers are being answered!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Baby Lucy
Baby Lucy is a champ. We are so excited to have her around. She's a great sleeper and EATER. :) We have been blessed with really chill newborns... I have been getting WAY more sleep then I ever expected to be getting. She's a sweetheart. :) She doesn't do a whole lot other then sleep, eat and you know, poop, but all good things. She loves her tummy time and she seems so alert! She has great head control and follows objects in front of her face. I think that she's gonna be a smart one like Bugga.
Feeling... blah
So it's almost been 2 weeks since Baby Lucy has been extracted. I knew that c-section recovery time was going to take a bit, and really it's been going really well. I feel good and I've stopped taking the heavier of my pain meds. However... I still feel a bit useless. I've been watching my Mom, Dad and wonderful Husband work their tails off around me while I sleep on the couch and don't do much. I know that I need to rest fully before I do stuff so that I don't prolong the recovery time... it's just hard feeling like you don't contribute...
However, today my new nursing shirt came in the mail! Gaetan and Bugga went out running errands last week and they ordered me one :) It's wonderful. Very comfy and it fits already! I did get a chance to go outside with Bugga for a little bit today, which was nice. Because I got out of the house, and it gave me a chance to hang out with Bugga. Which is a feat in itself lately.
Ever since I've come home from the hospital he's wanted nothing to do with me. I understand that he was upset that I was gone for a few days and whenever Gaetan came home to put him to sleep while we were in the hospital he wasn't very thrilled about it at first. But Bugga is definitely making me pay for being gone. He won't even sit on the couch and read books with me... has to be with Grandma or Gaetan. I know it will get better when I can start taking care of him more without Mom's help... but for right now it stings. And I know that he goes through phases, but its still hard when you wanna play or cuddle and he goes screaming and crying out of the room. So I am praying that I can keep my spirits high, and rest up so that I can be back to normal.
I did get to make dinner tonight also, which was nice to do for my family. I have my 2 week incision check up on Friday... hope all things go well! I'm hoping the Dr will tell me that I can do stairs so I can go upstairs and sleep in the same bed with Gaetan. Things will be better then. :)
However, today my new nursing shirt came in the mail! Gaetan and Bugga went out running errands last week and they ordered me one :) It's wonderful. Very comfy and it fits already! I did get a chance to go outside with Bugga for a little bit today, which was nice. Because I got out of the house, and it gave me a chance to hang out with Bugga. Which is a feat in itself lately.
Ever since I've come home from the hospital he's wanted nothing to do with me. I understand that he was upset that I was gone for a few days and whenever Gaetan came home to put him to sleep while we were in the hospital he wasn't very thrilled about it at first. But Bugga is definitely making me pay for being gone. He won't even sit on the couch and read books with me... has to be with Grandma or Gaetan. I know it will get better when I can start taking care of him more without Mom's help... but for right now it stings. And I know that he goes through phases, but its still hard when you wanna play or cuddle and he goes screaming and crying out of the room. So I am praying that I can keep my spirits high, and rest up so that I can be back to normal.
I did get to make dinner tonight also, which was nice to do for my family. I have my 2 week incision check up on Friday... hope all things go well! I'm hoping the Dr will tell me that I can do stairs so I can go upstairs and sleep in the same bed with Gaetan. Things will be better then. :)
Friday, April 22, 2011
New happenings
It's been a week since the arrival of our Lu! She was born at 3:21 last Friday at 8 lb 11 oz. 21 inches. Big gal! Head full of hair! At first she when they extracted her she cried a lot and I was worried that what everybody said would be true... that the 2nd one would be a stinker. Turns out, she was just hungry. After an epic round of nursing she was happy and hasn't really cried since! Well... you know, when she's wet and hungry, but that's to be expected. She sleeps like a dream if you hold her... so that's what we've been doing while I recover. I've discovered that I can make a nest on the couch and be rather comfortable. It's hard for me to get in and out of bed, so we found that this is the best way for everybody to get rest.
We had lots of visitors in our short hospital stay. I was pretty thrilled that we only had to stay 2 days after the surgery. This time last time we were still in the hospital... ugh. I guess it makes a big difference when you're not laboring before hand or have preeclampsia! The Lord has been good to us in that respect. Well, He's been good in all aspect.
Mom has been such a big help. She's sleeping downstairs so she can help me out when I need it in the middle of the night. Gaetan is sleeping upstairs with Tristan, so we can have some sort of normalcy for him. He seemed to be pretty about Lucy when she first got here, but I think that novelty of her is wearing off. I think he thinks she should be going home now... so there has been some interesting power struggles with him lately. All part of the parenting learning experience.
