Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hard working Daddy

So I am currently sitting in an completely silent apartment by myself.  Tristan has retired for the night and I'm waiting for Gaetan to get home from helping some friends move.  I am so lucky to have such a considerate husband who is so willing to help out in any way he can!  For instance...

We have been lucky that he's able to get 40 hours at work now. However, because he's the only guy that can really do organic chemistry the one-on-one tutoring office is trying to load him up with as many kids as possible.  I'm sure that he can only do 40 hours a week, but I think they would work him WAY more if they could.  But there is a guy who comes into the calc/physics lab all the time that wanted some additional help that was willing to pay out of pocket... so Gaetan discussed with me so see what I thought.  His (Gaetan's) big stipulation was that he didn't want to stay later because he didn't want to take time away from being home... so what did they come up with!?  6 AM because Gaetan works at 8... ::shaking head:: that's crazy!  I told him I hope it was only for this next week because he was gonna be tired real quick.

He does so much to make sure that we're taken care of.  Last night I was SO hungry all the sudden but didn't really know what to eat or make... and since it was getting towards the end of the week groceries were running low.  So he offered to make me something that was delicious :)  Although I ate all of it (and the recipe said it was supposed to feed 6 people) I felt like a horker so my crazy self cried about it for awhile.  Good thing I have a husband who is there to agree with me that I'm crazy but there is a good reason to eat until I'm full...

Love this guy way too much.  God definitely knows my heart and my desires and He proved me with the best mate ever :)


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