Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Impressions 5

As a mom, there is this daily struggle to tell myself that I'm not screwing things up royally or that I'm doing enough.  Its especially hard now that we are in the full swing of what is the school year.  Before, if we didn't do school everyday I wouldn't feel so badly because I would tell myself that it's summer break or something... but now that we are in the actual school year... time to stop making excuses!

One of the things that I do really enjoy about homeschooling is the freedom to do it when we can.  I do try to do it in the morning right after breakfast to maintain a sort of schedule/routine but there are some days that it's just not possible.  So, when the opportunity arose to go on a field trip I was really excited!

We were going to meet up with Oma, Oma Oma and Karl-Jan for a good bye dinner in Lansing.  I wanted to try up and meet up in the middle because i know that the drive can be long and I knew that Ingrid had to work that day... so we decided to make a day out of it instead of just driving to Lansing for dinner.  I found this Impressions 5 science museum there and it was awesome.  I wasn't sure how good of a deal it was going to be till we got there, but we definitely could've spent an entire day there.  The kids had a blast and I felt like it was fun learning for them!  It was one of my more proud/pat myself on the back homeschooling moments haha.

I highly recommend going, and even G and I had fun!  Of course you could choose how in-depth you wanted to go into the subjects, so it was great for all ages.  I can't wait to go back!


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