Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Sunday, August 28, 2011

No sick days for Mommas

Unfortunately since the last time I blogged I have been super sick.  Whatever Tristan had I have been so lucky enough to take over.  I started to not feel so good after naptime on Thursday... and I can always tell when I'm going to get a fever because my body aches and my head starts getting these shooting pains, what feels like my brain stem.  But we were having company over so I pushed through and kept on trucking.  I went to bed with the kids that night because I figured that the more sleep I could get the better!  However, Lucy woke up every 2-3 hours... which is CRAZY for her!  The first time she woke up I checked my temp and I was north of 102... yuck.  And the worst part about getting sick for me is fevers.  I would take runny nose, cough anything over getting a fever.  It somehow just shuts down my entire body and then I'm cold/hot achy mess!

I've been lucky that Gaetan has been home this entire time to watch Tristan while I lay around feeling poorly.  On Friday he took him playing all morning and then to the children's museum after naptime so that the house would be a little bit quiet so I could get some rest.  But pretty much Friday I would wake up with Lucy, which she was up again every 2-3 hours to feed her and that was about it.  I remember getting really really sick when Tristan was about her age and worried about my milk production lowering too... which I think it has, but it seems like they are still getting enough food.  It makes me think that the reason why she's getting up so often is so that she can eat enough... so that's good.  Not good that we're not getting a ton of sleep, but you know, good for her :).

I stayed at my fever of about 102-103 all day Friday and into the early morning Saturday... but then I finally broke my fever around 2 a.m.  I woke up and was SO SWEATY.  Like way more sweaty then I ever am while exercising... its crazy talk.  I started to feel a little better, but then realized that I hadn't eaten since Thursday too... But with the fever gone I realized that my throat was on fire!  That is usually the first thing I get when I get sick... my tonsils and lymphnodes get really swollen and we find these nasty white things on them.  When I was little we would always go to the Dr's to see if it was strep but it never was.

So that's basically where I am now.  I get wiped energy wise doing the simplest tasks and my throat feels like I swallowed broken glass.  The house work has gone by the way side, but I'm trying to climb back on top slowly but surely.  I did get 2 loads of laundry, some dishes and make a grocery list done today.  Am looking forward to my bed, which is hopefully soon.  Hope I get better because laying around trying to make sure things are still going smoothly isn't going so well.


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