Family photo Oct 2010

Family photo Oct 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Grandpa Don

Today I got to hang out with my Dad for most of the day :)  He's on vacation this week and so I asked if we could hang out today, because that's Gaetan's long day at work.  So he picked me up after Tristan's nap and we headed to a golf shop... fun right?  It actually turned out to be a lot of fun.  I don't know much about golfing, but it was nice to see him actually spend some money on himself.  Although, he did it in the most froogle way possible :).  He got all his clubs regripped, bought a new club and a new bag for under $50!  Way to go!  Tristan had a lot of fun exploring the golf shop and going up and down their ramp.

We then headed back to their house where Tristan played like crazy there with Grandma and Grandpa.  He walked up and down and up and down their HUGE hilled driveway.  My dad keeps hinting that he wants us to move in with them, which is a kind gesture, but I don't think that it would work for a family of 4 to move in there.  Their house is definitely big enough, but I think we like having our own space and doing our own things.  Also, Mom doesn't cook with onion or garlic... I don't know what I would do!

I'm glad that Bugga is liking going over to Grandma and Grandpa's too.  We pull into the driveway and he starts clapping and laughing.  Good thing too because he will be there on Thursday night and Friday night this week!  I am thinking ahead for when I have number 2 I think Grandma is going to watch him, so he'll have to try spending the night once or twice before that so he's used to it.   We'll probably spend the night with him just so he gets used to it. :)

We tried putting him in the nursery for church on Sunday because we have been working in the nursery for Saturday night services.  I thought the surroundings would be familiar enough.  He did well for most the service.  Made it about 45 minutes.  The poor gals in the nursery didn't know the signs for 'milk' and 'please' so he's signing away and they don't know what he wanted!  But now they do... and we'll probably try the nursery again soon :)

I am excited for my Dad's vacation this week.  It sounds like he has a lot of things planned that are fun for him.  Tomorrow he's taking Gaetan fishing so he can take the boat out one more time before winter.  And then he gets to use his new fancy clubs on Saturday with some of his friends.

I know that I am extremely blessed to have such a fantastic earthly father.  He has really shown me what I wanted in a husband, and a father.  I know that God is the ultimate Father but He really did bless me with this one.


Friday, September 24, 2010

The joy of laughter

I am currently listening to my husband make silly noises while my son places with him... laughing hysterically.  I don't think that there is anything cuter than having a home filled with a child's laughter.  It warms a Momma's heart :)

The other day Gaetan had Tristan laughing so hard he tipped over... how adorable is that? 

I love my family.


First Dr appointment

So I had my first OB appointment today for number 2!  Going through all the rig-a-ma-roll of the first appointment isn't fun, but we got to hear the heart beat, which was all worth it!  :)  With Tristan they couldn't find it, but they said it was normal.  But with this one they did and it was 175!  :)  Which they said was normal and good for this stage in the game.  Very cool.... :)

I am planning on trying to have a VBAC but I'm all about being flexible and having a c-section if that's what's necessary.  I found out today that my pediatrician can't deliver though due to the nature of having a c-section before.  So I will be transferred to the OB/GYN when I'm about 30 weeks instead of family practice. 

It's getting exciting!  I'm starting to feel more human again and wanting to actually do stuff at night time other than feel sick.  :)


Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So... Bugga is cutting himself some new teeth... more specifically some molars!  Poor little dude!  :(  I think that he's gonna get them on the left side where he already has more!  Might be lop-sided!  hahaha.

Gaetan has also taught him a new trick... to say "uh-oh" and put his hands ontop of his head... its very adorable.

I love this baby boy so much.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Been a long time!

So... I realized that I haven't blogged in a long time!  I am finally starting to feel better so I have been busier doing other things :)  You know... things that I was too sick to do before.  hahaha.  Unfortunately i have legitimately caught some other type of cold... Bugga and I are sharing.  Poor duder is cutting some molars too so he's been having a hard time sleeping!  I feel bad for him because he'll wake up crying just saying... "Owie Momma... Owie owie!"  And I know he's so tired but in so much pain!  :(  Luckily the Lord lets us go through that when we don't remember ;)

Today I got to play a wedding with my Dad.  I always like playing music with him!  He is so gifted I am amazed everytime we play together.  And pretty much I like spending anytime I can with him because he's the coolest ;)

In a week I have my first OB appointment.  Could be good!  Gaetan is still convinced that we're having twins... will keep you updated on that. 


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Today was my first rehearsal for an orchestra I joined conducted by my old high school orchestra director!  It was really nice to play again with other musicians.  The music isn't too challenging but I just like being in the atmosphere again!  I think it's gonna be a lot of fun!  :)

I still pretty awful.  On top of that I think that I legit caught a cold from all the travelling.... :(  So I am definitely getting enough sleep (thanks to my wonderful husband and baby) just have to work on the rest.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Home sweet home

Well... as I've been saying we have been doing a lot of traveling lately!  I am sure glad to be home though!  We did have a lot of fun in Rochester, NY at CM Carcara's batizado... and we got to see some great friends, but there is no place like home.  Bugga did very well in the car (as normal).  There were a few times that I could tell he was unhappy to be in the car, but I could very much sympathize!

We did make it home safely early this morning which is a huge praise!  We usually drive through the night so that he can sleep in the car, and have less traffic, but then we are usually tired when we get to our destination or home!  But he was a trooper and definitely let us take a nap when we got home ;)

I am very much looking forward to getting home and used to my schedule!  Gaetan went back to work last week so it was a little harder.  He's got more hours during the school year than in the summer, so that was an adjustment, and I still am shaky on how I feel at any given moment.  But I think that it will get better and that once I'm used to this new schedule that will help as well! 

I know that there have been lots of prayers said on my behalf and by others on my behalf!  So thank you!  My wonderful husband is so supportive even when I'm a chore of a woman...

I'm glad that we got to have a travel companion this weekend also!  :)  It's always nice to get to know a friend more... thanks Breaker!