We had lots of visitors in our short hospital stay. I was pretty thrilled that we only had to stay 2 days after the surgery. This time last time we were still in the hospital... ugh. I guess it makes a big difference when you're not laboring before hand or have preeclampsia! The Lord has been good to us in that respect. Well, He's been good in all aspect.
Mom has been such a big help. She's sleeping downstairs so she can help me out when I need it in the middle of the night. Gaetan is sleeping upstairs with Tristan, so we can have some sort of normalcy for him. He seemed to be pretty about Lucy when she first got here, but I think that novelty of her is wearing off. I think he thinks she should be going home now... so there has been some interesting power struggles with him lately. All part of the parenting learning experience.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Lucy Eve
I can't believe it but tonight is the last night I am going to be pregnant! Tomorrow morning will be Lucy's extraction! This week has gone by quickly... as I thought it might. We did get everything (I think) we needed in preparation finished... so we are just waiting for our baby girl.
I am excited to have her, but am already feeling that I'm going to miss Tristan like crazy the next few days while I'm at the hospital. He's been doing well, but I think he knows that his world is gonna change. I am thankful that I have a family that is very supportive and can help out so that Gaetan can stay with me at the hospital for tomorrow.
I have high hopes for this c-section! I'm assuming that this time around will be easier, but we can only pray that Lucy is healthy. Getting excited!!!!
Will post pictures of course, when I can.
I am excited to have her, but am already feeling that I'm going to miss Tristan like crazy the next few days while I'm at the hospital. He's been doing well, but I think he knows that his world is gonna change. I am thankful that I have a family that is very supportive and can help out so that Gaetan can stay with me at the hospital for tomorrow.
I have high hopes for this c-section! I'm assuming that this time around will be easier, but we can only pray that Lucy is healthy. Getting excited!!!!
Will post pictures of course, when I can.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Beautiful weather weekend!
This weekend has been great. The weather has been so beautiful, and my caring and ever-so-thoughtful husband has really been taking extra good care of me! We took it easy yesterday and just hung out with the Bugga. Went outside A TON, which he LOVES. I have been retaining a bit of water in the legs and such, but am still feeling generally OK. The final count down has begun... less than 5 days! Had my last OB appointment on Friday before Lucy gets here... kinda surreal!
Today Bugga played hard outside with Grandpa and Gaetan. Seeing how the weather was 80ish out it was gorgeous for him. His little cheeks were all sorts of pink from his running around. He even went outside barefoot... He figured a way back outside after dinner too and ran around in his diaper and t-shirt. It was pretty cute. :) Gaetan also took him grocery shopping today so I could rest some more and have some alone time. Bugga and I weren't exactly clicking today, but it was nice that he wanted to be around Gaetan.
My desire to eat anything sweet has diminished quite a bit. Which is probably good :) I did try my hand at homemade cherry pie this week... it was Grandpa Don approved. I am still interested in making new desserts, but only now I don't feel the urge to eat the whole thing once it's finished! We did get all of Lucy's clothes washed and organized into bins... and now getting the room ready for when I have to stay downstairs. Things are starting to happen! This Friday will be here before I know it... and we will soon be a family of 4!
Today Bugga played hard outside with Grandpa and Gaetan. Seeing how the weather was 80ish out it was gorgeous for him. His little cheeks were all sorts of pink from his running around. He even went outside barefoot... He figured a way back outside after dinner too and ran around in his diaper and t-shirt. It was pretty cute. :) Gaetan also took him grocery shopping today so I could rest some more and have some alone time. Bugga and I weren't exactly clicking today, but it was nice that he wanted to be around Gaetan.
My desire to eat anything sweet has diminished quite a bit. Which is probably good :) I did try my hand at homemade cherry pie this week... it was Grandpa Don approved. I am still interested in making new desserts, but only now I don't feel the urge to eat the whole thing once it's finished! We did get all of Lucy's clothes washed and organized into bins... and now getting the room ready for when I have to stay downstairs. Things are starting to happen! This Friday will be here before I know it... and we will soon be a family of 4!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
PhD bound
Its been a few weeks but we did finally mail in his official acceptance of the PhD physics program. I had been praying that he would have peace about this decision as I knew he was worried about providing for him family while in school. I knew he was worried that he was going to miss out on family life because of school work and TAing... and he felt as if going to school was a selfish thing for him to do! But God has given him peace about it and we mailed it it! :) It's a pretty good deal if you think about it. No having to take out student loans to go to school because his tuition is paid for, AND they are going to pay him to teach. We get health insurance (whoo hoo!) and we don't have to move far away. I will definitely be thankful for the extra eyes with the little ones while he is hard at work being super smart dude! Here's a picture of him mailing it in :)
We are so proud of him already!
