Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

This past weekend was busy! Friday I had my 6 weeks postpardum check up with the Dr... he said everything was really healthy and good!  :)  I have been feeling better, but things are still a little slow.  I probably did too much this weekend, but I had a lot of fun.  Later that Friday Gaetan's Mom came out for a visit... and I got to do something nice for him.  he's been saying that his back was really sore and his shoulders so I scheduled him to get a deep tissue massage.  I didn't know if that was going to be prissy going to a salon, but he said that he really enjoyed it and that his shoulders still feel good!  :)  I was glad that I was able to do something nice for him, since he's been such a big helper to me.  He also go to purchase himself a little toy... well, it's useful for school too.  we finally got our federal tax refund back so he got himself a Mac Book Pro.  Our old laptop has been slowly dying (it probably didn't help that Tristan has gotten his hands on it a few times).  So it was good that he got to get that in time for school.

Saturday we went out to the east side of the state for a fundraising roda for a fellow capoeirista.  He got injured on the job and we've been trying to help him with his medical bills.  It was really nice to see some old friends and get out of the house a bit!  Usually riding in the car takes a toll on my body, but this time wasn't too bad.  We got to see our friend's house and all the remodeling that they've done on it... it looks really nice!  We also stopped by Ikea (since it's about 2 miles from their house) and got Lucy a mattress for her crib.

Sunday we got to visit with a friend at her cottage and help her parents put in their dock, in exchange for letting Tristan play in the lake, visit with Grace and her parents and have a delicious lunch! he LOVES the water... which was pretty cold in my opinion, but that didn't seem to deter him at all.  I think he mostly liked being naked most of the time hahaha.

Monday was our 'down' day.  We finally got Lucy's room squared away and got her crib set up!  Which results in her sleeping through the night!  yay!  And out of our room... it was fantastic.  It's funny because Gaetan pretty much had to convince me to get Tristan out of our room by getting a video monitor so that I could watch him... and with Lucy I couldn't get her out of there fast enough.  She's a bit of a loud snorer... and I don't think that either of my children liked the pack n play at all.  They would both sleep a few hours in the pack n play but in the crib they sleep for about 6 hours... DELIGHTFUL!

We also got to go out to eat with another couple friend that we haven't gotten to see lately because we've been busy and they have been busy with school.  So that was nice to have dinner with them and just catch up.  It was also nice to get out of the house with the kids and just be out and about.  Tristan did great in the restaurant and ate like a big boy :)

Today I tried out a new recipe which will definitely make the new rotation :)  This has been a great few days.


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