What are the holidays without a little drama with the family right? Well, this one I kinda started but it had been bugging me for awhile now. My sister had wanted to get details down for what to do at mom and dad's for Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. It had come out that she wasn't going to be spending Christmas Day at mom and Dads but the way she worded it made it sound like her whole family wasn't going to be there. Turns out, nope, just she isn't going to be there. WTF!? On Christmas Day you're going to leave your kids somewhere while you go to your boyfriend's? That's messed up. And the fact that the kids could've gone but it was just more convenient for them to not was even more irritating. I get that she is dating and all that but HELLO! Your number one priority ARE YOUR KIDS. NOT TRYING TO FAWN OVER YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND. I was pissed. She, again, was taking advantage of mom and Dad and just pretending like she didn't know she was doing it. So... we had it out a little. More or less it was me asking hard questions she didn't want to hear and her crying and saying how difficult life has been. I'm not doubting it at all. I would never want to be where she is... but the fact remains that she needs to man up, take care of her kids, and when parenting gets tough (because it will when they're teenagers) you can't just bury your head in the sand and pretend it's not happening and that it will go away. It, in fact, will only get worse. Then, she was all like, 'I will be there all morning, just gone in the afternoon.' NOPE. She woke up, went back to her place to get ready, had breakfast and then left. She probably saw her kids for 2 hours that day.
Christmas Eve was actually really low key once we got to Mom and Dad's. We just did puzzles and hung out. The cousins were all on devices so they weren't as obnoxious as they could've been. There were so many treats and goodies it was amazing that I didn't get diabetes that day! We all pitched in and did sandwich stuff and appetizery things all day so that Mom didn't have to cook. Then, we sang some carols, played pin the nose on the reindeer and the kiddos went to bed.
The adults stayed up WAAAAAY late and played Tripoly, which is my favorite game ever. But, we finally called it quits after I realized I had to be up in a few hours. Overall, I think it was a really nice Christmas Eve and even though I had some tough things to say to Holly I think she took them well.