We are so proud of him already!
Getting closer
Today marks my being 39 weeks pregnant! Still don't think anything exciting is going to happen, but we'll see! The Dr did call and we did set up the c-section. It will be on the 15th at 11:45 in the AM. Its kinda nice knowing that is the last day... unlike due dates. Due dates give you a general idea, but you could be week(s) over or before! I am still kinda hoping that I could go into labor on my own, but we will see... now the maternity clothes that I bought to replace the old ones that didn't fit aren't starting to fit... interesting.
Since the weather has been starting to get warmer Bugga and I have been exploring outside. He gets really excited about birds! He chases them through the yard. Its nice not being in an apartment complex because I don't have to worry about cars constantly. And there's lots of yard to roam around in! Its been a bit rainy lately, but thats OK! Oma bought him this adorable rain gear and some Toy Story boots.
I have also finally organized/washed all of the clothes that Lucy will be sporting at first. There is a lot of pink.... a lot of clothes were given from other people with girls so all the pink wasn't my doing. Free stuff is the best :)
Gaetan has also been working with Tristan on sounding out words too while he signs. He does really well... its very cute :)
Since the weather has been starting to get warmer Bugga and I have been exploring outside. He gets really excited about birds! He chases them through the yard. Its nice not being in an apartment complex because I don't have to worry about cars constantly. And there's lots of yard to roam around in! Its been a bit rainy lately, but thats OK! Oma bought him this adorable rain gear and some Toy Story boots.
I have also finally organized/washed all of the clothes that Lucy will be sporting at first. There is a lot of pink.... a lot of clothes were given from other people with girls so all the pink wasn't my doing. Free stuff is the best :)
Gaetan has also been working with Tristan on sounding out words too while he signs. He does really well... its very cute :)
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Date night
Yesterday Gaetan and I got to go out for a date night. We went out with another couple to this thai restaurant. I specified that I was real hungry and wanted mass quantities of food... so we used our friend Dizzy's fancy phone and got us a place. OH MY. This place lived up to their portion reviews. DELICIOUS. It was nice to just have time for us with some friends. Grandma had a lot of fun playing with Bugga so everybody won :) We got to have smoothies for dessert in fancy glasses... yum!
Things have been settling down a bit and we're getting back into a routine. Since the weather has been getting nicer it's been fun for Bugga to get out of the house. I feel bad for him at times because he wants to play longer but my back isn't about it quite yet. Once Baby Lucy hatches I think it will be a lot different and better :)
We are still planning on the 15th for my c-section if she doesn't come before then. My ankles are starting to swell a little bit, but my blood pressure is still good so we're just going to keep an eye on it. :) Getting really excited for her to come! Have some organizing to do before she gets here, but I like doing that sort of thing so all good.
I have been very influential when it comes to advertising food... I was listening to NPR today and they mentioned something about brownies... so what did I do when I got home? Made a pan of brownies and a pan of 7 layer brownie goodness... ridiculous. And by ridiculous, I mean ridiculously good. I hope my sweet tooth diminishes to something reasonable after Lucy hatches... haha. Here's a pic of me at 38 weeks!
Gaetan says it looks like I have a beach ball... haha. maybe I ate one :) Wouldn't surprise me :)
Things have been settling down a bit and we're getting back into a routine. Since the weather has been getting nicer it's been fun for Bugga to get out of the house. I feel bad for him at times because he wants to play longer but my back isn't about it quite yet. Once Baby Lucy hatches I think it will be a lot different and better :)
We are still planning on the 15th for my c-section if she doesn't come before then. My ankles are starting to swell a little bit, but my blood pressure is still good so we're just going to keep an eye on it. :) Getting really excited for her to come! Have some organizing to do before she gets here, but I like doing that sort of thing so all good.
I have been very influential when it comes to advertising food... I was listening to NPR today and they mentioned something about brownies... so what did I do when I got home? Made a pan of brownies and a pan of 7 layer brownie goodness... ridiculous. And by ridiculous, I mean ridiculously good. I hope my sweet tooth diminishes to something reasonable after Lucy hatches... haha. Here's a pic of me at 38 weeks!
Gaetan says it looks like I have a beach ball... haha. maybe I ate one :) Wouldn't surprise me :)
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