Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Break so far...

I don't know how the days go by so quickly, but they have!  Gaetan has been on break now for almost a week and it's been AWESOME.  I love having him home and I know that Bugga is really enjoying all the extra Daddy time.

The first weekend of break we had our first OB appointment.  Due to the nature of my C-section I got transferred down there for the rest of this pregnancy.  They said all sounded good and Lucy's heart rate was about 155ish.  She's quite active and is a kicker!  :)  Its fun to watch my belly do the wave.

Then, we went to Detroit for their pre-batizado.  It was nice to see all the capo folk on that side of the state, and to play some new people.  We also got to hang out with our faves Ashley and Sunil.  I wish we knew where we were going to be and that it would be close to them because they are such a fun couple to be around.

This break has been filled with a lot of relaxation, hide and seek, Grandma and Grandpa and food!  Yesterday Grandma and Grandpa watched Bugga while Gaetan and I went on a mid-day date.  We went and saw the new Narnia movie :)  We have started reading the books over again to baby Lucy, which is fun.  I am glad that we have people we can trust to watch Bugga while we do something like go to a movie.  And it's a nice break for us for a little while... I don't think that I could take too long of a break from him!

Today was kinda a busy one for me.  I got to have breakfast with a really good friend Beaker.  He lives in Seattle now and is in town for the holidays.  It was really good catching up with him.  Then, I played these two Christmas gigs with my Dad and some friends.  It was fun to play jazzy Christmas music together!  We did it last year, and I think that we're probably going to do it next year too.

My brother Jon is home for the holidays also.  That is a rare treat that he isn't in Iraq and is able to be home with family.  He just moved bases from Washington to Colorado, so at least the drive was a little closer for him this time.

God is just really taking care of us this holiday season and we are so thankful for the little blessings.  Looking forward to seeing what other things we will encounter this break!


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